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Jungkook and Jimin had finally come back home from their holiday to get a call not long after from Taehyung and Hoseok, asking to join them and the others at Taehyung's house for a sleepover

"That sounds fun. We'll be there." Jimin beamed at his phone screen, Jungkook grinning as well, staring back at the couple on the other side of the screen.

"Amazing, we'll order pizzas, and maybe all of us could finally watch a movie." Hoseok suggested.

The said male's boyfriend nodded. "Every time we try to watch a movie, it never works out. Something always has to ruin it."

"I'm sure it's gonna be fine." Jungkook reassured. "Maybe we could play board games or something I used to with my friends from high school at sleepovers."

Jimin lifted a brow at the younger. "You had friends?"

All four boys laughed.

"Okay, Mr. popular, no need to be cocky." Jungkook smirked playfully.

"All jokes, babe." Jimin ruffled the taller's hair.

"You guys are adorable." Hoseok squealed.

The smallest looked back at the screen. "So are you two, I'm so glad it all worked out between you guys."

"Same here." The other two replied.

"Well, it's getting pretty late." Jungkook spoke, a yawn escaping his mouth right after. "We should all get some rest."

"Of course, you two must be exhausted from your flight. Talk later." Taehyung waved along with Hoseok.

"Bye." Jimin ended the call, shutting off his phone, and as he was about to stand up, Jungkook pulled him into a heated kiss.

"I thought you were tired." Jimin chuckled, pulling away and resting his right hand on the taller's shoulder, the other hand falling on Jungkook's thigh.

"I am a little worn out, but I can't sleep without my goodnight kisses."

The older just smiled at his boyfriend's cuteness. "I know." He pecked the younger's lips.

Jungkook smiled as he stared into Jimin's brown eyes. "Gosh, I'm so lucky you're mine." He breathed out as he closed the space between him and Jimin, his left hand going to hold the back of the older's neck, while his right hand went underneath Jimin's shirt, slowly straveling up to his chest.

"Ah- fuck.. Jungkook, you liar, you said you wanted to go to bed..." Jimin slightly panted, his hands firmly pressed against the younger's thighs.

The taller immediately smirked, his mischievous side showing. "Well... maybe goodnight kisses aren't all that I want."

"Oh?" Jimin raised his brows. "But I'm so sleepy." A yawn escaped his mouth as he finished his sentence. "I don't know if-"

"If you're really tired..." Jungkook started. "Let me take care of you tonight." He muttered as he pushed his fiancé onto their bed and climbed on top of the smaller male.

Jimin could only give the younger a soft smile, which kind of looked like a smirk before he closed his eyes and softly hummed.

"Cutie." Jungkook whispered before connecting lips with his boyfriend's.

As the two went from light kissing to a heated make-out, there was no need to fight for dominance because of Jimin's tiredness.

The taller pulled away after a minute, letting his boyfriend catch his breath.

In the meantime, Jungkook's lips landed on Jimin's jawline and travelled down to his neck, causing the older to let out soft whimpers, which turned the younger on immediately.

The taller tugged on his boyfriend's shirt, taking it off right after, and he immediately started to leave kisses down Jimin's neck, chest, and collarbone.

In just a few seconds, he reached the smaller's nipple and, after a couple more gentle pecks, started sucking on it.

"Ah, fuck!" Jimin almost jumped due to the sudden move.

Jungkook grinned at the sexy sounds coming from his fiance's mouth. He started leaving kisses all over the older's ribcage, going down to his waist and abdomen.

"Fuck, Jungkook..." Jimin breathed out shakily, which caused Jungkook to smirk once again.

The said male sat up, tugging at the smaller's boxers and smoothly sliding them off, throwing them right onto the ground carelessly.

Jungkook looked Jimin up and down and smiled. "Fuck, baby, you're so beautiful. So hot and sexy."

As the words escaped the younger's mouth, he leaned down and started leaving kisses down Jimin's torso, then he started marking the boy's abdomen.

Butterflies erupted in Jimin's tummy, and he let a breath escape his mouth. "Fuck, Jungkook."

Jungkook sat up, admiring the beautiful hickey he had created on his fiancé's skin. Then he looked into the older's eyes. "That felt good?"

"Mhm." Jimin moaned, closing his eyes in the process and biting his lip.

"It's gonna feel way better in a moment." Jungkook spoke with a sly grin, bringing his mouth to Jimin's manhood and licking his lips before kissing and licking the tip of the smaller's member.

"Ah..." Jimin mouthed, his eyes quickly opening due to the sudden action of his boyfriend.

Jungkook didn't wait any longer and just wrapped his mouth around Jimin's already hard member, sucking on it in a slow pace.

"Mmh~ fuck.." Soft moans kept escaping the older's mouth, his eyes tightly shut.

After a minute, Jungkook could feel pre-cum on his tongue, so he immediately sped up, sucking at a much faster phase than a little while ago.

"Ah, Jungkook, fuck!" Jimin screamed, grabbing onto Jungkook's hair. "Go faster.."

Jungkook did as told and started sucking even faster, leaving Jimin a moaning mess.

"Fuck, Jungkook, I'm gonna- ahh!" Jimin whined before cumming into the taller's mouth.

Jungkook sat up, swallowing everything and licking his lips right after with a smirk on his face. "Mmm, you taste good."

Jimin could only let out a soft chuckle, his breaths slowly steadying. "Fuck, babe..."

"I'm guessing you enjoyed it." Jungkook smiled, his cute bunny teeth showing.

He laid down next to Jimin and looked into his eyes. "Or am I wrong?"

"Dumbass." The older smiled, extending his hand and wiping the corner of Jungkook's mouth. "You have some, uh..."

Jungkook laughed, grabbing Jimin's wrist and licking Jimin's finger clean. "Thanks."

Jimin blushed. "You're fucking insane." He giggled.

"You know, aside from your moans, your laughter is just music to my ears." Jungkook smiled sweetly at his fiancé.

"Shut up!" Jimin playfully hit Jungkook's arm, and the two boys laughed. "But seriously though, I love you, Kook."

"I love you too, baby. So fucking much." The younger uttered, leaning in and kissing the love of his life.

Jimin scooted closer to Jungkook and closed his eyes, pressing his head to Jungkook's chest. "You smell so nice..." He muttered sleepily.

The younger beamed at his boyfriend's cuteness, turning to lay on his side and snaking his arm around Jimin's waist, pressing their bodies together. "You're tired, baby. Let's sleep, hm?"

Jimin nodded, a small yawn escaping his mouth once again. "Goodnight, Jungkookie."

Jungkook kissed Jimin's naked shoulder and laid his head back onto the soft pillow, closing his eyes. "Goodnight, baby. Sweet dreams."


did i just write my first smut? yes. yes i did

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