Chapter 14: Tickle Fights and Wheelchair Mishaps

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"Am I forgetting anything?" I asked the boys while checking my mini backpack with money, my phone, and some other things. "Oh right, a cookie," I then grabbed one off the cookie tray in the kitchen where Tyler had just baked a fresh batch. 

Noelle and I were going to go dress shopping on this nice Saturday since homecoming was only a week away, and we had become quite close friends over the course of two weeks since the time when we worked on our project together.   

"Be good, be nice, don't talk to strangers," Max said sitting at the kitchen island next to Ash as Jordan was standing by in the kitchen with Tyler. 

"Aww but I was planning to give my number to every guy I saw and start a conversation," I said sarcastically and all the boys looked at me. I don't think I added enough sarcasm though. 

"Can I throw her in the pool?" Jordan asked. 

"Yes you may," Ash quickly replied. My jaw dropped and I scoffed. Jordan started walking towards me and I panicked. 

"What? No! You can't be serious-" I reached for my crutches to get away but I was too late and Jordan grabbed me and started walking towards the back door. Tyler watched with a big smile on his face wondering the same thing I was. "No! No! Max do something! You don't hate me do you?" He laughed. 

"We don't hate you, you just need to realize actions have consequences," Ash said. 

I was then even more scared Jordan would actually throw me in. I'm all ready to go to the mall and everything! Jordan carried me through the backdoor and started getting closer and closer to the pool. "No Jordan you can't! My cast can't get wet, remember?" 

"Jordan I changed my mind! Don't actually throw her in!" Ash called from inside. 

Jordan sighed. "Ugh fine. Can I leave her out here though?"  

"No, sorry, that would be rude to Noelle," Max called. 

Jordan still carrying me, his arms wrapped around my stomach, carried me back inside where Tyler handed me my crutches and Jordan let go. "Thank you, finally," I said. Jordan looked at me. 

"Just no flirting," he said. 

"Just a sec," I made my way closer to the exit of the kitchen where I could get to the front door within 10 seconds if I really tried to go fast with my crutches. "Ok. Um, no promises!" I then skirted out of the kitchen and for the front door when I heard Jordan coming after me. 

Blake and Josh came down the stairs and into the living room at the perfect time. "Help me!" I said and quickly hid behind them so that they were between Jordan and I. 

"Woah, woah! What's going on? Jordan why are you after her?" Blake asked with his hands out protecting me. 

"She said she was going to flirt with guys at the mall," Jordan explained. I scoffed. I did not say that. 

Blake and Josh then turned around and looked down at me with surprised and stern expressions on their faces. "You what now?"

"No you're not," Blake said. 

"You have about 3 seconds," Josh said. I realized they were all on Jordan's side now and me and my jokes were on our own. I turned around and crutched towards the front door as fast as I could. 

"I'm just kidding! It was a joke! I can't even flirt properly! And boys are creepy! I won't talk to any strangers I promise! Except cashiers, but I won't talk to the guy cashiers!" I tried to blurt out my last words in hopes that they wouldn't be my last. I reached the front door but nearly dropped a crutch reaching for the door handle in such a hurry. Blake caught up to me and caught me just like Jordan did, carrying me away from the door. My crutches fell to the floor and Blake carried me to the couch where he dropped me and he, Jordan, and Josh now surrounded me. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Don't- ah!" I screamed as they then began tickling me. 

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