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Jimin's pov

I was laying in bed, snuggled up next to Jungkook. It was two am in the morning. Jungkook drifted to sleep a few hours ago, and here I was, trying to understand how the hell I should fall asleep.


Oh, great. I probably woke Jungkook up with all my tossing and turning.

"Are you okay?"

I looked at him and nodded. "I'm fine. Sorry, did I wake you?"

He shook his head. "I just woke up from a dream and heard you sighing, so I got worried."

I chuckled at his cuteness and stroked his hair softly. "You're cute when you're worried." I moved my hand away and smiled. "What did you dream about?"

"You." He moved closer to me and hugged my waist. I still managed to get butterflies when he did something like this. "Remember when we used to be best friends?"

I chuckled, looking deep into his eyes. "Of course, how could I ever forget? What about it?"

He suddenly looked like he was a little uncomfortable. "Is.. is this not awkward for you? I mean us being a couple?"

"Kookie..." I sighed and smiled. "It's just unusual, I didn't expect it to happen." I smiled at him. "But I'm very happy we're together. I regret nothing."

He smiled back at me and closed his eyes. "I'm very happy, too." I felt Jungkook fall asleep as soon as he said that and it helped me relax enough to fall asleep as well.

Next morning, author's pov

Jimin was cleaning up while Jungkook was at work. He was taking a break as a friend of his has called.

"Wait, for real? Omg, I knew it!" Jimin exlaimed happily after hearing the news.

"How though?" Hoseok nervously chuckled. He just told Jimin what happened during the 7 minutes in heaven game with Yoongi at Jin's place.

"Because I just know." Jimin smirked. "So.. are you two like dating now or something?" Jimin was curious as he kept smiling.

"I don't know, we didn't have a chance to talk about that yet, but I'm sure we'll know after he returns from Daegu. I'll give you call and tell you then." Hoseok smiled on the other line.

"When is he coming back?" Jimin questioned the older.

"In a week. Well, I have to go now. It was nice talking to you, I hope I didn't waste too much of your time." Hobi laughed.

"You didn't waste my time at all! Thanks for the call, Hobi, take care." Jimin ended the call and went back to cleaning.

After a few minutes he was just about to finish cleaning as a doorbell interrupted him. He thought it was Jungkook, but to his surprise, he saw Taehyung once he opened the door and cracked a sweet smile.

"Tae, what are you doing here? Come in, it's cold." Jimin gestured for his friend to come in and then quickly closed the door, preventing any cold from entering the house. Jimin then led Tae to the couch, asking him if he would like a cup of tea, to which Taehyung gladly agreed.

"So..." Jimin spoke from the kitchen, which was connected to the living room, so he was sure Taehyung could hear him. "What brings you here today?"

"Well..." Taehyung started. "I kind of need advice..."

"And you come to me?" Jimin chuckled, making Taehyung laugh as well. "Nah, I'm kidding, what's the problem?" Jimin brought the tea and sat down next to his bestie.

"So, you remember how I once wrote in the comment section that I had my eyes on someone?"

"Yeah?" Jimin's eyes sparkled. "Are you gonna tell me about this lucky person already?"

"I kinda have to. I think I'm falling for him." Taehyung smiled, sighing.

"Well, tell me already!" Jimin chuckled, his curiosity growing.

Taehyung smiled and let out a soft sigh. "It's.. Yoongi hyung."

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