Chapter 5: The Camping Trip

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I had made it my first full week living with a bunch of hot guys somehow. Thankfully I have everything I need to survive, and being my own mother has been going okay. I miss my home, but I have been having so much fun here. I am so happy to be treated as a sister and a friend here. There has been some flirty moments to spice up my life though too. Every one of the guys has become a good friend to me, and I feel like I can depend on them for anything I need. 

Unfortunately there was a little bit of drama though when Jordan saw me walking out of Ash's room at 4 in the morning, but after breakfast I explained that I simply wanted to talk to Ash then fell asleep. He still didn't like it and asked why I didn't come talk to him instead if I wanted someone to talk to, but eventually he left the topic alone. 

I was in the middle of a dream when suddenly I heard an air horn then a scream coming from downstairs. I jumped up startled. Did someone just die?! I jumped off my bed and ran downstairs almost slipping on the last step. "What happened?!" Tyler and Blake ran from downstairs and Jordan and Ash came from the kitchen. Max came down the stairs after I did. We all came to the main living room to see Josh standing there with an air horn in his hand. He was smiling. 

"Who screamed?" Blake asked concerned.

Ash looked directly at Jordan and Jordan pretended to check his watch or look out the window. "Huh?" He said.  We all laughed. That was such a girly high-pitched scream. 

"Why did you have to use the air horn?" Ash asked. 

"I have an announcement," Josh said. "So you know how we discussed going camping, but then I had the SAT Saturday so then we couldn't?" We all nodded. "Well I was able to sign up for a different date to take the test during the school year, so we can go camping now!" 

"Seriously? No way!" We were all so excited now. We had been talking about possibly going camping a few days ago but Josh had his test to take that all seniors have to take scheduled right when we would be gone, but now we can all go! 

"That's awesome!" I said. We all cheered and jumped around. "So can we still go camping today?" I asked. 

"I don't see why not," Josh said then looking to Max who shrugged his shoulders. 


"Let's have breakfast first then we can go start packing," Max said being the responsible one. 

We all nearly ran to the kitchen. The guys were fist bumping each other, excited for today. I had no idea what to expect since I had never technically been camping before, but I've done something like it with my parents as a tradition years ago. 

We all had toast and eggs, a quick breakfast, so we could hurry up and start packing to get on the road. "Ash, you grab the tents. Josh, pack the first aid kit. Jordan, can you help me take the sleeping bags out of the basement closet?"


Max helped us all get ready. "Then Ash, Blake, and I will help put the top on the mini van." How many cars do they have? 

"Can I help with anything?" I asked. 

"Um, actually yeah, can you help Tyler pack the snacks?" Max asked. I nodded my head. I hope we have plenty of chocolate, graham crackers, and marshmallows in the pantry. 

After we finished breakfast, Tyler and I packed all the snacks we could, both healthy, not healthy, and the essentials like I had mentioned before. The bag was  full before we knew it, so we put it near the car where Ash and Blake were putting the top part of the car on. 

The car, mini van, we were taking was more like an actual van. It looked quite expensive (no surprise) but it was like an adventure-ready van too, so it could go on dirt roads and things like that if needed. As Tyler started talking to Ash and Blake, I looked inside the van. It was pretty nice and clean inside, and there were 7 seats, enough for all of us, but thankfully it seemed that everyone would have plenty of space (and a cup-holder). There was a small TV attached to the back of every seat. I noticed the middle row of seats had levers on the side of them for a recliner ability. There were even color changing LED lights around the top of the interior! It was pretty cool, and I was even more excited for this mini-roadtrip now since it will definitely be comfortable. 

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