Chapter 12: The Slumber Party

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"Ugh, this week has been so long! I can't wait for this weekend," Dellancy said while finishing her  Starbucks coffee. We all hung out near my locker after school excited that we only had one day until the weekend began. 

"I know right! We should totally do something crazy tomorrow night. Know of any parties anyone's throwing?" Chelsey suggested. I got a chill at the thought of going to another party. 

"Hey, what about a girls' night?" Olivia stated. 

"Yeah that sounds like lots of fun! I'm down for that," I said. 

"We could get all cute then take pictures to make our ex's jealous," Rachel offered and the other girls got excited. 

"You have an ex, right Annabelle?" 

"Uh," no I do not, "Yeah, there was this one boy from where I lived..." 

"Who's house?" Chesley asked ignoring me. 

"Wait Annabelle, do you think we could have a girls' night at your house? Do you think the boys would mind?" Dellancy asked. 

The other girls gasped and squealed. "Omg! Yes Annabelle we have to do it at your house! Er, the Swayler's house! You know how epic that would be?" 

"That would make our ex's jealous for sure! And maybe others too," Olivia winked. 

"I'd have to ask, but it's okay with me if it's okay with them!" I said. It would be lots of fun to have my friends over for once.



Breathing semi-heavily, Holly and I were on our run on this nice Thursday afternoon. I would have liked to hang out with the guys, but they were all doing separate things, so I figured I would go for a run since I haven't in a while. We started to pass by the skate park. I remembered how Blake and Josh taught me how to skate here after Josh taught me how to drive. I'm still not that good at skating though, and I probably couldn't go very far without Blake's help. 

I looked at my watch. I should probably turn around soon. Suddenly I heard a whistle. Oh no. I tried to ignore it and not look to see where it had came from until I heard it again along with an inappropriate comment. I then couldn't help but look towards its direction and found a few guys sitting on the edge of the skate park checking me out. They saw me look at them and proceeded to "compliment" me. I then had the choice of ignoring them and continuing on to possibly be catcalled more in the future along with other girls, or I could say something. So I paused my watch and walked up to them. They didn't really expect me to, but then were almost flattered that I did. At first. 

"Hey sweet a-"

"Whoever said they wanted to be called that? Certainly not me, so don't call me or anyone else that again. You whistle at me like I'm some sort of animal. I'm actually a human, believe it or not, so treat me like one!"

"Feisty," one of them said standing up impressed. 

"No, it's called deserving of simple human respect," I retorted. 

"We're not disrespecting you, you're the one who came up to us and started yelling at us," one of the guys put his hands up. 

"You're not disrespecting me?!" I started to get really mad. 

"Aww look now she's getting mad. That's almost as cute as your-"

"Don't talk about me like that! Please," I added so that hopefully they would comply. 

"Oh now she's begging, sort of like an animal... and you said we were treating you like an animal you say?" the guy came closer to my face. I was angry enough and realized there was nothing else I could do, so I started to walk away until suddenly I felt it. One of the pervs slapped my behind. I quickly turned around and slapped him across the face as hard as I could. Holly started barking. 

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