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"Home, sweet home." Jimin smiled, locking the door behind him.

Him and Jungkook had just gotten back from a store and Jimin's body was aching from all the running around.

Jungkook laughed. "If that tired you out, I don't know how you'll be able to workout later."

"Maybe we can do a couples workout. If you know what I mean." Jimin looked at the younger with a smirk.

The younger blushed. "You little pervert." He went up to Jimin, chuckling. He lifted him up bridal style, kissing the tip of his nose.

"How dare you?" Jungkook smiled, causing Jimin to let out a soft laugh.

"You should laugh more often. Your laughter is the most angelic melody." Jungkook smiled.

"Maybe that's because I'm an angel myself?" Jimin gave Jungkook a soft smile.

Jungkook laughed. "Yes. My angel." He smiled at his boyfriend lovingly. Then his eyes sparkled. "You know what?" Jungkook softly put Jimin back down on the ground.

"Not yet I don't."

"I wanted to ask you yesterday... but will you go out on a date with me?" Jungkook looked his boyfriend in the eyes.

"I would love to." Jimin smiled, making the younger smile as well.

They shared a deep, long and very passionate kiss, until they got interrupted by the sudden sound of something crashing in the kitchen.

Jungkook jumped, accidentally biting Jimin's lip, earning a yelp from the older, who stumbled backwards and tripped over Jungkook's bag, out of which rolled out a bottle of perfume and spilled all over the floor.

"Baby, are you-" Jungkook started walking towards his boyfriend to make sure he was okay, but slipped on his own now spilled perfume and hit the stove, causing it to turn on, which the couple didn't seem to notice.

"Ow!" Jungkook rubbed his lower back and tried standing up. "Motherfu-" And then he slipped and fell again. "..."

Jimin started laughing at his boyfriend's clumsiness.

"Oh my God." Jimin exclaimed through laughter. "You should've seen your face."

Jungkook rolled his eyes and shook his head, letting a smile creep up his face.

"I didn't break anything, thanks for asking." Jungkook carefully stood up, helping his boyfriend up afterwards.

"Sorry." Jimin gave him one of his iconic eye smiles. "You're not hurt, are you?"

Jungkook shook his head, planting a soft kiss on Jimin's forehead. "I'm fine."

"You fell pretty hard." Jimin caressed the younger's cheek, looking deep into his eyes.

"Yeah. For you."

The both boys stared at each other for a moment and then bursted out into laughter.

"You're so cheesy." Jimin scoffed, about to go clean the mess they made, but Jungkook stopped him in his tracks.

"Hold up. Do you smell something burning?" Jungkook sniffed the air.

"What? Are you gonna say your heart?"

"No, I'm serious, look!" He pointed towards the burning stove.

Jimin gasped and quickly turned it off, grabbing a towel and placing it onto the stove. After the fire stopped, he let out a sigh of relief, giving Jungkook a look.

"I... um..." Jungkook tried to find the right words. "Oops?" He innocently smiled, making his boyfriend chuckle.

"You're unbelievable."

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