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"Yeah, Tae, I don't think we'll make it... yeah, let's reschedule." Jungkook spoke, holding his phone to his ear, and at the same time looking over his shoulder into the other room, where he saw Jimin sleeping in their shared bed.

"Yes, we're okay, Jimin's just not feeling well. Yeah, okay. Of course I'll tell him. Bye, take care." Jungkook finished his conversation with Taehyung and put his phone back into his pocket before walking towards Jimin.

The younger male quietly sat down on the edge of the bed, which Jimin was sleeping in. Jungkook softly caressed the older's fluffy hair, then his eyes landed on Jimin's pale skin, on which he could see the dried tear marks.

The young boy softly sighed. What was this about? How long has this been going on?

Jimin's muscles tensed a bit, and the said boy shivered, to which Jungkook reacted with a frown.

The younger stood up to get a blanket. After he found one in the closet, he spread the fluffy material and slowly lowered it onto Jimin's body.

Jungkook sighed. As he turned around and was about to leave, a hand gripped his wrist softly, making the young male turn his head in confusion.

"Don't leave..." Jimin spoke quietly, letting go of the younger's wrist.

Jungkook's face softened. He walked towards the bed and sat down close to the older.

"Jiminie... have you been crying?" The younger spoke softly, his voice almost cracking.

The older showed no emotion on his face. He simply nodded.


After a few seconds of complete silence, Jimin finally spoke. "I don't want to go back to modeling. When you mentioned you're going back to work, it reminded me I also have to. And soon."

Jungkook could hear the sadness and distress in Jimin's voice, and that broke his heart.

"Well, why don't you quit?" Jungkook suggested.

Jimin only shook his head, a sigh escaping his mouth. "I can't."

"Sure you can." Jungkook smiled, laying down beside Jimin and taking the smaller male's hands in his. "Quit, Jimin. And come work for with me instead."

"W-what?" The older's expression showed a bit of shock. "You want me to work with you?"

"Yes. I want you to come work with me. The rules are way less strict for our models. And the pay is almost as high." The taller tried reassuring. "Please. I don't want you falling into a depressive state again."

As Jungkook mentioned depressbion, memories came flooding back to Jimin.


*five years ago*

Jimin had just finished his studies and was looking for jobs to help him pay for his rent.

He was taking a walk, thinking about all kinds of jobs he could try applying for.

As he was walking, his gaze landed on a billboard screen, which was promoting a job offer at modeling agencies.

It seemed like a sign to Jimin, so of course, needing the money, he sent out his resume to the modeling agencies listed on the billboard.

After a week, two agencies reached out to Jimin. Christian Dior and Chanel. Jimin went to both interviews, yet only got a call back from Chanel. He was hired that day the boy couldn't have been happier.

Until it broke him completely.

Jimin's boss forced him to basically starve, he made sure Jimin would always stay in a great physical shape, no one noticed he was mentally sick.

As days, weeks and months went by, Jimin started feeling worse and worse. After two years of working, the boy fell into depression, which he could have been cured only with pills.

Jimin's friends tried supporting him as much as they could, but they hated seeing the boy like that. And Jungkook hated to see Jimin like that the most, so he made sure to take care of him and eventually, they became the bestest of friends.

~end of flashback~

Jungkook stroked Jimin's hair softly, observing the male's face as the other was slowly falling asleep, a tear rolling down his cheek.

Jungkook frowned and wiped the tear off of Jimin's face with his thumb. He then kissed the nose of the older and sighed. "I promise to always take care of you, baby. I'll always be there for you..."


sorry for the long hiatus i just today finished all of my exams and now i'm gonna try to update much more often. thank u for reading ❤️

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