Chapter Eighteen

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Erin was like a breath of fresh air to me. Everything she said was soothing and positive. I dont think I've ever met anyone quite like her before. She was so certain of what she said so assured by her own confidence. I wished I could learn how to do that.

"Breya wait "

I stopped in my tracks at the sound of jacksons voice turning to him I watched as he lightly jogged ti catch up to me.

"Where you going?"

"I was just going back to my room I've finished with Erin now"

Sticking his hands in his pockets he stopped our slow walk a gentle smile gracing his lips. I loved seeing him like this it was like I was seeing him for the first time. He was so gentle and kind, to be able to see who he really is and watch him grow into the wonderful person he actually is was incredible and humbling.

"Do you maybe want to go for a walk with me, it could be your exercise for the day"

"Sure, do you even know your way around?"

"A little"

"Mind if I tag along ?"

Colbys voice startled me one minute he wasn't there the next he was practically sat in my back. Honestly I think he was trying to give me a heart attack. I tried to hide a laugh as jackson rolled his eyes in annoyances.

"Do you have to?"

Throwout an arm around jackson colby grinned a knowing grin.

"Can you wait here for me I just need to grab something "

Jackson shrugged cikbys arm away before disappearing down the hall. Sternly looking at colby he shrugged innocelty.


"Its crazy watching you both now, you wouldn't think you were both willing to fight not so long ago"

Colbys eyes widened as mine did. I realised I had no idea why thst never happened colby spoke before I could.

"Not today please, I want you ti have a stress free day with your favourite people"

Laughing I nodded in agreement while colby muttered a quiet phew under his breath.

Soon we were all walking through the garden id just come from with erin and out into a huge open field. It seemed like it went on forever. Barring the parts of the forest I went with rowen this was the furthest id ventured outside. I couldn't see anyone else around and thst had me sighing in relief.

Jackson seemed quieter than usual as he asked us to sit down. I worried about what was bothering him it seemed colby had noticed to.

" whats wrong jackson?"

Both colby and I waited for his response anxiously. He turned ti face us a look of guilt plastered all over his features. I felt myself begin to panic a little.

"Breya there's a reason I asked you to come here with me "

I looked around what for exactly I didnt kniw. All I could see was miles  and miles of grass. Pulling something from his pocket colby sprung to his feet a threatening growl emitting from him. A warning ti jackson.

"Really Colby?"

Jackson seemed offended by colbys response but he brushed him of while he held out a small box in his hand.

"What are you doing jackson?"

Colby went from dangerously scary to mortified in seconds. Me I was just confused I looked to jackson in question. Intrigued by the box in his hand.

"This belongs to you Sarah gave it me and asked me to give it to you. I'm sorry I didnt give it to you sooner I just didn't want to overwhelm you. Its was erm was your mother's"

My eyes widened in shock, it felt like every bit of breath in my body was sulked out in seconds. My mother's. I hadn't even thought of my parents. Or the possibility of finding them or learning about them since being free.

Of course over the years they had crossed my mind. Id thought about them for a time I dreamt they would come and rescue me but they never did. Honestly I never thought it was possible to know them.

Now jackson held something that apparently belong to my mother the women who have birth to me. There was so many questions I wanted to ask but nothing came out of my mouth. I wondered if she was alive, did she know where I was?. What about my father?.

Starring between jacksin and the box i struggled to catch my breath. Clutching my chest I somehow managed to talk.

"My mother's? How ? "

Guilt seemed to consume jackson even more as he looked to the floor.

"I dont know Sarah said I had ti give it you and then when you were ready she would answer any questions you may have, im sorry breya I didnt want this to cause you more suffering but I thought you deserved to know."

Taking jacksins hand i held it tight it was the only comfort I could offer him as my mind spiralled into complete and utter carnage. Jackson grabbed my hand and placed the box inside it looking me dead in the eye.

"Open when your ready breya it dosnt have to be today "

He was wrong it did have to be today if I didn't open it here and now I knew I never would. My trembling hands held the bix as tightly as they could. The smooth navy velvet felt strange under my finger tips. My gaze lingered on the box for what felt like a life time.

This shouldn't be that hard it was just a box, but it felt like so much more to me. I didnt even know how to feel. Opening it in one quick motion my eyes widened. It was a necklace.

A beautiful silver necklace that was  shaped into a star, in the middle was a green gem stone. It was breath taking and it was hers. My mothers this belong to her. My fingers gently traced the silver star as if searching for more. I wanted all the answers but at the same time dreaded them.

I felt the silent tears that slipped down my face I wasn't sure if they were happy or not. Colbys words shook me out of my haze.

"Can I see that?"

His voice was firm a tone I wasn't really used to hearing from him. Confusion struck me as I passed it over to him. I watched as his eyes widened anxiously awaiting his response. Why did he look so surprised?

"Colby ?"

My voice was barley a whisper as watched colbys surprised face turn to me in disbelief.

"This is a witches symbol"

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