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*ding dong*

"Babe, can you get the door? It must be Taehyung." Jin shouted from the kitchen, loud enough for Namjoon to hear.

"I bet it's Jimin and Kook." Namjoon stated while standing up from the couch.

Jin scoffed. "Yeah, right. Like they would ever come this early-"

"Jimin-ssi, Jungkook, glad to see you guys!"

Jin turned around to see the couple standing at the doorway.

"Come in." Namjoon smiled, motioning for the both to get inside.

The two walked in and Jin stopped what he was doing to greet the boys. "Good evening, how was your trip?"

"It was good." Jimin commented, Jungkook nodding after. "By the way, happy anniversary~" Jimin hugged the couple and then Jungkook gave them a big box.

"Yeah, happy anniversary, guys." The youngest smiled widely while Jin took the box from Jungkook.

"What is this? An elephant?" Jin lifted a brow. "Or is it another bathtub?"

Jungkook laughed. "He still remembers the bathtub incident. Aish." He continued laughing.

"What bathtub incident?" Namjoon furrowed his eyebrows.

"For Jin's eighteenth birthday Jungkook got him a bathtub..." Jimin eyed Jungkook weirdly. The younger just shrugged.

"I won it in a lottery and didn't need it-"

"You thought I needed it??? It's literally still in the garage." Jin sighed. "As soon as I got this house, Jungkook thought it was totally empty and decided it was a good idea to give me a bathtub. A bathtub, you hear me?"

"Who the hell wins a bathtub in a lottery?" Namjoon spoke.


Everyone bursted out laughing at Jimin's comment. After a while, everyone showed up at Jin and Namjoon's house and started chatting and catching up, since the boys' careers didn't allow them to meet more often than only a couple times a month.

"So great to have all of us here for a couple of days." Jin smiled at his friends. "Thanks for clearing your schedules for this. Especially thanks to our rappers and Jimin, you guys must be busy these days."

Jimin chuckled. "I understand why you mentioned Yoongi and Hoseok, but me? Ah, Jin hyung, I'm really not that busy."

"Yeah, we're not that busy during the holiday season, don't worry, hyung." Hoseok gave Jin his bright smile.

"Alright then. Still thank you for coming." Jin thanked once again. "So. I thought while we're waiting for the pizza we should play a game?"

"What kind of game? You're talking about table games?" Taehyung questioned.

"Oh, hell no, Jimin beat us all in Monopoly last time. And poker. And don't even bring up Uno." Yoongi glared at the smaller male beside him, to which Jimin just snickered.

"Okay. Then truth or dare?" Jin suggested.

"That's a bad idea, it always takes a wrong turn." Hoseok added with a nervous chuckle at the end.

"Seven minutes in heaven?" Namjoon suggested.

Everyone shrugged. There seemed to be no disagreement, so they decided to play the game.

"Okay, so we all just write one name on the peace of paper and the most mentioned two names will go in the closet." Jin explained.

"I could take a freaking walk in your closet." Yoongi snorted.

"He has a walk in closet?" Hoseok's eyes widened. "Wow, hyung."

"It's not that big." Jin chuckled. "Let's start."


Jin collected the paper pieces from everyone after they were all done writing down names. "Mhm, let's see." Jin looked through the names and gasped. "How is there three of Jimin and three of Jungkook?"

Jimin blushed a bit and got pushed by Jin to the closet together with Jungkook.

"Bye, have a great time." The eldest winked and closed the door.

" The eldest winked and closed the door

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"Wow, there's so much space." Jimin looked around.

"You don't say." Jungkook chuckled.

Jungkook turned to look at Jimin. He stared at the older's lips and after a while licked his own. Jimin noticed that and turned to the younger, smirking.

"Come here, baby~" Jimin kept on smirking.

Jungkook walked up to Jimin and slammed his lips into the older's plump ones. Jimin wrapped his hands around Jungkook's neck and Jungkook held Jimin's waist. It started with a cute kiss, quickly turning into a make out.

They both pulled away after a minute, gasping for air. Jimin's ran his fingers through Jungkook's hair and the younger smiled at the touch. His eyes trailed down to Jimin's neck and collarbone. He then moved his face down to Jimin's neck, kissing it and lightly biting it.

"Ah~" A moan escaped Jimin's mouth.

Jungkook smirked at the effect he had on Jimin. He was pretty sure he had never kissed the older on the neck before.

"Did I just discover your weakness, baby?" Jungkook looked into Jimin's eyes and smirked once again.

Jimin blushed and quickly looked down. "I think we should stop before the time is up..."

Jungkook pouted. "But I want to hear you moan again~" He teased with a smirk.

Jimin was now sure he looked like a tomato. "S-stop!"

Jungkook laughed. "Okay, just this once I will listen to you." He pecked Jimin's lips. Just then the door opened, revealing a smirking Jin, who the couple didn't seem to notice.

"Earth to Jikook."


"I'm telling you. I open the door and they're making out!" Jin exclaimed while collecting the papers with names from everyone.

"How is that any of your business anyways?" Jimin was already embarrassed enough by the fact that he actually moaned and everyone had probably heard him.

"Aleight, I see you don't really wanna continue talking about it." Jin smirked. "Let's see who's going in the closet next."

Everyone was staring at Jin suspensively.

"Hoseok and Yoongi."

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