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"Hoseok and Yoongi."

Everyone smirked at the couple after realizing what happened.

"C'mon, let's go." Jin pulled the two males up and led them to the closet. He immediately noticed they both looked uncomfortable. "I know the rules include sexual activity or making out, but you can choose to simply do nothing at all and wait for the time to expire. Now bye." Jin closed the door shut and started the timer.

"I ship!" The couple could hear Jimin's voice at the other side of the door being followed by the other boys' laugh.

Hoseok nervously chuckled. "I guess we wait for the time to run out?"

Yoongi suddenly smiled, making Hoseok confused. "Actually..." He walked closer to Hoseok, their faces now only a couple inches apart. "Remember how I told you I'm flying back to Daegu for the rest of the holidays?" Yoongi made eye contact with Hoseok.

"Y-yeah?" Hoseok stuttered out. He was nervous at the fact their faces were so close.

"I totally forgot to buy you a proper gift for Christmas, so..." Yoongi looked down and chuckled before looking back up at Hoseok and pecking the younger's warm and soft lips. "I hope this will do."

Hoseok felt his heart skip a beat at the older's action and his cute gummy smile. Hoseok smiled.

"I have something for you as well." He stated as he immediately connected his lips with the older's.

Yoongi's eyes widened a bit, he didn't expect this at all. He felt himself melting at the other's touch and his eyelids slowly closing. At first, the kiss turned out to be just their lips touching, but after a few seconds the older kissed back with passion and their kiss quickly turned into a make out.

Their tongues were fighting for dominance, and of course Yoongi won and Hoseok felt the male smirking. Yoongi's tongue slid into Hoseok's mouth and explored every corner of it. Soft moans were escaping the boys' mouths, but they tried to be as quiet as possible.

"Time's up!" The two heard Jin's voice behind the door and quickly stopped their make out session. The closet door opened, revealing a smiling Jin. "Come on out, the pizza is here."


"So..." Jungkook started. "I bet you two were having a boring convo about your next comeback?" He chuckled, taking a bite of the pizza.

"I bet they were just talking about something random." Taehyung commented.

Yoongi shrugged. "Maybe we did, maybe we didn't."

"I guess we'll never know." Jin laughed, sighing and taking another bite of his pizza.

"C'mon, I'm curious!" Jimin whined. "Did you two make out or something?" He took a bite of his pizza slice and eyed the two males in front of him suspiciously.

The couple was surprised, yet didn't show it at all. They gave each other a 'wtf' glance and looked back at Jimin, chuckling.

"Nah, we talked about sea fish." Yoongi joked.

Jimin sighed with a smile. He knew exactly what was going on.

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