Chapter 20: Greetings and Goodbyes pt.2

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I sat on my bed looking over the flashcards I just took an hour to make, with the terms color coded based on category. I still had a few days before finals started, but there was so much to study from the semester that it would be best to not cram it all the night before. A few of the other boys were doing this as well, and we all took some time each night after dinner to keep the house pretty quiet so we could all study. It was odd, but I was glad that despite being rich orphans, the guys still had a good work ethic and tried hard in school. Max mentioned once how they had always been decent students, but with me here as a good influence, it helped encourage them to study when I did. 

Though my eyes scanned the term and words over and over trying to tattoo them in my mind, but my thoughts were somewhere else. I was exhausted mostly because I've been studying for hours every night this week and have been thinking too much to get good sleep, but also because with the satisfaction of getting a final test done, that means one less class I'll ever have with one of the Swaylers, and one day closer to leaving them for who knows how long. It was interesting too how during the holiday season everyone seemed so happy, but here I am awaiting a heartbreak. Don't get me wrong, I love that my parents are allowing me more time with the guys and finish my semester at LA High, but it's just hard. 

I threw the flashcard in my hand back with the pile of other flashcards on the bed covering more notes. I sighed with my fingers threading through my messy hair above my forehead before getting up and walking towards the balcony for fresh air. I opened the wide door allowing for a cool breeze to blow in. 

I heard a light knock on my door and glanced over my shoulder to see Blake walking in my room. "Hey," he gently smiled. "I thought you were studying," he looked over to see all the note cards on my bed and got the hint that I already tried. He grimaced. "How's that working out for you?"

I sighed and leaned my head back from exhaustion. "Not great."

"Well, I mean, you have been in here for hours. Maybe you need to take a break," he suggested. I was about to protest that I just needed to study more, but then I realized he was right.

"What did you have in mind?" I asked.

He shrugged. "Skateboarding always helps me... wanna come with me?"

I bit my lip thinking whether or not that was a good idea. "Sure." He smiled and I walked with him out to the garage where there were a few skateboards. We walked out to the sidewalk where he hopped on his board. I cautiously stepped onto mine. It's been a while since I did this, and the last time Josh and Blake were helping me.

"Hold up, skater boy. I'm still kinda new at this," I smiled. He stopped and waited for me to catch up with an amused smile on his face. Together we went really slow on the sidewalk in the cool night air, and he held my arms as I tried to keep my balance, occasionally looking up at him and laughing at how bad I was. He smiled and was patient with me, enjoying every moment of my learning experience.

I felt like we were just two random teenagers from the 90s living life together trying new things and creating a deeper friendship.

We skated for about a half hour in the moonlight enjoying each other's company and laughing at each other's jokes until it was time to return to studying. When I came back to my flashcards, I had a positive mindset thanks to Blake and was able to study well, every word from the flashcards sticking in my mind.


As I sat there concentrating wondering whether the answer was A or C, I also panicked seeing that there were only five minutes until the end of class. Before I knew it, the bell rang.

"Alright students. Put your pencils down, and turn in your tests to me on your way out. You've finished the semester! Have a great winter break," my history teacher said.

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