7 (holiday special)

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"With you, shawty with you~
With you, shawty with you~
With you under the mistletoe~" Jimin sung as he began decorating the Christmas three Jungkook had put up earlier.


Jimin's cats kept disturbing him and meowing loudly, already giving their owner a headache.

"What?" Jimin gave a questioning look to his cats. "I just fed you. Stop it." Jimin was starting to get annoyed. He then heard his phone ring on the table and went to pick it up. "Yeah?"

"Jiminie, I'm driving to the vet, so I'll be back a bit later." Jungkook spoke at the other end.

"What? Why? Did something happened to Caesar?" Jimin started to worry.

"You could say that... He kept limping while I was walking him. And now he isn't looking really good. But don't worry, I'll take care of him."

Jimin let out a sigh. "Again? I honestly have no idea what could've happened to him. I'm such a bad owner..." Jimin's sadness could be heard by Jungkook through the phone.

"Jiminie, listen. Your thoughtfulness is one of the reasons why I wanted you to become my boyfriend. You never fail to take care of others, don't say you're a bad owner. You saved Caesar. And we love you for that very much. You're Caesar's hero, always remember that. Okay?" Jungkook's speech almost made Jimin tear up.

"Thank you." Jimin sniffled. "That was very heart warming. You always know what to say." He smiled.

"Are you crying? Aniii~" Jungkook tried to stop the older from crying. "We'll be home soon and decorate the tree together. Don't cry~"

Jungkook's words made Jimin smile. "Those are happy tears, don't worry. I-"


Jimin looked at the direction the sound came from and saw one of the cats near the broken Christmas toy on the floor.

"Jimin? Are you okay?" Jimin could hear worry in Jungkook's voice and immediately assured him he's fine and told him what happened.

"Anyways, we're at the vet now. Should I buy some more Christmas decorations just in case on my way back?" Jungkook chuckled.

Jimin sighed. "That would be nice." He cracked a smile. "Good luck at the vet and be careful, it's slippery outside." The older reminded.

Jungkook giggled at his boyfriend's cuteness. "Of course, love. Bye for now, we should be home in about twenty minutes."

"Okay. Bye~" Jimin hung up the phone and went back to decorating.


"We're home!" Jungkook shouted while entering the house, Caesar in his arms.

"Hello, my babies. How did it go?" The elder asked, coming from the kitchen into the hallway and taking Caesar into arms.

"Turns out he sprained his paw." Jungkook pouted. "The veterinarian said it will take about two months to heal."

Jimin gasped. "Aniii, how did that happen..." Jimin looked Caesar in the eyes. "Poor thing... Let's get you a soft cushion." He walked away, leaving Jungkook in the hallway.

The younger chuckled, then took off his coat and shoes and went inside to find his boyfriend and he found him curling up his puppy in the living room.

"You both are the cutest." Jungkook cooed, making Jimin turn around and smile.

"You're much cuter~" Jimin smiled amd booped Jungkook's nose, but suddenly gasped. "Wait, which day is it?" He glanced at the calendar and made another loud gasp.

"What? Did you miss a shoot? Did we forget someone's birthday? Did we miss our anniversary?!" Jungkook spoke with sarcasm. He knew Jimin was a person who had plans for everything. He planned his whole day, week, month and year. He even planned his plans!

"No, oh my God, take your phone and keys, we're leaving." Once Jimin saw Jungkook wasn't moving, he made an annoyed face. "Now!" Jungkook flinched and went downstairs, laughing.

"Okay, but where are we going?" Jungkook shouted from downstairs.

"It's Jin's and Namjoon's two year anniversary!"


happy holidays to all my readers~

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