chapter 14

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My eyes followed the specs of dust that floated effortlessly where the rays of light seeped through the closed curtains. I wanted to enjoy this simple yet satisfying moment. It gave me a sense of peace a true inside out moment of peace. No worries, no interference from anyone or anything not even my own anxiety just me and the light.

Last night was the first night I had slept in the bed, it was soft and inviting and I've honestly never woken up so refreshed. Despite the nightmares still taunting me throughout my sleep. I woke up with no urgency, no panic. I was comfortable and relaxed I don't think I have ever been more thankful to the royal pack than I am right now.

I dont remember a single time in my life where I felt this blissful. I sighed in dissapointment I knew I'd have to ruin this precious moment soon. Today was the day I ate breakfast with jackson, colby and rowen. Not alone in my room it was exciting and daunting at the same time.

I wanted to just be excited about sharing a simple normal moment with them but I also couldn't deny that I was nervous. Climbing out of bed I followed my routine like it had been a part of my life forever. It just felt normal to me now even after only two weeks.

Showered, dressed, teeth brushed, hair brushed. Such simple everyday things and I smiled genuinely, it was nice to have that it was almost empowering. A gentle rasping sounded encouraging my nerves to spike but in a good way.

As expected rowen stood smiling down at me offering me his arm.


Nodding with a shy smile and a slight blush gracing my face I quickly took his arm.

"So I will drop you off with jacksom and colby i have a unexpected meeting but I shouldn't take long I will still join you all for breakfast "

"O ok is everything ok ?"

I felt slightly disappointed that he wasn't going to be joining us as planned, but concern quickly took over that feeling.

"Yes everything's fine just an unexpected visitor nothing to worry about. I promise"

His words were reassuring and seemed to calm my already racing thoughts. Although I was curious to who the visitor was.

"Here we are jackson and colby are already here, I will be back soon"

With a gentle nudge i was walking inside a glass conservatory. It was huge with windows everywhere, bright and full of colours from the outside aswell as the various flowers dotted about inside. I was in awe, jackson and colby sat at a round white table big enough for four people ,that was full of plates of food and a jug of orange juice.

I was relived to see what I was seeing, I was kind if expecting a grand Hall that echoed with every step and breath you took,with a huge table. This was the complete opposite and was definitely one of the most beautiful settings I'd ever seen. It was calm, welcoming and intimate.

"Hi guys, sorry I am late"

Warm smiles etched on their faces making me feel even more at ease. Is it crazy that this is the most civilised thing I'd ever done?.

"Can you help settle a debate for us?"

I hitched a brow at that I was starting to work out that colby was a complete joker when he wasn't serious, and he loved goading jackson. It made me laugh all they seemed to do was bicker.

"Dont involve her, this is just colby's way of trying to be always right"

I could hear the frustration in jacksons voice but it was actually nice. He wasn't angry or even scary not how he used to be. He was actually being playful I was starting to realise how calm of a person he actually was. I smiled at that.

Colby chuckled at jacksons reaction clearly getting the response he was aiming for. He turned his amused gaze to me until suddenly all amusement completely vanished. His relaxed posture went rigid and a faint growl left his lips.

I was instantly on high alert until jacksons hand grabbed mine. Looking to jackson for answers he gave my hand a gentle squeeze.

"Your not supposed to be here"

Colby growled he was in defence mode, he wasn't annoyed he was protective.i don't know how but  I could somehow sense it.

"Well thats not for you to decide, is it beta"

Colby all but roared as he flew from his seat, the man's voice was cocky and arrogant it was unnerving. I felt myself move closer to jackson.

"Its ok breya your safe "

"Who is thst jackson"

I whispered my voice slightly trembling. This was the first time I'd encountered a stranger here that was unexpected.

"No need to be alarmed breya, I am here to see you"

The man said dismissively, I hadnt even moved my gaze to him I kept it on jacksons hand currently around mine. I could of kicked myself for forgetting I am surrounded by super hearing wolves. My heart was pounding a mile a minute my mind racing over why he wanted to see me.

"Your not here to see anyone, you are not speaking with her now leave Warren"

Colby was practically wolf at this point i didn't know who this man was but he clearly wasn't welcome here.

"Thats alpha to you beta, incase you have forgotten,  I chair the council and you have no rule over me so I shall and I will talk to the girl"

The malice in the man's voice took me back to the darkest corners of my mind. Stirring that same fear in me I hadn't felt in so long. The apprehension taking a hold of me I wanted to just sink away.

A powerful demanding growl forced my head to turn rowens back was all I could see as he stood in front of Warren blocking my view of him.

"You may be the chair of the council but I am king and alpha and that is my beta. You have no right to trespassing and no business being here without my say so I will not tolerate disrespect. Now GET OUT "

I jumped a little at the authority in rowens voice his wolf present with every word he spoke. Two men walked in the room grabbing the man and practically dragging him out of the room.

"And her name is breya "

Rowen called after him as soon as the doors closed all three pairs of eyes landed on my trembling form. Tears threatened to spill making me feel utterly pathetic. Rowen was in front of me quicker than lightening. He knelt down taking both of my hands and gently rubbing his thumb over my palm.

" I am so sorry about that breya he had no right to be here he will not get away with that I promise"

Slow tears began to leave my eyes all I wanted to do was go back to my room away from everyone.

"Please forgive me for letting that happen. Would .. would you come with me i promise you are safe "

His eyes were so unbelievably sincere that I felt myself nodding in agreement before knowing where he was taking me. He seemed to realise my question before I asked it.

"Were going for a run"

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