Chapter 19: Greetings and Goodbyes pt.1

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As I woke up on my mattress that was on the floor of the living room basement, I looked around me to see the guys waking up slowly as well. Last night after we got home, we watched a movie and ended up staying up way too late laughing together about the most random things. The sun shone through the small windows at the top of the walls lighting up the room with an odd type of sunshine in our drowsy state on consciousness.

"Oh no... guys, wake up! We overslept!" Josh announced. I looked over to see him looking at his phone. "It's nearly eleven! Your parents are coming at one right? We still have a lot to do before they get here!"

Everyone sat up. "Oh gosh!"

"Plus, it's a bit of a drive to the airport," Max added.

"Okay everyone put your mattresses and bedding back in your room first of all so we can vacuum down here," Ash directed. I rubbed my face still sleepy, taking my time to get off my bed. Tyler was still basically asleep. We all looked at him amused. "Including you mister," Ash picked up the side of his mattress and flipped him onto the carpet waking him up. We all laughed. Besides Tyler on the ground, I was the only one left not standing. "And you're no exception either missy," Ash said walking over to my mattress. I didn't have any time to react before he lifted up the side of my bed causing me to roll off and onto the carpet, getting tangled in my blankets.

"Hey!" I laughed. All the boys laughed too. "Meanie! I was getting up," I lied.

"Yeah right," Blake laughed. As I struggled to get my legs out of my blanket, I began to stand up when Jordan lightly shoved me back onto my mattress.

"I thought you were getting up, why are you still in bed?" Jordan asked me, mockingly.

"Yeah, didn't you hear Ash, you're not an exception," Tyler added who was now standing along with his brothers.

I scoffed. "I am getting up! Or at least trying to," as I was barely on my feet again now out of the blanket, Blake shoved me knocking me down again.

"Hm, you need to stop lying Annabelle. You keep saying you're trying to get up but you're just sitting there," Josh said. My jaw dropped and I was getting frustrated although this was really funny. I looked at the eldest brothers thinking they'd have my side. "Max, Ash, a little help?"

"I don't know... you're literally just sitting there not doing anything so I'm not sure I want to help you," Max said looking at me. His brothers laughed as they were all in on it.

"Oh come on! I'm trying right now to- oof!" Jordan shoved me down again on my third attempt to get up. "Agh! Pooh you!" I said pretending to be angry while laughing. All the boys laughed even harder finding this as the best form of entertainment, picking on me.

"Ok for real though now, we have things to do so we should leave her alone," Ash said amused.

"Thank you! See at least someone- AAH!" Right as I thought he was doing me a favor, he came over and picked up the side of my mattress again flipping me right onto the carpet. Everyone roared with laughter again, including me once I was now between the mattress and the carpet, since he set it on top of me.

"Hm, Annabelle disappeared. Guess she finally got up and started cleaning somewhere," Tyler said.

"Yeah, guess so. Took her long enough," Josh said.

I watched from under the mattress as their most of their feet walked away with a few mattresses putting them away. "No! Guys! Don't leave me!" I laughed as I tried to remove the mattress from on top of me. It was heavier than I thought. Suddenly the weight was lifted and flipped over next to me instead of on me. I rolled over to see Jordan was the one who rescued me. I sighed of relief as he offered me a hand up.

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