Chapter Twenty-Two

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Today was the day. The start of my life I wasn't sure how I felt. I felt everything and nothing at the same time.

Mostly it felt like a dream, a long distant dream that I would soon fade out of. Back to the reality of my hut. I shook my head trying to ignore the impending thoughts. I hated how much I doubted everything. Even when I could see it.

Out of my window I watched jackson and colby loading cars up there were five in total. I wondered what they were bringing surely we didn't need that many.

"Breya are you ready"

Alpha Rowen surprised me as he gently spoke I didn't turn around instead I trained my eyes on the figures moving around hastily outside  my window.

"Is this really happening?"

I felt his presence behind me he gently turned me around to face him but I couldn't bring myself to look into his eyes.

" Yes, how are you feeling?"

I let an awkward laugh leave me as I felt my body tense.

" I have no idea, I'm scared, nervous a little nauseous but I am also excited. I've always imagined my free life with humans literal beings I've never met before. It's overwhelming but the curiosity inside me is going crazy. I have so  many questions...

I trailed of as I thought about my burning questions all the wonders I'd wondered all these years. I can finally see it with my own eyes. I didnt think of my action I just felt it complete gratitude for the man before me. He gave me this my life. This chance. I'd practically jumped on him as I wrapped my arms around his torso. My eyes were full of unshed tears as I was over come with emotions I'd never felt before.

He reacted instantly hugging me back with a gentle firmness.

"Thankyou, thankyou for allowing me to do this"

I felt him tense beneath me , I couldn't help it I froze in fear my mind instantly analysing what I did wrong. He gently pulled away enough to bend down so our eyes met.

"I didnt allow you to do anything you are a person every single choice in your life is yours to make"

"Im sorry I just meant that I'm greatful that your all doing this with me none of this would of been a possibility if it wernt for you and your pack"

He gently hugged me again only this time I felt unsure as guilt ate away at me I didnt mean to upset him.

"Please don't apologise I just need you to understand that I will not allow another soul to take a single choice away from you again that I promise"

The awkward throat clearing  made me jump as my eyes searched for the sorce.

"Sorry to interrupt but were ready"

"For god sake jackson you could of knocked can you not see they were having a moment"

Colby wore a grin that stretched right across his face as jackson went a bright shade of red, I felt my own face heating in embarrassment. Alpha Rowen simply shook his head at colby before turning back to me.

"You ready"

We made our way out to the front of the castle all the cars were ready and the sound of chatter was loud. This was the most people I'd been around in a long time. I felt myself tense as my anxiety rose. I instantly grabbed jacksons arm for support. Thankfully he just held it tighter in responce reassuring me everything was alright.

Eventually the chatter died down as the king spoke.

" does everyone know what they are doing?"

'Yes alpha'

"Good wolves come with me so we can shift everyone else get in the cars"

As soon as it left his mouth the crowd dispersed, the king himself walked towards the forest. I stood as still as a statue holding onto jackson and chanting over and over ' you can do this'

"Well I guess we will see you there you sure your ok riding wolf back?"

"I think so I don't trust them things"

I didn't I had never been in a car before and honestly they look terrifying at least with a wolf I trusted I knew what to expect. As if on cue the kings silver beast emerged from the forest. His cost as beautiful as ever and his beast as formidable.

He gently stopped a few feet away before I felt the pressure in my head.

'Can you hear me?'


'Remeber if you need a break just say the word'

Nodding he gently bent towards the ground jackson helped me onto his back. It was amazing how at ease I was once my hands sank beneath his soft fur. His warmth surround me like a comforting blanket. Slowly he walked towards the trees where we were met with five wolves. Instinctively I shrunk away trying to appear as small as possible.

'Everything's ok no-one will hurt you'

They all moved to the side to allow the king to pass he let out a grunted sound as he bags a slow steady run. Every wolf tailing us the trees began to blur past bringing back that incredible feeling of freedom. It would never get old or boring.

It would always feel amazing, a constant reminder of what I'd come through so far. I was talking, surrounded by wolves and facing my present. Everyday was an accomplishment. I have no idea where this road will take me and how well i will deal with it all but I'm trying.

'You doing ok?'

'I think so, do you mind if I ask a few questions you know about humans
? '

'Ask away'

Excitement bubbled in me I can ask questions when ever I wanted it was completely foreign to me, I loved it.

'What they like?'

'Well like us minus the four paws and snouts, some are good some are bad, some a clever some are not. Honestly breya the only difference between us is we can change into wolves'

'Do they mate ?'

Rowen went silent for moment i hoped I didn't sound silly asking but I wasn't sure.

'They marry, unlike us they choose who to love'

'Do you like them?'

'Some yes'

I sunk into the beast further feeling content.

'How long will it take to get there ?'

'3 days'

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