Chapter 3

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How can you accept becoming exactly what you wanted to escape?. That same question had consumed my mind ever since my meeting with the alpha King and beta colby.

She's a wolf, all this time she was one of us. How did I miss that as soon as I heard those words and got over my initial disbelief it made sense. All the peices falling together.

They had told me everything that had happened with breya since they got home. How all this actually came to be. I don't think I'd fully processed everything yet as I sat on the balcony to my room.

Greatful for this silent moment to fully make sense of everything. This was how she survived so many years of torture because she was one of us. She could of been free and living a beautiful life if she had just known then.

Now she has to become a wolf or die how was that a fair ultimatum?. Like she hadn't been through enough. I couldn't begin to imagine what she was going through. It all made sense now why my father said she was struggling with change.

The irony was uncanny we were both struggling with change, I had lost my wolf while she had learned of hers. It was almost like we had switched places.

I felt sick as I thought of the kings words and how she was avoiding shifting.

Alpha rowens pressence was intimidating beyond belief. I was struggling even being in the same room as him let alone looking towards him. My wolf wasn't even present and I could still feel his powerful aura.

He had been nothing but accommodating since I walked into his office. As had beta colby both explaining everything that had been going on. Right now though they both sat in a strange silence ever since I asked 'how has she not shifted?'.

I awkwardly sat there wondering what was going on, it didn't make sense larsen was no longer poisoning her so how were they keeping her wolf at bay?. Until the king sighed in what sounded like resignation.

"Breya doesn't want to shift im sure this goes without saying but she doesn't exactly want to be one of us, we cant allow her to shift either while she is still so weak,we need to train her build her body up and get her as prepared to face the shift as we can. "

I wasn't sure i liked where this was going as I waited for him to continue when he didnt I couldn't help my gaze as it fell on a pained looking alpha. Colby quickly took over the explanation as he felt the kings tension.

" right now she has no chance in surviving her first shift, but she refuses our help to prepare her. The only person she allows into her room or acknowledges in any way is the pack doctor who gives her a strong enough dose of wolfsbane to keep her wolf from pushing through "

I felt my throat go dry as I thought about his words, she was voluntary taking wolfsbane.

" does..does she kniw the risks ? "

I could barely get my words to splutter out, my mind was about ready to explode as the beta nodded his head in conformation. She was killing herself and she was choosing to do it. The longer her wolf stays locked away after being repressed for all this time the less time she has. If her wolf completely dies then so does she. The kings voice broke my train of thought as he spoke with a voice much more softer than I'd heard it.

"I know were asking alot of you but we need as much help as we can get, we need to try and convince her that being one of us isn't the curse she thinks it is "

I shook my head as the unnerving reality kept replaying in my head. If we didn't convince her soon she was going to die. After everything she came through she couldn't let being a wolf be the reason she leaves this planet.

The problem was how? How do we convince her that being a wolf is a gift,  I felt an emence amount of guilt flood me. Our wolves are a gift but our human sides taint them because of our selfish tendencies. We were the darkness not the wolf.

We caused the wolves to be painted in horror stories but they were all lies. Our wolves were our saviours teaching us how not to be spinless animals. Yet we took our gift from the moon for granted.

I felt the gaping hole in my chest of my lost wolf wishing I had appreciated him more. The urgent knocking on the door starled me a little, it was unnerving being in a strange place without my usually hightend senses.

I could feel my nerves begin to come alive as I slowly made my way to the door , in an attempt to give myself more time to compose myself. Because I knew that when I opened the door I was closer to finding out if I could help her.

I wasn't entirely sure if it was the possibility of her out right rejection or the possibility of her accepting my help that scared me the most. I felt the sweat begin to form along my skin as I finally reached the door. The knots in my stomache swirling as I came face to face with colby.

Giving me a smile that said more than words could I silently followed him down the corridors. Unable to take in any of my surroundings as I stayed lost in my anxious thoughts.

"Jackson breath, I can feel your nerves from here "

The betas attempt at appeasing me was wasted, because every step I took i became more and more apprehensive. Maybe this was a mistake, I couldn't stand to cause her more emotional pain. I just prayed she would understand that we all just want to help her.

Cobly suddenly stopped and turned slowly to me, his voice low as he spoke.

" remember what we said, if it dosnt work if she ignores you then don't blame yourself , the fact you tried will be enough"

A flash of sadness flashed through his eyes, one I knew all to well. He was hurt by the fact breya chose to ignore him, wanting only to help her and gain her trust. I knew it because it was the same hope i was wishing for now even if I didn't want to admit it.

I hoped she would accept my help allow me in, I hoped that she could see that all I wanted to do was support her. Nodding towards the door behind him I audibly gulped.

Moving past the beta I stood on shaky legs in front of the wooden doors that she was behind. She was so close, I could swear that my heart was capable of leaving my body at any given moment.

Raising a balled fist to the door and tapping gently against the wood I tried to search for the words I was supposed to say. Finally taking a breath and composing myself I allowed my voice to gently pass my lips.

"Breya its Jackson I know I'm the last person you want to see, but please open the door I just want to talk with you, I promise I'm not hear to cause you any kind of suffering I just want to help you "

Sincerity poured through my tone, but only silence followed. My heart sank at the thought of her suffering alone so close to people who really did care.

Moments passed before I bowed my head in shame. How selfish of me to think I would be able to offer her comfort.

Turning away realising what a stupid mistake this was, I walked towards the beta.

Both of our eyes widening as the click of the doors sounded followed by the gently creak of the door opening.

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