Chapter Eight

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It had happened before so many times  the trance  between us as we lost ourselves in each others gaze. Only this time the beautiful emerald eyes of the beast I'd become so familiar with were on the face of a man. A man I had never seen before yet I felt like I'd known him a life time.

He broke the trance between us when he looked away in a heist. One thought came to mind, pain. There was no pain everytime I looked into those eyes I ended up trapped in agonising pain but not this time.


It was barley a whisper as the word left my lips my eyes looking at my hands in astonishment.

"Im in human form I think my wolf calls to...

Looking towards the man who was the alpha of all alpha's I couldn't help but stare. He had stopped his sentence, I knew what he was going to say and i was greatful he didnt  finish it but I couldn't believe he'd spared my feelings in having to hear it. Of course inhad questions about his theory but I wasn't ready for the answers.

Giving him a nod showing I understood what he was saying I seemed to catch up to the moment .

"Im sorry I ran i wasn't trying to escape I..

"Breya your not a prisoner you can go anywhere you like whenever you like, I didn't find you to force you back. I came because..

He went from strong and certain to hesitant quickly. Sitting on the ground where he once stood he rested his back against a tree. Slowly I followed his lead ,we sat across from each other the silence of the night filling the air between us as I patiently waited for him to continue.

"I came because you have never been outside of your room we were worried you'd get lost. I also found you to make sure you were ok and because I wanted to see you, to apologise


I cut him off shocked he wanted to apologise to me. He nodded at my question my voice was full of bewilderment I didnt even try to hide it.

"For what ?"

Huffing in what seemed like frustration or defeat maybe even both he let his head rest against the tree his gaze focused on the beaches above us.

"For many things actually"

I couldn't believe any of this the alpha King wanted to apologise to me I couldn't help but shake my head I didnt deserve an apology from him he'd done so much for me and id thrown it in his face .

"You don't need to apologise to me you definitely don't owe me anything"

A small growl sounded around quickly making me retreat slightly. It had been so long since I'd heard thst sound that it surprised me a little.

" I owe you that and more, you didn't deserve my abandonment I should of tried to help you threw you know... everything instead I dropped an incredibly difficult situation on you and just left you ..

I couldn't help but interject he seemed so frustrated with himself and I couldn't stand it.

" your the king you don't need to trouble yourself with me..

He was on his feet quicker than I could comprehend pacing he began to rant into the night.

" don't do that please, I'm still the same wolf you met at moonrise I may be a King but that doesn't make me anymore important than you or anyone else. I was never a King to you I was just wolf and I don't want that to to change. I promised to help you and I didn't I left you to suffer alone and for that I'm so incredibly sorry"

My legs lifted my body of the ground, grass crunching beneath my feet as they carried me to him. I felt the familiar feeling of fear creep in but I pushed it down and let my instincts guide me. Stood directly in front of him I forced my eyes to his.

"Its ok, I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you its just I figured you had more important things to do than worry about me. I won't lie the fact your an alpha well your more alpha or all alpha's scares me"

I was trying hard ti remember the friend I'd made in the beast i didnt want to loose that with him, jackson or colby. They'd all helped me all been there for me and I didnt want that to change. I didnt know who I was yet but i wanted to be brave. I wanted to be surrounded by people I trusted but before I could do that I had to take a leap of faith and put my trust into the people who had shown me truth.

I was shaking in uncertainty but I had to be honest.i also had to see where the land lies between me and all of them. If I couldn't do that with wolves I knew and held some trust for how was I going to survive living in another pack?.

I'd gotten lost in my thoughts until a light chuckle forced me back to the present.

"Alpha of all alpha's? I've never been called that before"

I dont think I'd ever really experienced blushing and if I had I didnt remember. But my cheeks were a blaze within seconds I was quick to take a step back and advert my eyes to anything that wasn't wolf.

" just for the record breya all I've done is worry about you"

I didnt think it was possible but the hotness in my cheeks got worse I was so incredibly greatful when he changed the subject.

"Would you like me to leave or take you back

I quickly shook my head

"Actually I would like to stay out here a while , maybe you could stay?"

He was the first person I'd ever shared a moment of peace with. Lay in his soft fur as we talked about everything yet nothing all at once. It was the first time in such a long time id felt true happiness and content.

I didnt want to be isolated anymore because every day I allowed myself to be isolated was another day I was letting larsen control my life. I couldn't keep living in fear although it was practically installed in me. I had to fight against it.

I had spoken out of turn with wolf so many times and it never angered him so it was time I trusted I was actually free and learnt to speak, act and live.

"I'd like that"

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