chapter 15

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The crisp morning air along with the fresh smells of the forest was blissfully welcoming. I hadn't smelt anything like it in so long it was instantly soothing. I felt the tranquility in my body and mind, nature really was my serenity.

Despite the fact I had a million questions rowen and  I hadn't spoken a word to each other on the walk out here. My mind had been racing a mile a minute and as much as I wanted to know who Warren was, what he wanted and why he was there I couldn't bring myself to ask for the answers, at least not yet anyway.

The last two weeks had been overwhelming, challenging and way out of my comfort zone. But I was doing it, I was following the plan, a routine. It may not seem so big but to me it was everything. All this morning did was make me want to return to my room and never open the door again but instead I was here stood in the middle of a forest I didn't know. For that I was a little proud of my self.

I was broken away from thoughts when the sound of someone approaching grabbed my attention. My eyes landed of the magnificent creature I had actually missed. My heart stopped for a moment as adrenaline cursed through me. The silver beast. He was breath taking.

His fur was even more majestic than I remembered, I felt the urge to run my fingers through it ,wanting to embrace the warmth I had been longing for unbeknownst. Keeping his distance he lowered himself to the floor as if he thought I was afraid. I didnt miss the fact he was avoiding my gaze entirely.

"Get on"

Were rowens words, it startled me abit it had been a while since I used the flower from the tree and heard the voices in my head.


I wasn't afraid I was actually intrigued.

"I want to show you how I blow of steam"

Without another word or a moments hesitation I climbed on his back. I forgot how impossibly big he was, it was like climbing a moutine. After several attempts I managed to secure myself although I was little worried I might of hurt him in the process.

My hands rested against the fur I'd been so eager to touch, my heart racing as I felt it beneath my fingers. The sift glow of the morning sun gently shimmered across it. I felt myself smiling feeling more at ease than I had all day. Warren had complete left my thoughts it was just us.

He wasted no time before I could blink we were racing through the blurred trees. My heart was racing with adrenaline but only the good kind. I felt revrived as we narrowly missed the tall sturdy trees. My fingers gripping his fur as the wind hit my exposed skin.

This was incredible I had forgotten how much Ioved this. I felt safe. I felt free of any worries, past, present and future troubles. Nothing and no one mattered.

Eventually we came to a stop my eyes quickly adjusted from the blur of the forest and began taking in the incredible view. We had stopped a clear lake, trees surrounding it either side it seemed like it went on forever. It was breath taking. Climbing of of rowens back I was in awe and complete drawn to the calm still water.

I felt the beast's nose gently nudge me catching my attention he motioned to look to my right. Shift my gaze there was a small wooden deck, where a blanket rested along with a wicker basket. I felt my stomach drop in disbelief. Was this a picnic?. The beast moved around to face me his head gently nuzzled into me as if to calm me down.

Only my heart wasn't beating a mile a minute out of fear or anxiety. Instead it was because I was in shock. I through my arms around the beast's neck and whispering "thankyou".

Sliding his body around me he encouraged me to move towards the deck. Taking a seat next to one of the grey cushions I waited for rowen to change.

He startled me a little as he sat next to me. Both of us just sat for a moment embracing this rare ,still , calm moment. All our worries melting away in a trance.

"I am sorry about breakfast being ruined breya, I know how hard it must of been for you"

I sighed knowing that at some point this had to come up.

" its ok, but rowen who was he ? Was he the visitor you were going to see?"

"He was, he had not right to be here none of Council members are permitted on Royal territory, especially now with everything that's happening "

I thought a moment rowen seemed to be doing the same even whilst he spoke. Like he was trying to figure it out.

" why was he here then ? I thought I had atleast another two weeks before anything else happened"

" I dont know but I will find out"

The certainty in his voice reassured me, I accepted that rather than question and worry about it. Something I'd never done before.

"Maybe we could try breakfast with us all again tomorrow?"

He sounded a little unsure and honestly so was I, but I'd come so far it wasn't their fault this happened and they all made sure I was ok.  I didnt want to take any steps back I wanted to push forward I wanted for once to win. To not be the victim, to not be timid and the only way I was ever going to do that was to fight against the fearz the anxiety and the monster determined to ruin my life.

"I would like that"

Smiling he nodded and I noticed his body relax a little.

" so I was wondering if you maybe had any books I could read? "

He seemed surprised by my question and felt my cheeks enflame. I realised that I had absolutely nothing to focus my attention on. I had nothing ti distract my mind from the thoughts that plauge it especially at the night.

Reading was something I love a way for  me to escape my reality and I hadn't read in so long I was hinestly desperate.

"Of course I have a library full in my office and we also have a library downstairs i could show you after breakfast if you would like"

"Could I maybe use the ones out of your office for now?"

Nodding again, I felt myself smile in relief. Id wanted to ask for a while now but I'm still unsure of what I can and can't say or do. Plus I am not ready to bump into strangers.

We spent the rest of the morning talking, eating and enjoying this moment. It was a moment I didnt want to end. It was silent almost isolating but I wasn't alone. I felt tranquil and genuinely happy. It was definitely on of the best moments of my life and I know I will cherish it forever.

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