Alternate endings: If Jordan and Blake didn't save Annabelle in chapter 11

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The bell rang announcing that school for the day was over. I happily put in my earbuds and turned on some music. I'll probably go for a run this afternoon or workout with Blake, but I do know I want to go the store to get some things for Josh. As I got my books out from my locker, I realized I had left my water bottle in the yearbook room. How did I go without it for P.E.? 

I walked towards the far edge of the school where the inconvenient classroom was while humming to my music. Since the school day was over, most of anyone who was not heading home quite yet was in the main part of the school or outside, leaving practically no one in this part of the building. It was both nice to be alone yet also kind of eery. However I had my music and I only had to get my water bottle, so it was okay. Soon I approached the bottom of the staircase that led to the yearbook room. It was one of those weird random classrooms that take extra effort to get to for no reason. But as I turned the corner to start climbing the stairs, a tall shadow suddenly appeared in front of me and I accidentally ran straight into it. I gasped, looking up to see it was a boy. Two boys. But not just any, I ran into the mean boy from history class. I turned off my music putting my earbuds away quickly. "Oh I am so sorry, I didn't see-"

"You little-" he called me a bad word. I looked up at him seeing the anger on his face, and my heart began to race. "Feeling so entitled that you ran into me again?" 

"What?" I nearly whispered, scared now. "It was an acci-"

He quickly glanced behind me before suddenly grabbing my shoulders and leading me backwards around the corner into a short hallway that led to nothing but a janitor's closet and window. I panicked as he held onto me and shoved me against the wall. My mind went crazy as my breathing and heart rate increased. I had no idea what his intentions were, so my mind jumped to a flashback of the boy at the party who attacked me. No, no, no. This boy isn't going to try to get at me too, is he? My eyes widened looking at him looking right back at me, just inches from my face. Standing behind his shoulder was his friend who I had never seen before. He looked almost as threatening. 

"W-what are you-" 

"Shut up!" he spat in my face. I flinched. "You know what you are? A worthless little ----- who thinks she rules the school. It's up to people like us to make sure you know your place. And the truth is, you shouldn't even be here! Who are you anyways and where did you come from? I know you're not just some random new girl who suddenly became popular. You're a fake and a liar!"

I looked right back at him, trying not to let my eyes water with the volume and aggression in his voice. I couldn't believe what was happening. "What do you want from me?" I asked softly. 

With that, his arm moved from the side of my shoulder to my neck and I gasped. "I hate kids here who think they are so cool and act like they deserve to be treated like royalty. You just don't see me confronting them because they've been here for a while. But you on the other hand need to be stopped before your attitude is out of control."

He went on to say more things, nearly spitting in my face, but it was hard to focus on the meaning of those words when his hand was around my neck. All I could think about was how to get out of the situation. Suddenly his friend started walking closer to me and I saw this boy's other hand move towards my stomach, grazing the waistline of my shorts. I freaked out. I cannot go through this again. 

Quickly I used my elbow, lifting it and shoving it down hard on the boy's arm holding my neck, causing him to let go. Immediately after I was released from the wall, I kneed him as hard as I could. He yelled out of pain, stumbling backwards eventually to the ground. He yelled more curse words. I used my opportunity to run, but just as I turned to exit the small hallway, his friend stood in my way like a bull ready to charge. 

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