Chapter Nineteen

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I couldn't recall how we ended up in Rowen's office. I couldn't even comprehend what anyone was saying. It was like a blur of muffled noise surrounded me as I remained lost in my own mind. 

I found myself sinking into the arm chair by the large window my eyes roamed over the greenery that went on for miles as I continued trying to process everything I'd learnt. It seemed the only fact I had, that being my mother's necklace led to more agonizing unanswered questions.

My mother's necklace, I had held something that supposedly belong to her, the women who birthed me. I tried to imagine her wondering if she had the same eyes as me? was she brave? . My parent. Of course over the years I'd thought of my parents especially when I was younger. I'd imagine all the different ways they would rescue me from the tormented life I lived. Eventually though those naïve dreams died along with my hope of ever knowing them. 

I felt a shadow looming over me, my curious eyes searched for the intruder and found the concerned eyes of Rowen. I looked around the room to find that Colby and Jackson were gone leaving just the two of us. Rowen dragged another arm chair and placed it next to my own before comfortably falling into my silence.

We sat like that until the Sun went down and the darkness settled in. The room hummed with a soft glow from the dimmed lights. Considering the events of the day I actually felt relaxed. I turned my head slightly to look at Rowen. Who Looked quite relaxed himself his eyes focused on nothing but the vast darkness outside the window. 

He must of felt my stare as his head moved slightly to look at me. I smiled embarrassed before looking down at my hands. I was grateful for his patience with me. I had invaded his private space kept him from his work while I occupied his chair. Not once had he pried or pressured me to speak he just sat with me silently letting me know he was here, with me. I wasn't alone and that thought warmed me more than I ever imagined it could.

"I was going to come and find you earlier before all of this"

I stated shyly, I heard as the leather beneath him was disturbed as he moved his chair slightly to face me properly. I risked a quick glance at him, curiosity filled his emerald eyes, yet hope swam in his curios stare.

"What did you need? Was everything ok?"

I let out a strained laugh as I thought of my earlier mission before Jacksons had found me.

"Yes, after my time with Erin she suggested I ask you if you would well ... allow me to visit a human town"

My voice was barley audible as I whispered the last part, I gently scolded myself for bringing it up as  His eyes widened and I watched as slight frustration graced his beautiful features. Fear engulfed me as I wondered how I'd made him angry with me. Nerves prickled my body as I awaited his furious response I felt the tremble form in my hands as the anxiety took ahold of me .

"Breya your not a prisoner, you don't need permission to do anything, you are free now"

His warm hand gently sat on top of my fidgeting hand in comfort and I found myself looking into his mesmerizing stare, it was strange i felt the same magnetic pull as I looked into his majestic eyes but i had control i could  look away at will without the pain I couldn't help but wonder why it had become easier . His words were genuine I could see the sincerity and I felt relief wash over me. He smiled kindly before a look crossed his face I wasn't sure of.

"Can I ask why ?"

Nodding I sighed before looking toward the endless night.

"Before all of this, meeting you and beta Colby, finding out what I am and coming here i was human. I was a simple human being who only longed for a simple happy life. Its all I dreamed of, escaping to a remote but populated area surrounded by nature but also people who were kind and well like me . Erin thinks I need closure that I need to see what its like to be human before I you know ...change"

My eyes found his as I uttered the last word it felt strange to say but I was trying to test it tosee  if i could grow used to it, a look of complete understanding on his face as he gave my hand another reassuring squeeze.

"Do you agree ?"

Puzzled by his question i looked to him in confusion.

"With Erin, is this something you want to do?"


"Whenever you are ready I will take you myself "

Smiling in content I shifted in the chair turning my head so I could look into the endless night.

"What do you think it all means?"

I didn't move my gaze to him I just patiently waited for his thoughts. I wasn't sure I was even ready for the answers or to air my own thoughts.

"It could mean many things breya, I won't burden you with theory's. We need to find facts I dont think you need anymore false hope"

My eyes found his instantly he seemed tense as he sat gently tapping his foot.

"I already have so many questions, now I feel like they are endless. There's never any answers and I'm always left to wonder" 

I sighed in defeat it just felt endless just when I thought i could try to make sense of this new life it seemed to complicate  by the day. I was afraid it would force me to retreat, I was trying  desperately to be strong to grow from the intimidated creature 'he' turned me into, but it was trying. my heart hurt with thought of my mother a women whos name I didn't even know.

"try and forget everything and answer this one question. what do YOU want to do Breya?"

I looked thoughtfully at him pondering his question it wasn't that I didn't know what it was that I wanted, needed to do it was the fear its coaxing trying to force me into submissions, in to doubting myself. Holding my breath and closing my eyes I breathed out.

" I want to talk to Sarah I want answers, clarity" 

as soon as the words left my lips I heard Rowen stand from his chair peaking through my lashes I found his large hand held out to me with a smile that forced my own lips to twitch upwards. An emotion I had never seen on anyone's face especially towards me .Pride. 

"then thats what we do we go and see Sarah and get some answers"

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