Chapter Six

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"Wolf we need to talk"

The words I wanted to reach out for and pull back into my mind. In that one fleeting moment of determination I had forgotten my place. Panicked I yanked the bobble from my hair and threw it a safe distance away from me.

My hand clutched my chest in an attempt to calm my racing heart the attempt was futile though as every realisation hit me.

He wasn't wolf anymore, he wasn't the gentle silver beast who had saved me. Who had kept his promise and shared his dreams, wants and needs. Of course those things happened and nothing changed that.

We shared moments of peace, sat in each others company and for the first time in my life had a real conversation. It was different now though for so many reasons. The biggest was he is a king an alpha to whole species and I had no right demanding his attention.

He was powerful, majestic,brave , important and so much more and I was me, lost , broken, weak and irrelevant.

I also realised that in the months of me being in this room he hadn't once tried to reach out to me. Not that I expected him to, he had fulfilled his promise and no longer needed to converse with me.

That single thought brough an unrelenting pain to my heart, for reasons I couldn't understand the thought if never hearing his voice again made me feel a cold emptiness. I had no right ti feel this way, to want or need to hear his voice.

It was like hearing it would give me the peace, the reassurances I desperately needed in moving past this darkness id lived in for so long.i rested my body on the windows ledge allowing my eyes to roam carelessly over the setting sky.

The vibrant colours if pink and orange filled the sky as the sun set. It brought me a moment of calmness of clarity. I forgot how important nature was to me until right now.

I wanted to help jackson, I wanted to beat larsen and I wanted to find life. I just didn't know how I mean what was my life here?

Was I free ?

Was I allowed to be like everyone else because of what I really am?

Or am I still a slave to these beasts?

All I knew was the moonrise pack and their way if living their rules. I didnt knownthe royal pack and I didn't know what my place here was.

Again I found myself craving to hear the silver beasts voice. I felt myself growing frustrated at my thoughts. The door to my room knocked forcing me to move my eyes from the master piece sky.

Instinctively I just sat and looked towards the door for moment until I realised it was most likley jackson.

My heart sank at the familiar kind irises of beta colbey. They held disbelief, sadness and relief all at the same time. Where as mine held nothing but guilt and shame.

Guilt, for ignoring him after everything he had done for me and everything he had still tried to do for me.

Shame. For hating a part of him a part of him that played a part in saving me.

We both just stood there neither of us knowing what to say or do. Both shocked by the unexpected encounter. Yes he had knocked but he had many times before and never once had I opened the door.

"Im sorry"

The words were that of a whisper but I knew he heard them, my eyes kniw focused on the ground as I hung my head in remorse.

"Will you walk with me ? "

Confusion and surprise forced me to look at him again with curiosity. Uncertainty and fear began to beg me to slam the door and never open it again, but as my eyes met his I couldn't bring myself to ignore him again he didnt deserve that.

He seemed to notice my discomfort as he softly spoke.

"Its ok breya were not going far and I promise no one will bother you "

I thought for a moment wondering if this was that first step i needed to take, and I came to one conclusion I would never know if I didn't try.

Still reluctant I nodded my head and stepped out if the room onto the cold marbled floors. My bare feet welcomed the feeling as I stepped towards the beta.

He seemed ti eye me spangly for a moment before shaking his head as if deciding against whatever it was he was thinking. He gently linked my arm and began guiding me down the darkening halls.

No words were spoken as we walked reminding me of the night we'd walked through the forest after sneaking from the pack house.

Seemingly lost in my thoughts and memories I hadn't realised we had made it outside. I felt myself tense in fear and apprehension until I saw the beautiful place we were surrounded by.

Stunning smooth stone tiles formed paths through a garden filled with exotic looking flowers all shade of bright beautiful colours. Beautifully decorated trees gently lit the garden enough to see creating a feeling of warmth and tranquility. A calmness washed over me as I basked in the gentle breeze of the night.

The beta lead me to an incrediblely crafted bench made of stone that sat facing a peaceful fountain. My exposed skin had never appreciated fresh air quite like it did right now.

Again silence filled the space between us, baring the gentle sound of water running through the fountain.

A heavy sigh caused me to look towards the beta.

"Im afraid of saying the wrong thing and forcing you to lock yourself in that room again "

His honesty was raw i could hear the truth in his raspy voice I decided I owed him the same to.

" Im afraid to, im not sure what it is im supposed to do now colbey or if I am even capable of doing what ever that is "

He laughed gently before looking at me with that same gentle smile he always held.

"Your capable of more than you know breya, I know you have no idea what to expect from this pack, but we aren't in moonrise now still its going to take you time to adjust. You've done the hardest part already "

I looked at him like the lost soul I was and felt my voice tremor as I spoke.

" what's that? "

"You opened your door "

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