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Jungkook's pov

I woke up by the feeling of something on top of me. I yawned and opened my eyes, smiling at the sight in front of me.

Me and Jimin probably fell asleep like that yesterday, because now we were both laying on the ground, only his head was resting on my stomach.

I hugged his waist with my right hand and with my left hand I gently ruffled his hair. It was so bouncy and fluffy. Stroking his soft hair made me sleepy again.


I looked to my side and saw Jimin's cats making their way towards us. They both started meowing very loudly, causing Jimin to wake up. I kinda pitied him, but we had to wake up sooner or later.

"Five more minutes..." Jimin groaned. I laughed.

I slowly got up and picked Jimin up, then carried him to the nearest couch and placed him down carefully, which seemed to fully wake him up.

"What the hell are you doing?" He spoke, still half asleep. I decided to take the opportunity to prank him.

"The chocolate tree stopped growing." I said with a serious voice tone.

He slowly started opening his eyes. "H-huh?"

"The chocolate tree stopped growing." I repeated myself, trying to hold back my laughter.

Jimin looked around, narrowing his eyes. "Come again?"

I shook my head. "Never mind, it was gay anyways." I said, trying to sound disappointed.

Author's pov

"Kook, you're confusing me. What the hell are you talking about? Are you drunk?" Jimin softly asked.

"Have you ever seen me drunk?" The younger furrowed an eyebrow. "I don't think so, bitch." He crossed his arms and ignored the death glare Jimin was giving him.

"You crusty chinchilla. You think you can wake me up from my nap, insult me, then just act tough, thinking I'll just let it slide? Boi, think again." Jimin spoke irritated, but the boys knew they were just fooling around.

"I'm a crusty chinchilla? Me? How am I a crusty chinchilla?" Jungkook crossed his arms over his stomach.

"Idk, man." Jimin simply shrugged.

"Bro. Did you just call me 'man'?" Jungkook clenched his heart dramatically.

"You just called me 'bro'."


"Okay, we're going nowhere with this." Jimin shook his head and went towards the kitchen. "Where's that chocolate tree by the way?"

Jungkook smiled at his boyfriend, who quickly noticed the younger's smile and chuckled. The two boys shared a good laugh before enjoying some coffee and starting off their day.

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