Chapter Twenty Six

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This is the first night I've been alone in a while. After Erin left the eerie silence seemed suffocating. It's strange I have spent months alone. Encased in silence, only my own mind keeping me company. A few days of constanty being around other people and I feel lost.

Erin's words of worry seemed to be plaguing my mind. Sleep was evading me no matter how hard I tried. I was to consumed by my thoughts.

I knew I needed to rest. Tomorrow I was going to do something, I never thought I would ever be able to do. I should be excited. Don't get wrong I was. I just couldn't help but wonder if Erin was right.

Was this to much for me?

Could I handle all this change at once?

I knew this change was a good one. I could feel it somehow. It didn't stop my worrying though. Now that I was alone all my fears seemed to surface. I wasn't sure if it was Erins doubts or mine.

I had tried the bed, chair and Floor I just couldn't sleep. Admitting defeat I wrapped the white dressing gown around me.

Maybe some fresh air might help settle me. Finding my way through the dimly lit house I found myself at the front door. No one was around so I guessed every one else settled just fine.

My eyes fell on the darkness in front of me. As my feet padded across the wrap around decking. The stiletto of trees danced in the shadows. I allowed the soft breeze to gently caress my face. I felt better already.

Nature really was my sanctuary.

"couldn't sleep?"

A surprised gasp left my mouth as I spun around. Rowen was sat on one of the chairs holding a steaming cup. After catching my breath I couldn't help but notice how tired he looked.

Shaking my head I made my way over to the opposite chair.

"why couldn't you sleep?"

I watched him as I waited for his answer. I couldn't help asking considering the bags under his eyes.

"sleep has never been easy for me. Especially when were not home. What about you? You seemed exhausted earlier."

"I am. I just couldn't sleep."

"what's on your mind Breya."

It was strange to have someone know me. It was even strange to me that he asked. I guess there was alot I had to get used to.

"Erin came to see me after dinner. She apologised for dinner and explained why she was worried."

He seemed to nod in understanding pausing for a brief moment.

"I suppose you have the same worries?"

I bowed my head a little. I was embarrassed and I also felt guilty. They all came here with me. Rowen was struggling to sleep and here I was mildly complaining.

" what are you worried about exactly?"

Sighing I looked out into the night. I couldn't look at him while thought out loud.

"everything. I have lived for so long secluded from actually life. Im afraid that I will never be able to live around people. Maybe it's to late for me to attempt it now. I don't want that to be true or my reality. I guess I'm worried I will never have a normal life whatever that looks like"

There was nothing but silence between us for a while. Rowen seemed to always now when I needed a moment to process.

"breya you have just told me how you feel. Without a single hint of fear. I don't know whats going to happen. I also don't know how well your going to adjust. All I know for certain is anyone would be a fool to underestimate you. Because until you opened that door I didn't believe there would be a day where you didn't talk without fear in your voice or flinch at a single sound. You don't even realise how much you've overcome. That tells me your capable of anything"

Tears fell down my face my heart felt like it was going to explode. Without lifting a finger he had taken my fears and dissembled them. He believed in me I could hear it in his voice. I wasn't used to that. Yet.

Composing my self before I spoke I looked back to his enchanting eyes. Letting the warmth they emitted spread through me.

"Thankyou. Can we talk about you? I feel like you know me and I want to know more about you? We don't have to it's just...

I don't know where the question came from. I think I just wanted to know him. He cut me of with a small laugh.

" your adorable when you ramble. Ask me anything I'm an open book"

I could feel the blush swarming my face. I wanted the ground to open and swollow me.

"How long have you been the King?"

It was a rubbish question I know. I do however have the perfect excuse. I don't have the first clue how to get to know someone.

"eight years unfortunately"

"Unfortunately? Do you not like being the King?"

He laughed loud. It made me jump a little.

"not really it wasn't ever something I wanted to become."

"what did you want to become? If you could of chose?"

"A doctor. When I was a pup I got really sick. The packs best doctors couldn't help me my parents were going crazy. Then this old frumpy looking man came into my room. Carrying a brief case and hobbling like his legs would give way at a moments notice. The whole room was full of doctors, nurses and my family. It fell completely silent. It was the first time in hours I could hear myself think. He dropped his bag looked at everyone a said "get out" my father flew into a rage he was inches from the man's face
I'd never witnessed anyone talk up to my father. he said " sure kill the only wolf here who can help your son. I don't mind saves me a job! Or you can do as I've asked and leave"

I was so engrossed in his story. My eyes wide in wonder.

"what did your father do?"

He smiled so wide.

"he growled and left the room followed by everyone else. Now remember I was sick. I had a terrible fever. Considering I was a royal born pup it was unusual. The doctor turned to face me with a smile on his wrinkled face. Sat down and told me of all the different places he'd been. All the different illnesses he's ever treated. All the people he had met. By time he was done talking my fever had broke. He was treating me the entire time. Until this day I don't remember what he did. All I know is that when he left I felt better."

" what was wrong with you? "

" I had eaten something poisonous ."

He shook his head lightly like the thought of it was ridiculous.

" so why a doctor? "

" because he made me feel better and that was the first time in my life where I felt like magic really did exist in the world. True kindness was real. As I grew up I realised it was medicine obviously. The thing that stood out to me was no one knew him. He wasn't a pack wolf, he hadn't been sent for he just shown up. He didn't have to but he did and he saved my life. "

" what was his name? "

He thought for a moment.

" I don't know"

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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