Chapter 10: Boys night... plus a girl

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When I woke up, the room was dim from the blinds, but I could still sort of tell it was bright outside since I could see everything and it wasn't dark. Ash and Blake were up already, so I was alone in Ash's room. His bed was so comfortable, cozy, and warm so I didn't really want to move, but I also did. Life felt a little surreal waking up here. There was a musty scent in the air, but it was nice. I slowly got out of the bed and walked towards the door. Before I did though, I looked around me at all the things in Ash's room. I was in the room of the Ashton Swayler, and I woke up in his bed too. I totally understand why girls are jealous of me, I would be jealous of me too. Especially knowing Ash so personally too.

I headed downstairs and into the kitchen. Ash, Max, Jordan, and Josh greeted me with smiles. "There she is! You're finally awake," Max said.

I smiled. "Where are the others?" I asked.

"Tyler is at soccer practice, and Blake is working out downstairs. Why?" Jordan replied.

I shrugged my shoulders while about to make myself a bowl of cereal. I almost forgot there was a workout room downstairs. I've only been in it once since I've lived here surprisingly. I guess usually when I workout, I do it in my room or go for a run.

"Tonight's our party! We'll have so much fun," Josh mentioned. Oh yeah, our slumber party is tonight, where all seven of are taking a night to be most likely very chaotic. I should plan some things for that since I don't think any of the guys have.

"Yeah, it will be fun. What are we even going to do though?"

"I can help plan some things if you guys would like," I mentioned. "After all, the party is mostly a celebration for my timed mile and getting my license, right? So it would be ideal if I planned it probably."

The boys shrugged and nodded. "Sure, that would actually be great."

"As long as it's not playing with Barbies or watching My Little Pony or something girly like that," Jordan said.

I glared at him. "Trust me. It won't be like that."

Ash, Max, and Josh all looked at each other and at Jordan wondering what that meant, and I smirked. They were a little concerned. "...then what will it be like?" they asked nervously.

"Oh you'll see," I had a sneaky grin on my face that I couldn't help but show. They were definitely confused and nervous now which was really funny to me. I didn't really have anything in mind at the moment, I just liked making them nervous. It makes me feel powerful, plus it was funny. 

Soon I was almost done with my breakfast, and Ash went to work on his car more or at least do something in the garage. Josh went to.. well I don't know where he went, but it was now Jordan, Max, and I in the kitchen. 

"Oh hey now that you have your license, do you mind picking up Tyler from his soccer practice soon? His practice will be over at the school in about a half hour and I would, but I'd much rather read my new book," Max told me. 


"Nerd," Jordan coughed. 

Max rolled his eyes and walked out of the kitchen. I turned to glare at Jordan next to me. "Hey, he's not the only 'nerd' here," I said. 

"Are you calling yourself a nerd?" Jordan smiled. 

"No, well yes, but I'm calling you a nerd," I said. 

Jordan scoffed. "Am not! You are!"

I drank the cereal milk that was left as I ignored Jordan. He was annoyed now that I was ignoring him, so he tried to bother me more. He poked my shoulder. "You're the nerd here. You like reading books for fun," he said as if it was an insult. I carried my bowl to the sink continuing to pretend to ignore him. He got up and followed me. 

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