Chapter Twelve

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My frail body reminded me to take each step slow. I focused on keeping my balance as my vision blurred. My eyes stinging from the lack of sleep I was getting. My arm gently tucked around rowens was my only saving grace.

When he first offered me his arm I felt my instincts shy away instantly. Driving me to flinch back away from him. He gently moved away bowing his head in an attempt not to frighten me further.

I couldn't help but examine him, curiosity taking a hold of me. My eyes strained to see the incredible built man who towered over my small frame, the black joggers did little to hide his strong legs, his defined abdomen and chest protruded through the thin material of his white t-shirt. His broad shoulders complemented his musclar arms, everything about him screamed strength.

His dark hair fell across his forehead as he remind bowed before me. It was astonishment that kept me staring, analysing everything about him. He could crush me with little effort inflict pain and torture without breaking a sweat. Yet he stood as still as a statue attempting to not startle me. He was a king and he bowed before me a sign of unquestionable respect.

I couldn't help but smile at his attempt in appearing as least intimidating as possible. Especially because I wasn't afraid of him at least but right now . My bodies reactions are nothing more than natural for me. I didnt believe for a second he would actually hurt me.

At that thought I released a sigh encouraging my self to be brave. Taking a staggering step towards him I gently wrapped my arm around his. I already knew I wouldn't be able to make it to where ever we were going . My legs felt weak as my body lacked any form of energy.

We had remained silent whilst he guided me to where ever we were going. Echoes of our steps danced around us. I felt far to embarrassed to talk to him, first because of the anxiety attack I had infromt of him. I felt uncomfortably exposed. I wasn't sure how to express gratitude for his help in calming me down. Id actually never had comfort during my attacks before.

Everything about all of this was overwhelming. I tried to distract my mind elsewhere, looking around the large hall with impossibly high ceilings. The large windows that lined each wall of every hall we had walked on cast a warm brightness around us.

It was actually comforting and encouraging seeing the natural light of the outside world again. I was pulled out of my thoughts as rowen softly spoke.

"Im sorry about last night, and asking so much of you "

I hadn't noticed it before but guilt seemed to be eating away at him.

"Honestly this was always going to happen, I can't hide from larsen or my past or my life. I've already tried that and it did nothing but cause me to become painfully numb. I.. I don't want to be this way anymore "

My voice ended in a silent whisper yet I know he heard me. I felt his soft gaze on me as we slowly walked. I didnt know why I admitted that to him. All I know is it felt nice to share it to know someone was actually hearing me rather than talking to the wooden walls of my prison.

" your incredibly brave breya, and stronger than you realise. I cant take away the pain you have lived through but I can promise you this..

He stopped our slow walk and turned to face me, his warm hand gently lifted my chin so our eyes could meet. I could feel myself start to become lost to his gaze once again but he blinked rapidly and continued what he wanted to say.

" no one will ever hurt you again, you are safe and colbey jackson and myself will do everything we can to help find you happiness "

The determination in his gentle yet husky voice forced my stomache to flutter. A longing smile etched onto my face at the thought of feeling happy.

Gently he took my arm again as we continued aimlessly walking. My legs were begging for a reprieve. Infact my while body was.

"Where are we going ?"

His shocked reaction surprised me he seemed to stutter over himself as he began to explain.

" I thought that maybe it was best for you to see a doctor, I didnt want to go forward or push you to far with our plan. I mean its just your so thin and so...

He stopped again and looked to the floor releasing a sigh of frustration.

"Im sorry I should of asked you, its just I seen you and realised you were struggling to stand and wanted to get you there as soon as possible. I just thought it was best for a doctor to do a full medical examination and give us there professional opinion on going forward."

My hand gently took his in a bid to provide him with comforting reassurance, like he had given me. His shocked eyes met mine as he looked between our hands and me.

" its ok, I think your right its probably best "

With a soft smile we carried on until we reached a door that had a sign above it saying 'hospital'.

"You have a hospital in the castle?"

"Yeah its incase any staff or members who live here needs treatment. We have this one here and one in the centre of the packs terroirty maybe I can show you where it is one day? "

Nodding i smiled as we walked through the door. I couldn't help but notice how empty it was. I know wolves rarely need treatment but there wasn't even  staff it was kind of eerie.

" I thought it was probably best not to overwhelm you with people, the only people here right now is me, you and Dr. Elaine. "

"Thankyou "

I appreciated his thoughtfulness. I couldn't help but wonder if he'd done the same near my room. Only now am I realising that the only people I have seen even when roaming the corridor between rowens office and my room were, rowen himself, colbey and jackson.

I couldn't help but smile in appreciation, this warm feeling inside my chest swelled, knowing people around me cared.

A middle aged women stood on the corridor as we turned. Gently she waved us over with a kind smile etched on her lips.

"Hello Alpha, you must be breya? "

She asked while stretching out her hand. Nervously I took it offering her a small shake before retrieving my cold hand back.

"Im Dr. Elaine, shall we get you inside and we can go through everything we need to? "

Looking between rowen and the dr anxiety was beginning to build within my shakey form. The Dr seemed to notice as she gently encouraged me

"Dont worry breya anything your not comfortable with doing you don't have to and if you need a break then you just let me know I promise you will be ok"

Nodding in reluctance i began to follow her stilling as I realised rowen wasn't following me. Looking towards him in question he quickly spoke.

"I will be right here ok?"

I shook my head, I couldn't do this with just a stranger no matter how nice she seemed before I backed out I averted my gaze and asked in a whisper.

"Wi..will you come with me ? "

His nearing steps forced me to stare harder at the white shiney floors, gently he took my hand and guided us into to room without a single word or moments hesitation.

We both took a seat across from the doctor who didn't hide her curiosity at our still entwined hands. Forcing my nerves to begin to spiral. Gently rowen squeezed my hand in comfort.

I closed my eyes and reminded my self that I was safe. I didn't need to fear everything anymore and that I was doing all of this to finally get the justice I deserved, jackson deserved, the pups deserved even  what the pack deserved.

"Shall we get started?"

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