Chapter Nine

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I barley remember my life before I was brought to the moonrise pack. After a few years living there I chose to let go of my family, friends and every amazing memory. It now felt almost like a past life.

What I do remember is minimal but I can recall feeling whole, happy and carefree. I would do anything to feel that way again. I wondered if there was ever a time breya felt whole, happy. I didn't know her history from before I got there. Did she have another life like I did?

"You should take a closer look?"

I hadn't heard anyone approach me the alpha's voice startled me but I remained still as I kept my gaze on the training wolves. I found this place a few days ago and came out here to watch them since.

"Maybe "

Uncertainty laced my voice my short answer wasn't meant to be rude or dismissive, I just found it hard to converse freely. It was surreal being able to speak whenever I wanted to and not be controlled like a robot. I was still getting used to that freedom.

"A man of many words jackson "

I was relieved to hear amusement in his tone, he took a seat in the unruly grass next to me.

"Still nothing from your wolf ? "


"He will come back just given it time"

Confidence in the kings voice almost had me convinced his words were true.

"I will introduce you to Jamie tomorrow our delta he can show you around properly if you want?"

Nodding in surprise I agreed, I couldn't believe he was ok with me technically an outsider seeing his pack and exploring in. An air of silence past between us I wanted to ask how breya was I hadn't seen her since she ran frantically through the halls yesterday. Before i could a look of anger set on the kings face.

"We need to go colby needs us"

The kings rushed to his feet as the words left his lips, panic took over as I followed suit.

"Is everything ok?"

A terrifying growl left the kings mouth as he began to run.

"The council"

Was all he replied running after him I found myself in the same office I had been in when I arrived. The alpha paced impatiently until the doors flung open and in marched a furious looking colby. Pointing angrily towards the king colby growled.

"You need to fucking do something anything about them!!"

The kings growl shook the walls as he flew towards colby. He had him by the throat quicker than I could blink. Both men had elongated claws neither willing to back down adrenaline kicked in before I could think.

Rushing to get between them I shoved myself in the middle of them. Looking to colby I began to reason with him.

"Colby you need to calm down we don't even know whats happened whatever it is isn't the kings fault your not angry with him"

Turning to rowen i felt my nerves begin to kick in how colby was resisting to submit was beyond me.

"Alpha we need to hear what he has to say it could be about breya !"

Both men seemed to think for a moment leaving me to prey they'd listened. After a long minute they both shoved away from each other taking a moment to calm down leaving me to poor whisky for us all.

Taking the drinks they sat on opposite sofas still wearing a look of anger on their faces. I stayed stood in the middle in case they decided to kill each other again

"You can sit jackson "

Looking at them both i decided to sit on the chair in the middle and waited for someone to tell me what was going on.

"They want her to shift within a month"

Seethed colby, my heart stopped at his words I knew aswell as they did that is wasn't possible. Even with training, food and slowly taking her of wolfsbane wouldn't help. Physical strength is what she needs to get through her shift there's no way a month was long enough to get her ready.

" is there something we can do? To give her more time?"

I ask in desperation breya was nowhere near ready to accept being a wolf she deserved patience.

"Yes but that isn't why colby is angry"

The kings statement surprised me if they could get her more time then what was the issue.

"They have given her a month to shift to prove she is a wolf, if she doesn't then she can't testify against larsen. They will let him go"

My own anger flared, for the first time in a long time I felt complete rage boil inside me. Colbys explanation triggered something inside of me I didnt kniw was there anymore. fire.

"They can't do that your the king you make the rules you have to do something"

Growling towards me but not at me surprisingly the king stood to his feet.

"I have no intention on letting them release him, but there's a reason colbys been dealing with them and not me. We know somethings of with them and we need to find out before I get involved"

I realised what he meant instantly living under a scheming maniac for most of my life taught me alot. They would expect the king to step in that would be an obvious action so that means they have planned for that. We either accept there terms to buy us time to figure out what's going on or we face the consequences of whatever they have planned.

This was all clearly bigger than I even realised. If they had a back up for the king Alpha then something big was happening.

"Does this mean what i think it does"

Sighing Alpha Rowen nodded

"We need to talk to breya"

"There is absolutely noway we can put this on her, she has only just come out of that room she needs time she..

I was cut of by colby who looked as reluctant as I did

"I couldn't agree more Jackson but rowen and I decided once we got back we wouldn't ever lie to her or take another choice away"

Confused by what that meant rowen stepped in

"If breya refuses, if she decides she isn't willing then I will step in and deal with the council whatever the cost. I won't allow anyone to force her to do anything she isn't ready to. However we have to try, because for all we know she could be in danger which ever way we go."

A light knock on the door had all our heads turn to face it, watching as it pushed open slowly. Breyas small frame stepped through her eyes widening as she saw us all.

"Nows your chance"

Colby said in a unsatisfied tone, none of us liked this but it was the right thing to do. It should be her choice and nothing should be kept from her. Trying to convince her to do this may be wrong but maybe just maybe it might just be the thing she needs to start moving forward. To accepting what she and who she is.

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