Chapter 17: Homecoming

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The day following one of the worst days of my life came one of the most humiliating days of my life. All day at school came many weird looks as people still believed the disgusting rumor posted by the mean girls to be true. Although the posts were taken down and a few accounts cancelled, the memories couldn't be erased sadly. I knew this would be the case coming back to school, but I couldn't fall behind in classes especially with homecoming tomorrow. I had to suffer through all the whispering and glares all day which I couldn't do anything about other than stay mentally strong. Another reason why I had to go to school was to prove to the mean girls that they can't destroy me completely. Their main goal and purpose in everything mean they've done was get me to leave this school and leave the Swaylers, the first of which I wish I could do, but I was stronger and more competitive than to let them think they're better than me. So, I came back to school. Plus I still had some friends at school anyways like Noelle and a few of my classmates from yearbook. 

However despite getting through the hard day, it was definitely hard, and I realized I didn't want to wait weeks for the rumor to die out. And I especially don't want to still be whispered about at my only California homecoming, so I knew I had to do something soon. Unfortunately I knew when, where, and what that would be. It would suck. It would be humiliating, I may cry a little. I may look weak. But in the end it could be the end of all of it, the rumors, glares, whispers, bullying. 

I looked in my mirror critiquing my hair and makeup as I got ready for the school's homecoming football game. It was the biggest football game of the season, so in support of the team, I painted the school's colors around my eyes in glittery eyeshadow. It actually looked pretty cool and I was proud of myself. But most importantly I wanted to be sure I didn't look stupid enough that people will take me seriously. 

Max peered around the corner into the entrance of my closet where I was standing in front of my vanity. "Hey Annabelle," he said walking in. 

"Oh hey!" I said happy of his visit. 

"Are you ready for tonight?" he asked with a slight grimace on his face. He knew it was going to be hard for me. 

I paused for a moment to think about it. "No? But at the same time... yes. I'm ready. I am so ready for it to be over for good... hopefully." 

He smiled. "Atta girl. You'll kill it, don't worry. Just have a good time in the mean time to not get to anxious." 

"Yes sir." I put down my makeup brush and took one last glance in the mirror. Hopefully this works. 


We arrived to the football game, and there were a ton of people. I'm pretty sure the whole school was there, which was both great and scary. I found Noelle and the eight of us cheered on our team as it was a close game with one team being ahead of the other and then it flipping back and forth. The cheerleaders at the bottom of the bleachers on the field were doing their routine thinking they are leading the crowd when in reality I think most of us could care less, we're watching the players.

 I was actually kind of having fun, but I watched the clock and soon enough it was halftime. The players went to their benches or locker rooms or elsewhere off the field as I made my way from the top of the bleachers next to the sound system room all the way down to the field with a microphone in hand. My heart raced as I took one step after the other until I turned around and I was standing in front of the entire bleachers, parents, fans, the band, the cheerleaders, everyone. My hands were sweaty, I was a little shaky, but this was time. The crowd started getting quiter as it saw me in the middle of the field facing them standing alone. However it wasn't the good kind of quiet like they were ready to listen, they were quiter now because they were all whispering about me. "What is she doing?" "Is she really showing her face at this school still?" "Isn't that the girl who slept..." 

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