Chapter 11: Josh's birthday

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I waved Josh, Jordan, and Blake goodbye as I walked into my history class and sat next to my friends. "Hey guys!" I said with a smile on my face setting down my backpack. "How was your weekends?" 

"It was good, I got these really cute boots on sale. And! You won't believe this, the sweaters are on sale at American Eagle! Perfect timing with the leaves starting to fall now," Dellancy said. 

"That's great! I would love to go sweater shopping with you guys sometime, maybe next weekend?" I suggested. 

"Sure!" Olivia replied putting on more lip gloss. "Oh and we can get some pumpkin spice lattes beforehand."

I smiled; I love fall. "Oh hey your weekend looked fun!" Chelsey said commenting about what I posted on my instagram story - a professional picture of me and the guys at Downtown Disney. 

"Yeah it was," I said recalling the memories. As class began, the rude boy sitting behind me continued to kick my chair. I turned around and tried to tell him to stop but then he kicked my chair so hard that I nearly fell out of my chair. Thankfully no one really noticed, but at the same time I wish the teacher noticed so that he could tell him to stop and maybe he would. 


In science class, I got so many dirty looks from the mean girls and even some glares from girls who aren't usually mean. I knew girls were jealous of me because of my close friendship with the Swaylers, but it usually isn't this bad. 

"Hey Jordan, did you by chance tell people about Saturday night?" I asked thinking if they were more jealous because of how much fun I had. 

"Not exactly, but I posted on Instagram," he replied a little confused. Curious, I pulled out my phone when the teacher wasn't looking and went to Jordan's page. There were some pictures from dinner, short video clips of roller skating, and even a short video clip of me fighting Ash, him standing really close to me. I sort of smiled at how fun it was and happy that someone captured this memory, but then I realized the main reason behind all of the glares and dirty looks. They're even more jealous seeing just how close I am to Ash besides simply living with him. 

"Something wrong with the post? I can delete it..." Jordan asked. 

"No, I... I love it. I didn't realize anyone had filmed this. Thanks," I smiled at Jordan. I was telling the truth, but not the complete truth. 

As we cleaned up the classroom before the bell rang, Mia walked close to my chair and pretended to trip, spilling the liquid she had in her beaker onto my shirt. Thankfully there wasn't much, but I jumped up and gasped out of surprise. 

"Oops. At least I didn't spill on anything important though," she shrugged and continued walking. Some of the girls giggled and whispered to their friends. My mouth hung open from surprise. That brat! I marched to the back of the classroom next to the sink where she poured out the rest and grabbed some paper towels. 

"You should stop being so reckless and get some sense in your feet," I said. I then realized the teacher was watching. "I wouldn't want you to drop a very important project or anything," I added innocently, then walked back to my seat next to Jordan while patting myself down with paper towels. 

"She is just so..." Jordan bit the inside of his lip (which was honestly very attractive). 

"It's okay. She's my problem, not yours. Or more like she has problems," I said quietly back to him. I don't think I could ever explain that what just happened was partially because of him. 

English was worse. I got so many glares and dirty looks that I could hardly focus. When the teacher called on me to read, I read aloud the paragraph she told me to as best I could, but then I felt a small paper ball hit my shoulder, and I looked up for a second and lost my spot. The glares caused me to mess up on a few words. When I read the word "Nothing," I read it out loud as "Nutting."

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