Chapter 1: Moving In

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Life had been really rough lately. My parents had just left for a mission trip last week to Ecuador. They had only planned on being gone for two weeks while I stayed at my friend's house, that is, until all the fires in my state had started getting worse. The forest fires near my town got so bad that we were all evacuated. I sent a letter to my parents asking where to go since everyone who was being evacuated had family in another state that they could stay with, but I didn't. Lots of towns in my state were going through the same thing, so there was a list of families across the country who volunteered to help out and are offering part of their homes to help us evacuees.

I was doing my homework at home alone while listening to music when suddenly there was a knock at my door. I was told by the authorities that we had to be evacuated within the next three hours! That soon? They said they have a place to send me and just to grab some important things. My parents had already taken everything important to them (except me) so I had to only worry about my things.

I didn't have much time, so I packed two of my childhood stuffed animals, a few of my dog's things, my favorite little items such as my locket necklace I got for my 16th birthday, and more. Soon enough the police were there walking me and my neighbors out of our houses. I had my stuffed suitcase in one hand and my dog in the other. I tried my best not to cry, especially since I was alone while having to leave my house behind me going who knows where. It was a hard time. Eventually I was at the airport with a ticket to LAX with a note that said "The Swaylers."

Who were the Swaylers? Is that a family or club or, huh? I had only been on a plane once before and I was with my friends, but now, I was all alone. I sat there on my 4 hour flight and cried to myself careful not to disturb anyone or make a sound. I didn't want any of the flight attendants knowing I was crying either. I just sat there looking out the window with tears streaming down my face.

The plane had finally landed and my butt hurt. I got up and found my way around the airport to there place I could find my dog, Holly. I finally found her and my suitcases then proceeded toward the exit of the airport. I looked at my note again. The Swaylers? Where am I supposed to find them?

I looked around standing outside the airport not sure what to do. I could ask someone, but this is LA, I don't think a random stranger would know who this family is. I sat on a bench texting my friend Keira who I stayed with a lot before the evacuation. After about 10 minutes of sitting there ready to cry in an unknown place just me and my dog, I looked up to see a guy with brown shaggy hair about 19 asking people. "Have you seen an evacuee?" He was holding a sign that said "Swayler" I gasped.

I stood up and walked over to him. "Um, excuse me, have you seen an evacuee around here? I'm late to pick him up and I don't know who he is..." he said.

"Oh um... well I just evacuated from the fires near my town," I said then showing him my note. "And I'm supposed to go with the Swaylers...?" I said.

"Oh! Uh, then I guess you're who I'm looking for... but I thought you were supposed to be a guy?" he said.

"Well um, I'm...not," I said unsure.

"Ok, uh, that's fine. Here come with me," he said. I followed him while holding my dog and bringing my suitcases. He walked over to his car in the parking garage. It was a black mustang.

"Sweet ride," I said.

"Thanks, I know it's pretty dope right?" he said.

I nodded my head and smiled politely. He helped me put my heavy suitcase in the trunk and then I got in the car. Getting in a car with a 19 year old dude who I just met is probably not the best idea, but we'll see how this goes...

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