Chapter Seven

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The last few months were a blur to me each time I try to think about the time wasted in this room all I see is darkness. I remember feeling numb, detached almost, even through the memory I can feel it, see it.

The difference a week makes is bewildering. I've gone from laying on the floor in a mindless slum feeling like I barely existed, to feeling a part of my own body and mind. Feelings and emotions exploded inside me bursting to be free.

It was too much to handle years upon years of emotions surfaced pushing me to feel everything all at once. Today had been the worst, for the first time in I don't know how long I finally showered my frail body.

The shower itself was a warm welcome, I don't think I've ever felt so refreshed. As I wrapped myself in the soft thick towel my eyes caught the thebody-lengthh mirror that sat in the corner of the bathroom.

I wanted desperately to move my eyes but they wouldn't budge. Stuck on the unfathomable sight of myself my own ghastly reflection. I instantly felt sick as I took in the image of the broken women staring back at me.

Her body was slickly thin, every bone was outlined by the tightly fitted pale skin. Heavy purple bags sat under sad lifeless eyes. My arms dropped to the side dropping the towel that covered my brittle body im the process. Scars traced all over my skin some faded but most an angry red.

My legs looked like they could be snapped by a feather. I felt sick, the image in front of me was far worse than even I could of imagined. I was surprised I was even alive. The worst part about it all was. Yes larsen gave me my scars to wear for the rest of my life. He even caused the dramatic loss in weight but he didnt cause the whole image.

No I did this to myself I'd allowed myself to completely wither away. After years and years of dreaming, hoping, preying for my freedom.  I'd taken for granted the freedom I'd been blessed with. I harmed myself further to the brink of death.

Desperation clawed its way through my body. The pain of seeing what I'd become out of choice to hard to bare. I needed to escape my mind, I needed my true sanctuary. Nature.

I practically threw leggings and a jumper over my body in a bid to get away from the prison I'd created for myself. Only now had I realised how much I was letting larsen win. He had forced me into isolation for all those years but these last few months had been my own choice.

I craved that same isolation that almost destroyed me because it was all I'd come to know. My feet hit the marble floors with force as I bolted through the halls. I had no idea how to get out but I was desperate to find a way.


Jacksons voice echoed around the empty hall along with the sounds of  my own heart. I couldn't see him right now, my feet carried on moving as fast as they could as I came bursting through a small brown door. The cold night air engulfed me forcing me to take a brief moment to gather my barings.

I looked ahead and all I could see was the outline of the forest. Without a moment's hesitation I ran through thick branches. I didnt know this forest but it didn't stop me. I only stopped when my legs refused to go any further. When my lungs clawed for air my chest heaved for a moment of calm.

I gave into my shakey legs and slipped onto the moist floor. I'd almost forgotten what it was like to feel grass beneath my feet. I embraced this moment with all I had ,wanting to take in every fresh smell, the beautiful sounds that surrounded me and the calming light of the moon seeping through the open branches. I had missed this.

Then I let my thoughts filter through my mind in an attempt to process everything.

My mind wandered to beta Colby's words. Yes, it had been difficult for me to open the door and face everyone but I wasn't convinced that it was the hardest part of this new unpredictable journey I was on.

My head resting against the tree I realised I had so much to figure out, and work through. Yet I had no idea how to do any of it. I mean I didn't even know who I was anymore.

Was I brave, strong and resilient as my younger self once was? Or was I the obientent do whatever the beast's say just to get through one more day version of myself? Or was I my isolated, anxiety riddled, lost self I'd been for far to many years?

Then a knew conclusion entered my mind one I hadn't even considered until now. Was I an entirely new version of myself one I've yet to know?

All I was certain of was this wasn't going to be easy. I didn't know how to let go of the pain of my past so I could attempt to appreciate my future. Closing my eyes I ignored my pestering mind for a moment.

I heard him before I seen him, much like the first time I'd met him his silver coat glistened under the moons light. The only difference this time was I wasn't afraid or unsure. I was relived yet frustrated, happy yet disappointed.  I stayed sat releasing a heavy sigh from my chest.

It wasn't until he began to walk behind the trees thst I scrambled to my feet and a slither of fear ran through me.

"Don't "

His huge body froze his back facing me. The plea evident in my voice. He was going to shift but I didnt want him to.

"I know you can't respond unless you shift but I.. but at least if your a wolf you can stay as "wolf", im sorry I know your the Alpha King and I have no right to even address you but ..

My ridiculous rambling explanation was cut short as he began to  move behind the trees. Of course he didn't listen he was the king why would he. My heart stopped in my chest I'd only seen him in human form once the day he told me who I was and who he really was. I'd had my back to him the entire time so in my mind only wolf existed.

Wolf and the king were two separate people and now that was going to be crushed. I realised then thst I didnt actually know why he was here was he angry with me for running away? For causing unnecessary chaos? Or was I not allowed to leave my room without colby?.

I hadn't noticed the incredibly tall man stood only two meters away from me. I was to busy causing myself unrelenting panic.


Every single inch of me froze, his voice I never thought I'd hear it again it was just as husky and commanding as I remembered. Every hair on my neck stood as goosebumps formed around my body. To shocked to move, to afraid to look I kept my eyes glued to the darkend ground.


His voice compelled me to lift my gaze even through the night shadows I could see them. My breath left my body as my eyes met those soul capturing green orbs.


I'm sorry its has taken me such a long time to post a chapter, I've been editing perfectly fragile which I have finally finished so I will be aiming to post at least one chapter a week.

Thankyou for being so patient. ❤

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