Chapter Twenty Five

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This day had been mapped out in my imagination, more times than I could count.

I thought I had imagined this day in every possible way. Playing out each scenerio in my mind over and over again. I tried hard to imagine every detail, plan every fault. I wanted to believe it was a possibility at the very least.

So I provided myself with every possible hurdle I could think of.

The most realistic scenerio was me somehow escaping. Running for my life and my freedom. Somehow making it to a human town, blending into the shadows and becoming as invisible as possible. I didn't think it would be that hard since I was an expert in invisibility. Until the day then inevitably found me.

Thinking about my plan now seemed silly. It wasn't realistic at all. A reminder of why dreams are dreams.

I would of had to escape first of all, that was never possible. Then if I did I'd have to use this week body to run for my life. By some miracle make it to a human town. Then blend in. Become a different person. Amoung a race I knew so little about.

I can't imagine I'd of ever been able to pull it of. In fact I am certain I'd of succeeded more in a forest. I almost laugh at myself.

The reality of this day is a scenario I'd of never of conjured. Even in my wild imagination. I would never have believed it. I was rescued, that alone was still unbelievable to me.

I'm here in a human town with wolves. As friends, they are not hunting me down to drag me back. They are here with me, for me.

As my eyes fall onto each of them without a hint of fear. I feel a warmth spread through me. An emotion I don't quite understand.

They are all here for me. I couldn't be more grateful for every single one of them.

The hotel were staying in is actually a really big house. Right on the edge of the forest. Its actually run by wolves. Rowen said they decided it was safer here for us. Far enough away from prying human eyes for them to shift if need be. Also space for me, apparently humans can be abit overbearing.

We had arrived a little while ago. After freshening up we came down for dinner. Everyone was engaged in light hearted conversation. Laughs were echoed around the room. Every person had a smile on their face and seemed relaxed, carefree. It was nice to listen and watch how easy it was for them.

Everyone except Erin. She had been eerily quiet since our brief talk in the forest. She had this far away look in her eyes as she played with the food on her plate. I couldn't help  feeling slightly worried. From the time I've spent with her she seemed outgoing and confident.

"so whats the plan for tomorrow Breya?"

Colbys eyes were full of light as he looked at me. Making me smile towards him. I let my brain catch up with the moment. His question causing me to become confused.

Rowen seemed to realise this as he spoke for me. 'which I was greatful for'.

" If you could do anything? see anything? Where would you go?"

I didnt even hesitate as I answered with such certainty.

"The ocean"

Colby started to celebrate as soon as the words left my lips. Everyone laughed at him which caused me to laugh. I suppose he likes the ocean.

"we have to build sand castles! You can't go to the beach and not build sand castles!"

I had no idea what a sand castle was but I couldn't wait to find out. The excitement in Jordans voice made my own excitment grow.

I have always wanted to see the ocean. I have read so many books that mentioned, the tranquility and peace the sound of the ocean brought. I wanted to feel that same peace the books describe.

"I don't think thats a good idea. We shouldn't overwhelm her."

Erin's voice cut through the air for the first time tonight.

Everyone fell silent as we looked at a usually cheerful Erin. Her eyes held a level of sterness that made me feel uneasy. I didn't miss the fact that she spoke as though I wasn't there. Tention bubbled around us until Rowens voice echoed around us.

" That's not for you to decide"

There was finality to his words that left no room for arguments. Erin must of sensed this as she gently stood to her feet. Head slightly bowed as she took her leave without another word.

The chatter at the table carried on as normal. Yet it felt different than before.

"don't worry about her she is just worried it might be to much for you. Her hearts in the right place"

"what if she is right?"

His hand gently placed over my own. He turned to face me more.

"Then we leave until your ready to try again. This isn't going to be an overnight Fix. It's going to take time and we will do it at whatever pace your comfortable with. You want to leave then we do, if you don't then we won't. Either way you will be ok. Baby steps"

He smiled so warmly at me. As his emerald eyes looked at me with  tenderness. I'd never seen before what that looked like, I was positive thats what it was. I couldn't find words so I just gave a nod. Not trusting my voice not to break.

I wish it hadn't taken me so long to open that door. The short experience I had with the living world so far, was worth it. The people around me, the very creatures I'd learnt for so long to be afraid of. We're the ones showing me that life has beauty and kindness.

Jackson walked me back to my room and after saying a quick good night. I found myself releasing a breath I hadn't realised I was holding in.

For the first time in my life it wasn't because I could finally breath. It was because I was proud of myself. I felt oddly happy that I made it through another dinner surrounded by people.

I nearly screamed the roof of the hotel off as I turned the lights on. Erin was sat by the window her eyes piercing me. Holding my hand over my racing heart trying to calm myself. I awkwardly asked.

"is everything ok?"

My voice was hesitant as I asked her. She smiled weakly at me.

"yes everything is fine. I'm sorry I scared you."

Nodding. I made my over to the opposite chair.

"why are you here?"

"I wanted to apologise for my behaviour at dinner. I realise you don't understand where my hesitation is coming from."

Confused I waited for her to continue.

"we all had a meeting before we came. I didn't agree to us taking this trip. I thought it was a bit to much for you to handle right now . I worry that this will set you back especially if it doesn't go as planned."

"why are you so worried?"

I couldn't stop the question flying out of my mouth. I'm not used to people cairng enough to worry. I'm also curious because she was the one to suggest it.

"I just don't have a good feeling about it. I can't explain it. I also think you should be focused on healing your mind and body. You've got so much to work through. So much change happening all at once. I can't even begin to imagine how you actually feel or will."

I couldn't help but notice that far away look in her eyes as she spoke. I don't know why but it felt strange.

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