Chapter Ten

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The moons soft glow drew me in capturing my gaze and calming my nerves. Tonight I was going against my fears and doubts and following my instincts. Making my first choice.

I had been reassured by jackson, colby and rowen that I was free now. Yet seeds of doubt sprouted uncontrollably. Given everything I've been through I would be a fool to blindly trust anyone.

I couldn't help the questions of doubt I had what if I angered them? What happens if i dissapoint them? My doubts were there and I had to erase them.

Granted they had all helped me in so many different ways and I wanted desperately to repay them for that. I knew in my heart it was unfair for me to doubt them but I wanted to never doubt them again so I had to do this.

I wanted to overcome my anxieties, fears and paranoia. It was going to be incredibly hard and take time but i had to start somewhere.

Rowen had shown me to his office last night his words resounding in my mind and encouraging me to follow throught with my decision. 'If you ever need anything, even if its as simple as company this door is open for you anytime any day. Im almost always here if I'm not then feel free to stay or you can leave me a note and I will find you'

A gentle smile eased its way onto my face at the memory. Honestly he amazed me. He was an alpha wolf a king non the less, there was no doubt he was incredibly fierce, strong and powerful yet with all that power and strength he was still gentle and kind.

He was every bit wolf and every bit man it was hard for me to grasp the concept of him being both strong and kind but that didn't make it any less true. He, colby and jackson had made me realise being evil is a choice one only soulless monsters can make.

That's what made me realise I had to be able to fully trust them. It would devastate me if they someday turned into the monsters I knew and im not sure I could survive that. With that final thought I began the short journey to rowens office.

I was going to push through the anxious tremors and fight of the nagging doubts my mind through at me. With each step my bare feet made I wanted to turn back but I didn't. I tried to remind myself why I was doing this, he said I could and I wanted to see if it was true.

Don't get me wrong I actually wanted to see him I wondered if he could show me how and where to find Jackson and colby. Before I could contemplate running back to my room i knocked on the door whilst my other hand pushed the handle down.

Peering into the office my eyes widened as I took in all three of them colby sat on a sofa his elbows resting on his knees until his eyes met mine. Shock seemed to take over the angry look he held only moments ago. Jackson was stood a look of sheer panic etched on his face while rowen seemed taken back.

Anxiety seemed to riddle my body as I realised I'd interrupted something. I tried to remind myself that it was exactly what i wanted to do but failed at reasoning with myself.

" sorry I.. erm was just sorry..

I turned to leave until coblys harsh voice spoke taking me of guard a little.

"Nows your chance "

"Watch it colby"

I had no idea what was going on but it was clear whatever heated discussion they were having was about me. Taking a breath I faced them looking towards them in question.

"Breya is everything ok"

Rowen asked with slight concern and curiosity. I suppose he was slightly surprised that i actually came unannounced. My own curiosity got the best of me as I blurted out my question.

"Whats going on ? "

I dont know why but I just knew I could feel it in my gut that whatever it was wasn't good. The nervous faces of all three men didn't help the dread that began to creep in. I tried hard to brace myself. Sighing in defeat the king rubbed his temples.

" we have something we need to discuss with you im just sorry about the timing. Would you mind sitting with us? "

Nodding in reluctance I took a seat on a chair that was facing jackson all men sat and silence filtered through the air. It was rowen who took charge and began to explain.

" I'm not sure how much you know about our laws and how things are dealt with..

"I know that there is a council who enforce the laws set out by the king or Queen"

Nodding he continued.

"What I'm about to say isn't going to be easy for you to hear breya I won't lie to you. I wish I didn't need to put this on you but I need you to remember that you have a choice and you will not be forced to do anything do you understand?"

There it was the proof I needed. All men were clearly unhappy and stressed about something yet neither had taken it out on me despite my intrusion. Whatever was happening was clearly my fault yet they still wasn't going to take my freedom away. Relief flooded me despite the fact I didnt yet know what he was going to tell me.

" when we arrested larsen we had enough evidence against him to make sure he stayed in a cell until a trail date was set. However there's something not right with the council we believe there's a mole someone working either for larsen or someone associated with him. The council want the trail to start but we have put a stop to it until you were ready to give evidence, to testify against him."

Taking a moment the gage my reaction i nodded for him to continue i could see he was nervous and unsure but I wanted him to tell me.

" I dont want to throw to much at you right now so I will just get to it. They wanted to release him but colbys manage to buy us more time. The council refuse to allow you to testify unless you can prove your.. one of us "

He seemed reluctant to continue i was thankful for the brief moment to process everything he was saying. Rowen looked away from me he seemed frustrated with himself jackson was looking to the floor unmoving. While colby stood to his feet sitting on the edge of the table his soft eyes reflected guilt as he gently spoke.

" we know your not ready to accept that your a wolf. But they want you to shift into your wolf. They have given us a small amount of time to get you ready for it. If and when you do shift the trail can then go ahead and we can finally get the jutice you deserve"

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