Chapter one

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A/N hello everyone I just wanted to let you all know that there has been a time jump of six months (Jackson was in a coma for two of them). As a reader myself I dont particularly like time jumps but I promise its necessary. As the book unfolds you will understand why.

Beta colby pv

Waves of frustration rattled through my body as I stormed down the long halls. My beast grumbling within me as my own thoughts lashed out at each other. The god damn council was getting on my last nerve.

Rowens office door shook under my palm as I threw my body over the freshhold. He didnt even move let alone seem surprised by my angered presence. In fact it seemed like he was expecting me as he placed a cold beer on the desk in front of him.

"You knew ? "

I said almost breathlessly as I stood bewildered. He sighed heavily as he gestured for me to sit. Once I was sat facing him he practically threw his own body into a sag on his seat.

" No, but I did anticipate that this would happen"

"Well thanks for the heads up"

He looked towards me as my tone stayed irritated.

" can you honestly say your surprised colby? "

" yes I can. I expected them to be more patient. Isn't that the least she deserves after everything"

Shaking his head he took a swig of his drink before enlightening me.

" yes she does morally. But their not looking at it like that. They see this how they'd see any trail. Without her evidence our case is flimsy at best. They have given her six months , and she hasn't even stepped foot out of her room."

Now I was furious I knew what he wass saying  was right. That this wasn't his view of it but the fact he said it caused my sanity to disapate. My chair flew back with the force of my body pushing to my feet. Rowen only relaxed back as he waited for my outburst.

" how can you say that? You saw first hand what they put her through. You know how hard this has been for her. Hell you were the one to tell her are you really just going to let them release him ?. How fucked up is that anyway asking her to prove she is one of us by completing a shift before they will even hear her. Why are you not stepping in "

I watched his own anger rise within his eyes slamming his hands against the desk he growled out his words telling me I'd pushed a little to far .

" Sit. Down. Colby. "

I tried hard to ignore his request my anger showing my truly stubborn side. For a while it worked as we stared one another down. Until I realised I was being unfair. I begrudgingly grabbed my chair and sulked into it as my face remained a picture of anger. He began to pace leaving me to wait for his explanation.

"I never said I wouldn't step in if I have to i will. I won't allow her to be forced to accept he true identy before she is ready to. However the longer this takes the harder it will be for her. Let's face it colby we've made zero progress with her since we revealed the truth to her. She is wasting away in that room and its driving me crazy."

I immediately felt guilty as I watched his inner turmoil. It was evident from the moment I witnessed him with her he somehow felt connected to her. Id momentarily forgotten this in my blind rage. Not only that I knew he wouldn't allow his release. Or for the councils ridiculous requests to ruin our years of work. Not after we knew the extent of his terror.

"Im sorry, but something isn't right with all this"

Taking his seat again he nodded, agreeing with my statement. I watched the gears in his head turn. Like me he was desperate to find a way to help her. The council were being undoubtedly unfair towards breya their was definitely something unlawful going on. However our main concern should be breya.

"Jackson. Didnt you say alpha harris mentioned of his struggles? "

"Ermm ...i did but how does that have ...

"Maybe he could help her ,they were imprisoned together after all. At this stage I'm willing to try anything."

I would of hated to see my facial expression at his suggestion. Luckily I allowed it register in my head before I opened my mouth . He must of noticed my doubt as he spoke again .

" what other options do we have ?"

My mood quickly turned somber as I realised he was right. We were running out of time for her and that's where our real problems lay.

" your right and frankly were running out of time. We don't know the extent of damage that her wolf has suffered after all these years of being poisoned leaving it longer than necessary will only cause further damage"

Without any further discussion we had both agreed this would be best.

"You know you still haven't told me "

"Told you what ?"

Rowens face held confusion at my statement.

"The day we rescued breya. How did you know the rouges wouldn't fight? "

"I didnt know they wouldn't. I just had a feeling. I could sense there doubt in him"

He almost let growl slip past his lips at the thought of the monster in our prison. It was clear he was willing to explain it any further and honestly I didnt have the patience to keep asking right now.

"Call harris colby we cant just sit around and do nothing anymore."

Nodding I left the room pulling out my phone and pulling harris number up. I hesitantly pressed call, this was either going to help or make things a hundred times worse.

"Beta colby? Twice in one week eveything ok ?"

"Alpha harris, I'm sorry to keep bothering you but me and rowen were talking about both of our situations. Maybe we could help each other"

Silence met my ears the alpha was clearly in thought as he processed my words and realised i was talking about jackson .


"Well we thought maybe breya and jackson could help each other.we know they have a bit of a bad history but we believe its worth a shot. "

A heavy sigh sounded down the phone before he spoke.he was clearly feeling the same doubt I had.

"I dont know colby, jackson refuses to even talk about her. Even if we did this getting him to go would be difficult. "

"I understand, however what do we have to loose their both suffering because of the same person. I refuse to let him win, maybe if we bring them together they can help each other? "

Sarahs calming voice met my ears surprising me slightly.

"I think this is exactly what they need, weather it works or not i can't sit here and watch jackson torture himself, and know that  breya is doing the exact same thing. Enough is enough"

The luna had spoken, i could here the desperation and finality of her words as she spoke. All of us were experiencing the same amount of anguish watching them do this to themselves. We had to do something.

"Alright beta, we will convince him to come, but I will need your word that he will be safe. I can't stand the thought of him being put through anymore?."

A warm smile graced my face , harris truly loved jackson as if he were his own blood. I could hear the fatherly concern in his voice.

"You have my word harris, he will be treated with the respect he deserves for the time he stays with us."

"Thank-you "

"I will send you the details for the travel arrangements in a short while. It was good talking to you alpha"

The phone went dead as we hung up, I felt rowens pressence behind me his voice full of concern.

"I hope were doing the right thing "

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