Chapter 9: Life of the Party

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Disclaimer/spoiler alert: There is a sexual assault incident later in the chapter that may trigger some readers. There are other disclaimers so that you can easily skip that portion and still read the rest of the chapter though. I apologize that that portion if you choose to read it may be considered cringe and it is definitely uncomfortable, but even though I hate that part, it works better for the story in the future with things dealing with character development. I hope you understand, and do not hate the rest of the book all because of one uncomfortable scene. I am also trying to bring awareness to things such as sexual assault as those scenarios are sadly more real than we may think. Until then, I hope you enjoy reading! 

As I walked down the hallway of school, plenty of people who I didn't even know well said hi to me or at least smiled/waved at me. It's like here at school people either really liked me or were jealous of me. Or in that boy from history class's case, hated me. 

I strode along with my head up, hands swaying by my side as I thought about what Jordan said how I walk like I'm a queen now that I'm popular, and honestly I liked it. A guy winked at me, a girl complimented my shoes, another guy looked me up and down, and then I was shoved by one of Chloe's friends causing me to almost fall over. I crashed into some mixed friend group. I apologized to them and then continued to walk, this time with my head not quite as high. 


I left school about an hour early off to take my driver's test. Max picked me up from school and gave me many more driving tips on the way to the DMV. He even quizzed me on some questions that may be on the written part of the test. I knew by then I was definitely ready to pass my test. Max waited in the building as my driving instructor and I drove all around LA. I did my best thanks to Josh and was very focused, although there was a moment when a squirrel jumped out in front of the car, and I was scared I was about to run him over, but thankfully I didn't. Stupid squirrel. I did pretty well and then was off to take the written part fo test, which was very easy thanks to Max. 

When I walked out of the testing room and sat in a chair next to Max, my leg kept moving quickly (more like vibrated) as we waited for my test score to come back. Finally we were called over to some person at a desk. 

"Annabelle Lancaster?"


"Congratulations, you passed both the written and driving exams."

Max gave me a high five and I was really happy. 

"Please step in front of that camera," the lady who seemed very bored said. I stood there and looked at the camera smiling as much as I could without showing my teeth. Fast forward through ten more minutes of paperwork and I had received my drivers license. Max was so excited for me, and I was so happy I came this far. Now I get to drive everywhere! Well, as much as the guys will let me. I know Ash likes to drive a lot too, and I'm worried if I drive all the guys at once, I'll get distracted by some getting in an argument in the backseat or something. Still, I was pretty excited. Although the second I looked at my drivers license picture, I cringed at my face. Definitely one of the worse pictures of me ever, but at least there it was. 

By now school was over and the rest of the boys would probably be at home, so I drove Max and I back to the base talking about how excited I was. I'd also need to start learning my way around LA better if I'm ever going to drive by myself. 

The minute we get back, I'll text Kierra and my other friends. I realized then how I took this huge step in life without my parents. The cell service where they are is really bad, so it's more efficient to send them a letter than a text, but even then I won't get a reply for weeks. I guess it's better than never telling them though, so once I get home, I write them a letter about how I got my license. I wish I was coming home to them in some ways so they could be proud of me, and how I could see the smile on their faces that I haven't seen in months. 

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