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MINHO enjoyed being in the company of his cats. Sooni, Doongi and Dori were absolute sweethearts. The young prince could play with them all day.

If only people were like my cats, Minho often thought. Prince Jisung was an exception though. Although Minho wouldn't admit, he'd grown to like the Han prince.

Minho was comfortable with Jisung's company. He was glad he had someone else to speak with besides his brother.

A series of knocks are heard on his door, disrupting the silence.

"It's me, Chan."

"Come in!"

Chan's head peaks through the door and he has a bright smile on his face. It makes Minho wonder what the reason behind his smile was.

The older prince makes himself comfortable on the ground beside his brother.

"I brought you some cake," Chan hands over a container of cake to his brother. The older then takes Dori into his lap and pets her softly.

"Who made this? It's quite delicious," Minho says when takes a huge bite out of it.

"Someone dear to me. I'm glad you liked it, I'll be sure to tell him."


"His name is Felix," Chan turns slowly to face his brother, "I met him at the ball last week. Let's just say, he's more than just an acquaintance."

"You have feelings for him?"

"Well, yes. At least, I think I do. Is that wrong?"

Minho shakes his head, "There's nothing wrong about it. But you like him just from one meeting?"

"No, he works here, in the castle. He's a chef. We've met a few times. Besides, we baked this cake together all afternoon."

Minho nods, "Then I see no problem here," he smiles. "I'm happy for you, brother."

"I'm just glad you accept me the way I am."

Minho pulls his brother into a hug, careful not to get his cats in the way of it. Chan wraps his arms around Minho and hugs him back with the same love.

"I would always accept you, brother."


SEUNGMIN tried his best not to think about that one person. Prince Hwang Hyunjin. He was as majestic as his name. He was everybody's beloved prince after all.

With his long blonde hair, his tall muscular frame, it was hard not to get attracted to him. Adding that to his endless flirting, Hyunjin was on Seungmin's mind 24/7.

The butler had heard the prince's conversation at the banquet a few days ago. He'd heard Hyunjin's confession, the men weren't exactly quiet about it.

Fortunately, he had left the hall right before Chan's confession. So Seungmin had no idea that the prince had feelings for his best friend.

Now that Seungmin knew how the Hwang prince really felt, he was in a state of confusion.

Maybe he could talk about it to Felix and see what he thinks about the whole situation. Seungmin needed a little advice.


The said male turns around to find Chan looking at him with a worried expression.

"You've been daydreaming for a while now. Is everything alright?" Chan's voice was laced with care. His soft voice could lull anyone to sleep.

"I-It's nothing, your highness. I'm fine."

The prince was not buying it.

"Talk to me, Seungmin. What's bothering you?"

Seungmin could tell the prince about his thoughts, but then again, would it be of any help?

"I h-heard what prince Hwang said about me on the day of the b-banquet."

Chan's eyes widens in shock. Seungmin wasn't supposed to find out! Chan curses himself, the three friends should have been more quiet.

"I'm so sorry Min, I could talk to Hyunjin if you'd like-"

"No, it's not that," Seungmin cuts Chan off. The butler sighs before walking closer to the prince. "I'm just confused."

"Oh," Chan places his hand on the other's shoulder, "How can I help?"

"It's just that," Seungmin says, "I might like him too."

Chan hums, pulling them both to a place where they could sit down and talk comfortably. And when they finally do, Seungmin pours his heart out to Chan.

"Prince Hwang's flirting is quite bothersome sometimes, but he has this charm. It makes me fix my eyes only on him. He has this way of drawing my attention," Seungmin confesses. "So when I heard what he felt about me, my mind was confused while my heart was happy."

"Well, Seungmin. I would tell you to follow your heart. Go wherever it takes you," Chan tells the other. "Think about it for a while if you want. You have all the time in the world."

Seungmin smiles, "Thank you for the advice."

┈─────── ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

Another update as promised.

A confession may happen in the next chapter but I won't tell you which couple!

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