Chapter sixteen

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I watched as the sun set a gentle smile gracing my usually stern lips. I cant remember the last time I stopped to watch something so beautiful and pure.

Breya came to mind at that very thought. She was the purest being I had ever met, kind despite her demons she was everything I could only ever wish to be.

I had been reckless with her today, I never should have shifted but I had to show her that there was more to this world than the hideous one she was so used to. That there is more to us than the deranged evil she'd only ever known.

I couldn't stand to watch her lock herself away again, especially because if she did she wouldn't survive. I could only begin to imagine how she saw us after everything she has been through. I had seen so many terrible things in my life so many different evils but none as barbaric as larsen.

Just the thought of his name was enough to drive me and my beast over the edge craving justice for her. I shook my growl away I knew we couldn't do it like that otherwise we'd show her that were all the same. This had to be done the right way by the book rather than with teeth and claws.

As king I could order his death right now but then I'd only be a beast and I wanted, no I needed her to see that we are more than that. That being one us is a gift rather than a curse.

"Are you completely insane?"

Came colbys furious voice, I can't say I'm surprised. Hinestly this seemed to be a recurring thing lately.

" probably"

"I mean how could you be so so stupid?"

I turned to face him his face held only disbelief rather than fury which had my anger melting away. The look on his face was priceless and I couldn't contain the laugh I allowed to escape.

"And now your laughing, great "

He sank on to the sofa deflated and worn down. Taking a seat next to him I sighed knowing he was right.

"I shouldn't have shifted I know but I couldn't let Warren be the reason she locked herself up again "

Fire ignited within him again all traces of deflation gone as he began pacing in front of me.

" what was he even doing here ? How the fuck did he actually get into the same room as breya?"

"He is a slimy bastard thats how, but we have him locked up for now "

"The council are becoming cocky rowen what do we do ?"

"We continue doing what we're doing, breya comes first and her getting better is our first priority. As for the council I think its time to get fin on the inside"

Sitting across from me he looked me dead in the eye as he spoke in again disbelief.

"You do realise fin is mute ?"

"Yes I do which is why he is the perfect mole"

Silence passed between us for a while, I could practically hear the gears running inside colbys head.

"Right either im just not getting it or you really have gone insane"

"The council won't suspect fin because he is mute ive already been preparing him, I wasn't sure we'd need him until now but he is one of the few wolves we can trust and the least conspicuous"

"See this is why your the king your either a genius or..

"Dont finish that sentence colby"

"So how is she?"

He was concerned all of us were desperate for her to become at least comfortable with us. We were all hoping for a miracle.

"She is ok probably tired after todays events, she didn't ask any questions about Warren though"

I found it odd the one thing I was certain I knew about breya was how inquisitive she was.

"What do we tell her if she does ask?"

I didnt even need to think of the answer to that. Yes I wanted breya safe but lying to her was probably the most foolish thing any of us could do.

"The truth

"But rowen that coul

"Colby how are we ever going to get anywhere or show her were different to the monster she knows if we lie to to her ? The truth may be difficult for her but she has dealt with far worse and we only know the surface of that she can handle the truth"

"I hope your right"

So did I. I couldn't even bare to imagine it being as it was before. Wed made so much progress. She was eating, coming out of her shell more, talking more.

Knock knock

The sound of the door knocking interrupted my thoughts turning my head in time to see the breath taking blue eyes id become so familiar with  curiously looking around, I stood to my feet quicker than I could blink eager to greet her.

" breya is everything ok ? "

She looked nervous and j found myself tilt my head in wonder. My beast was alert aswell he always was when she was near.

" erm I was wondering because I cant sleep because well..

She was just rambling complete nonsense and I wished she would never stop but I couldn't stand watching her be so uncomfortable.

" breya its ok whatever it is"

"Could I borrow a book,?"

Came her quick words her head bowed to the floor as i watched her cheeks stain red. I smiled happy that she actually came.

"Choose as many as you'd like"

She scurried towards the book cases in search of a book my eyes shifted to colby who cleared his throat for my attention. I couldn't help but scowl at him the k owing grin that plastered his face was enough to have a growl rumbling from my chest. Breyas head flung round at the sound and for the first time she noticed colby.

" hi colby, sorry I didnt know you were both here "

"Ahh thats alright im of to bed now any way , you kids be good"

He winked before finally leaving id have to remember to punch him tomorrow. Sitting at my desk and looking at endless paperwork there was to do I sighed i wasn't looking forward to this.

Breya took a seat on the sofa facing the desk her head buried in what ever book it was she chose. I didnt realise she was going ti stay not that im complaining. I was honestly thrilled my beast was aswell. I felt content knowing she was in my line of sight. Working suddenly didnt feel so heavy  this was actually something I could get used to.

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