Chapter Eleven

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I  froze as colby finished his brief explanation. Just the sound of larsens name was enough to take me back. To remind me of all the fear installed in me by the monster who had controlled and dictated my life.

The same monster who had forced me into a life of hell. Tortured me, scared me. He decided my fate from the day I entered his life. He was the complete reason I didn't know what a normal simple life was. He was the reason I didn't know who or what I was. I never wanted to see him or hear his name again.

Yet I knew the inevitable meant for me to face him at some point. The thought of him being free to hurt someone else the way he had me or him finding me was enough to make me sick to my stomache. I wasn't an expert on jutice and law but why would anyone let him go free?

It wasn't just me he had hurt he had broken so many laws, that I knew for certain. He had hurt pups sent them away surly that was enough to get justice to ensure he could never hurt anyone again. Jackson was apart of his pack yet he had abused that power why wasn't that enough?

All the questions swirling around my mind sent me into a complete panic. I felt the tremors in my body beginning to intensify, my cheeks began to feel tight as heat engulfed my body. The pain in my chest and struggle for breath forced my hands to grasp at my racing heart.

My vision blurred as unshed tears filled my eyes, I needed it to stop all I could see was larsens evil face his cold eyes and cruel smirk. I could hear the echo of his sinister chuckle.

Someone's soft voice removed the sound I hated "breya it's ok breath in and out for me"

I tried to listen I tried to follow the pattern of their breathing breathing through my nose and realising through my mouth. "Thats it keeo going in and out your ok love"

Tesrs released from my eyes streaming down my hot cheeks. Emerald orbs captured my attention forcing my breath to hitch as I was pulled into the calming trance once more.

I felt the beating of my heart settle into a soft rhythm as I took in rowens beautiful eyes. After a moment he tore his gaze away briefly, breaking the trance and giving my hand a light squeeze.

"Are you ok?"

Using my free hand to try and stop the tears I nodded. Embarrassment consuming me as I took in all if their worried faces.

"Im so so sorry"

I stuttered out the tears still freely falling down my face my gaze firmly on my hand. Rowen stroked his thumb over palm in a gesture of reassurance.

"Its ok just give yourself a moment were all here. Would you like some water?"

Nodding jackson past me a cup of ice cold water I gulped it down before releasing a tired sob. Looking to rowen my trembling voice pleaded with him.

"Isn't there something you can do ? He can't..he..

Taking both my hands a determined look set on his face.

"He isn't getting out of the cell he is in ever. I won't allow that I need you trust me ok?"

For a moment I just looked at him taking in his beautiful featurs. His eyes stood out against his dark hair a light styled stubble lined his jaw and around soft pink lips. His caring expression pleaded with me in this moment leading me to give in to my instincts and wants.

"I trust you"

There was no doubt or uncertainty in my voice because I meant it. A soft smile formed in his lips causing me to smile in return.

" Im trying not to step in for a reason we don't want whoever is causing this to know were onto them. We want them to believe there getting away with it all. We have wolves working on this with us to find out who is behind everything. The council only needs to believe were getting you ready to shift if your not ready to accept being one of us then I won't allow you to be forced into it..

Now calmer than before I looked to rowen in confusion.

"How do we make them believe that?"

" you would have to begin a training programme the same process every wolf has to take in order to shift. We would need you to start eating properly, begin building your physical strength. Please understand breya that it would only be for show we already know it will take more time for you to be physically ready, let alone emotionally. We just need more time to find out who is working with or for larsen"

I thought for a moment what they were asking of me wasn't actually terrible. I was trying to learn to live a normal life that involved eating and becoming healthy. Rowen was right I wasn't ready emotionally to consider the wolf inside of me. I couldn't even accept the human part of myself right now let alone the part of me I never knew existed. Finding rowens eyes he nodded for me to ask the questions bubbling inside of me.

"How much time have they given me?"

"A month"

"How can I testify against larsen if I don't actually shift and prove I'm like you all?"

Colby spoke now a slightly smug smirk on his face.

"Because the king will demand it, the council can't ignore a formal request from the king himself. We would do that now if we didn't think whoever is orchestrating this had a plan for rowen stepping in "

Looking at them all as they tried to remain calm and hide there reluctance and dislike for the plan they had made I tried to figure out if I could actually do this. Despite my uncertainty I had to help looking at jackson and seeing the hidden pain behind his eyes encourage me to do this.

We all deserved justice and all three of these wolves had done everything they can to help me and put larsen away it was my turn ti help.

"I will do it, or atleast i will try"

"Are you sure about this breya?"

Jackson concern warmed me.

"Honestly no but what do I have to loose?"

Nodding in understanding, I gave him a small smile. My gaze met rowens once more a serious look etched on his face.

"If this becomes to much at any point you need to tell us, we only care about your well being"

"I will"

My voice held certainty I trusted these wolves with everything I had, there was always going to be a risk of disappointment but they were worth the risk. I was so grestful to them all I just hoped I wouldn't let them down.

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