Chapter 8: Popular Girls

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When I arrived at school, Dellancy, Chelsey, Rachel, and Olivia were excited to see me which made me feel good. Jordan, Blake, Josh, and Tyler walked me to my locker and then scattered. I then walked with my friends to class. As I walked in the door, Caleb who was already sitting in his seat made eye contact with me and I smiled at him. The sight of the five popular girls walking in the door caused more people than Caleb to look up from their desk, but I didn't notice. My friends and I then sat in the same place as yesterday. 

History class went okay...except that boy was kicking my seat again. When the teacher was facing the board and some of the students started whispering, I quickly turned around. "Would you please stop that?" I asked. 

"Stop what?" he said. 

"Kicking my chair!"

"Guess you shouldn't sit there then," he replied. He made me made so I just took a deep breath and faced forward again and he continued to kick my chair. I pursed my lips and just tried to focus on the teacher the rest of class. 

When the bell rang, I turned to him again. "Do you have anxiety or something? I asked you to stop kicking my chair."

"And I said you should sit somewhere else then. But you won't, will you? Because you're too popular and cool to not sit with your friends?"

"I'm not that popular and I?"

He scoffed. "Look now you're seeking attention while trying to be humble. That's just what a dumb blonde like you would do." 

My jaw dropped as he walked away. My friends already walked out of class, so I just grabbed my bag and headed to my science class. When I walked in and took my seat next to Jordan, he noticed something different in my expression. 

"What's up with you?" he asked. 

I frowned. "Nothing. Just some kid couldn't stop kicking my chair and when I asked him to stop, he called me a dumb blonde," I explained. 

Jordan was surprised. "Who is he?" he asked in a slightly deeper voice which happens when he gets a little angry. 

"No one, just a kid in my history class," I said. "I don't even know his name." 

"Okay, well if he calls you any more names, let me know," he said. 

"K," I said. I heard a girl sitting behind us that heard Jordan being protective sigh and I almost laughed but tried my hardest not to. I hope Jordan didn't hear that. 

Today we were going to dissect a frog so the teacher told us all to go to the back of the classroom to grab knifes and microscopes. Jordan went to grab us a microscope and I went to get us knifes. When the girl in front of me who happened to be Chloe grabbed her two knifes, she just happened to grab one missing the lid and she quickly turned around almost cutting my sleeve before I jumped back. I could tell she did that on purpose. "Oops. My bad," she said innocently when people saw her do this. I saw the evil in here eyes though as she smirked at me and shoved my shoulder as she walked past me. I stepped back into the guy behind me because of her shove and I apologized to him. He was one of the football guys and low key seemed happy that I noticed his existence accidentally. 

After I grabbed Jordan and I's knifes and he had our microscope, the teacher handed us our frog and we got started. I heard Mia and Chloe and some of their friends squeal, scared of the ugly frog in front of them. I almost laughed until I looked at the frog in front of mine and gasped. Jordan laughed because he had put it closer in front of me which startled me. 

"Don't worry, I can make the first cut so that you don't have to. I wouldn't want you to be too grossed out," he said. 

"Are you saying that because I'm a girl or because of kindness?" I asked.

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