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~a month later~

It was the day of Jungkook and Jimin's wedding. The weather was perfect: sunny with a light breeze, not a single cloud in the sky.

The venue was decorated amazingly. Since the wedding was taking place in spring, there were lots of beautiful flowers on every single corner, making the place look alive and very lovely.

The guests, which consisted of the two's close friends and family, were already at the venue, all dressed elegantly, with radiant smiles decorating their faces.

Soft music was playing in the background as the ceremony was about to start. All the guests were already seated, the groomsmen (Namjoon, Taehyung, Yoongi) were all scattered and helping the fiancés, while Yoongi was going over the important details with the flower boys (Hoseok and Jin).

"Jimin-ah, what are you worried about? You look great!" Taehyung chirped with a smile, as him and Jimin were in the garden's gazebo, away from everyone.

"Jimin-ah, what are you worried about? You look great!" Taehyung chirped with a smile, as him and Jimin were in the garden's gazebo, away from everyone

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"I'm not worried about the way I look, I'm not worried at all, actually!" Jimin nervously chuckled.

"You're nervous." Taehyung smiled softly, Jimin nodding in response. "It's totally normal to be nervous on your big day."

"I know, it's just- it feels like my heart is going to jump out any minute."

"More like the wedding is about to start any minute." Taehyung laughed, making Jimin laugh as well. "Good, now, do you want a glass of water before we go out there?"


"No, I do not want more water!" Jungkook scoffed, refusing the third glass Namjoon was offering.

The two were in the backyard, talking about the wedding, but it was mostly Namjoon trying to calm Jungkook down.

"It's going to be okay." The older tried reassuring. "This is your big day and I'm so proud of you, your parents just gave a whole speech to you and the guests and you seemed fine back there."

"I was acting fine." The boy laughed, then sighed deeply. "I love him with all my heart and I cannot wait to marry him, but all this stress is just uncontrollable." Jungkook let out a sigh. "I bet Jimin's doing much better."


"I bet Jungkook's doing much better..." Jimin muttered, causing Taehyung to shake his head.


"But..." Jimin paused. "I'm ready. I'm ready to go out there and marry the shit out of him."


"Okay, so basically, Jimin said to go when the music starts playing, I already got that ready, you two just do your job and then stand on the left, right next to Jimin, but not too close." Yoongi explained.

"What about the flowers?" Jin raised a brow.

"What about them?"

Hoseok shared a look with Jin, then looked back at Yoongi. "We haven't received any from the staff."



"Fuck, okay, the wedding doesn't start for another ten minutes, but we do not need to stress the couple out, we have to figure it out ourselves." Yoongi spoke as Taehyung and Namjoon joined in, having received the sos text messages.

Namjoon snapped his fingers, eyes wide. "The rose garden! We can get rose pedals, I'm sure it would be enough."

So all the five boys went to gather the pedals and were done in only five minutes, arriving to the venue just in time.

"Flower boys, go!" Yoongi instructed to Jin and Hobi, and the two immediately jumped into action.

They started tossing the petals along with the uplifting music, all along the wedding aisle. The guests looked on in amusement, charmed by the boys' enthusiasm.

Then the two noticed Jungkook, standing at the end of the aisle and beaming from ear to ear. It was a very heartwarming moment for the three.

Jin and Hobi smiled right back at Jungkook, soon done with their jobs and going to stand next to their friend.

"You guys did great!" Jungkook whispered enthusiastically to the two, the bunny smile not leaving his face.

Jimin stood at the opposite end of the aisle, his heart pounding with anticipation. He looked out at the sea of faces before him, searching for a glimpse of his soon-to-be husband.

"Ahem." Yoongi suddenly spoke, holding the microphone and smiling. "So, we all know how the tradition is for the father of the groom to walk him down the aisle. But today, we're switching it up a little..."

As the music started to play, Jimin felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around to see his best friend, dressed in a sharp suit and beaming with pride. "Are you ready for this?"

The guests looked on in surprise as they saw the groom's best friend, Taehyung, walking Jimin down the aisle, but their shock quickly turned to admiration as they watched the two men make their way down the aisle.

As the two reached the end of the aisle, Taehyung took Jimin's hand and squeezed it tightly. "This is the moment. Just know that I'm so very proud of you." Taehyung spoke softly as he looked at his best friend, tears welling up in his eyes as he let go of Jimin's hand.

Jimin smiled at his best friend, both of them sharing a hug before Taehyung walked away to the side of the altar, while Jimin walked up to the centre of the altar to stand next to Jungkook, whose eyes were glimmering with love and existential.

As they stood together, Jungkook couldn't help but admire his partner. He looked absolutely stunning in his suit, and the younger couldn't take his eyes off of him.

After a few moments, he leaned over and whispered in his ear, "You look amazing."

Jimin smirked, savouring the words of his soon-to-be husband. "Why, thank you." He spoke quietly. "You look very yummy."

Jungkook's eyes widened as his lips curled up into a dumbfounding smile. "I have no words." He chuckled, making Jimin laugh as well.

"So.. these are our last moments as fiancés." Jimin gave Jungkook a warm smile. "Excited?"

"More than you can imagine."

Jimin smirked once again. "Not getting cold feet?"

Jungkook scoffed, then gave his fiancé an admiring grin. "Never, my love."

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