Chapter two

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Beta colby

I'd been undoubtedly frustrated lately, my patience was slippung away more and more everyday. Which again only encouraged my unusual frustration to grow.

I was naturally calm, level headed and focused no matter what issues arouse I found a solution with my easy going approach. Its what made me so good at being the beta of the royal pack. I handled the responsibilities of the pack with such ease it would seem anyone was capable of the job. The fact I was far from myself meant I wasn't doing my job atall

When we first arrived home I got that feeling only being at home could provide. Calmness,stability ,familiarity and comfort. After the weeks at moonrise and the horrors we'd uncoverd and witnessed it was exactly what my tired injured body needed. Home.

Far to quickly that feeling disappeared, being back home didnt mean the problems weren't still there in fact they seemed to manifest. Now everything just felt like it was spiraling.

Starting with the council something wasn't right I knew it i could feel it in my gut, my instincts were almost always right. I couldn't quite pin point what was off with them but it was plainly obvious that larsen had been well-prepared for this.

My wolf growled in distaste just at the thought of his name i growl along side him both of us feeling the anger bubbling. He was a slippery snake that seemed to be able to make every situation work in his favour. Even now as he rotted inside the prisons walls I could picture the smug look on his face.

My paws sunk into the earth of the forest as flew by the worldliness. Not caring to appreciate my surroundings as I normally would. Running naturally calmed me but not today.
I felt more tense than ever as I ran towards the castle. Knowing I was meeting with Jackson was enough to fill me with doubt and unease.

Despite knowing he wasn't the arsehole of a wolf I originally pegged him to be, didn't ease my mind atall. Deep down I was utterly terrified of the damage this could cause to not only breya but Jackson to. They had both been through there own hell at the hands of the same monster, that didn't mean that this was the right choice. It didn't mean they would be able to help each other move past everything they have been through.

I growl in frustration as I see rowen at the top of the stone steps waiting for me. I loved him, he was my alpha  my king but most importantly my best friend. Yet I couldn't and wouldn't let go of the grudge I was holding against him. He wasn't stupid and I certainly wernt trying to hide it from him either.

My beast waited impatiently at the bottom for him to hand the clothes over he to wasn't exactly happy with our alpha, as soon as he reached me I snatched the clothes from his hand with my teeth and marched back into the forest. I paused as he spoke to me.

"You could just tell me whats on your mind so we can get this over with colby "

I could hear the irritation in his voice, I was all to aware of why it was there. Regardless it irked me to no end. Deciding he was right I had to confront this ever growing frustration growing inside of me. Never once had I questioned him or doubted him but since coming home its all ive done. This needed to happen.

My bones began to shift as my beast grumbled in agreement, I could feel his anticipation of how this would play out. Pushing my legs through the black shorts he'd given me I kept my back turned to him.

"I don't understand it, you have seen breya once in six months, to tell her what she is. Then left her to suffer alone your willing to allow Jackson the chance to help her, but refuse to even try yourself...

I turn to face him as my anger grows I wanted to look him in the eye and see his reaction to my next words .

"I thought you cared about her "

Sadness gleamed in his usually hidden eyes he bowed his head slightly as he processed my words of accusations. Sighing he pulled his hand through his dark hair before looking up again.

" I do care thats exactly why I've stayed away form her"

"You realise that make no sense right ? That it sounds like a pointless excuse "

I was pushing it to far but I had to I was afraid that if I didn't get this out now that I would explode. His growl sounded around me confirming my thoughts his eyes now blazing with anger.

" you have no right to assume anything let alone the fact I care for her. You have no idea how hard its been for me to know that she is practically withering away and there isn't a thing I can do about it "

My own anger spiked at this as I spat out.

"How can you say that when you havnt even tried ? "

Both of us were breathing rapidly refusing to back down as we stared through each other.

" do you really think I'd be purposely avoiding her if i had a choice? "

I thought on that for a moment but before I could reply he carried on.

"Your not stupid cobly you've known all this time about the unexplained bond I feel towards her and her to me. Eveytime I'm near her my wolf unintentionally calls to hers and for a reason I'm yet to understand her wolf tries to respond. In case you havant noticed she isn't ready to shift yet "

Moving to sit on the log sitting at the edge of the forest he continues his tone a notch calmer than before.

" before I didnt know I was causing her the pain forcing her wolf to the surface, now that I do I can't risk doing that to her. Especially since the whole idea is to start building her up ready for her first shift"

I sighed in defeat as his reasonings settled in my mind. My own voice was calmer now as I looked over at my alpha who seemed lost. I didnt see it before but now I do.

" Rowen she is never going to come out of that room or start moving forward until you encourage her, we both know it. For what ever reason there is some.kind of bond between you so naturally she will trust you more even if she doesn't want to. At this point we cant just sit around and wait its time for you to try"

He seemed to think over my words before lifting his head to the sky letting out a breath that seemed partially relieved and partially stressed.

Deciding to leave him with his thoughts I walked up the step to the castle. Walking through the halls and straight for Jackson. I felt like a weight had been lifted easing the stress on my shoulders.

I pushed the door open to my office where an anxious Jackson waited. I knew he wasn't scared of me but he was scared of breya so I didnt blame him for his nerves.

"Jackson "

His head snapped towards me taking in my attire of black shorts. Maybe I should of actually dressed for such an important meeting.

"Sorry its been one of them days "

He nodded in understanding as I took my seat. His voice was strong considering the nerves I could sense.

" do you really think I'm going to be able to help her "

Sighing I said the only thing that seemed reasonable.

"I hope so "


I'm really sorry it has taking me so long to get this chapter out I hit a bit of a brick wall but I'm back now and plan on releasing at least one chapter each week.

Thankyou for reading💓

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