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FELIX hated the tension right now. Changbin and Chan were almost having a staring contest, both glaring at each other in anger.

"You think I made him cry?" Changbin laughs. He stands up and so does Felix, both of them directly standing in front of Chan. "You may think I'm always the bad guy but I'd never hurt someone I love."

"Oh shut it, I know all about you," Chan exclaims, walking closer to the pair. He stands right in front of Changbin, glaring down at him. "You are well capable of hurting Felix."

"Why are so worried, huh?" Changbin questions the prince. "It's not like you're his lover or anything."

Chan grabs Changbin by the collar, anger well expressed in his eyes. "You are well aware that I'm still in love with him."

"Please stop, you two," Felix tries to say but he goes unheard by the two princes who were extremely engaged in their petty little argument.

"Oh really? It sure doesn't seem that way," Changbin says. "Why do you keep wanting to talk to him? You're the one who finished things off between you two."

"That's it!" Chan's anger wasn't going to stay calm any time soon. "You better tell why you made Felix cry this instant!"

"Felix?" Changbin turns towards the said male. "Would you like to tell Chan yourself or should I?"

"Both of you just stop," Felix says in a timid voice. "Prince Chan, let him go."

Chan lets go of Changbin's collar and turns to Felix, his eyes immediately softening at the sight of the younger. "Are you okay, Lix? Did Changbin do something? Was that why you were crying?"

The prince looks into Felix's eyes and found no sign of any emotion in them.

"I was crying because of you."

Changbin smirks and Chan's eyes go wide as he slowly backs away from the pair. "Lix I-"

"Prince Changbin was comforting me. He didn't hurt me," Felix says in a calm tone. "You did."

"Do you understand now?" Changbin chimes in. "I think you've hurt him enough, just leave him alone."

Chan ignores every word coming out of Changbin's mouth and his gaze never leaves Felix. "Lix, can we talk? Please?"

"I don't find any reason to do so," Felix answers, his eyes never leaving Chan's. "Seeing you with Princess Changmi triggered something from our past and that's why I cried. I'm fine now, you can head back to the ballroom."

"Lix, please. I can't just leave you like this. Especially with him," Chan points at Changbin. "Please. Let's just talk for ten minutes."

Felix thinks for a while before looking at Changbin, gesturing him to leave.

"Are you sure?" Changbin asks, a bit hesitant to leave Chan with Felix.

"Yes. Just give us ten minutes."

"Anything for you," Changbin says and quietly exits the porch, leaving Chan and Felix all to themselves.

"What did you want to talk about?" Felix gets straight to the point. He'd noticed a hint of sadness in the prince's eyes and Felix knew that he was the cause of it.

"Well, first," Chan rubs the back of his neck nervously. "I'd like to thank you for giving me reassurance in the games yesterday."

"Anyone would have done it," Felix answers immediately. "You needn't thank me for it."

"No, I would've lost if it weren't for you," Chan retorts. "Your words and your smile gave me hope. I won because of you. For you."

Felix didn't know what to say. Chan was being extremely sweet with his words and Felix knew he had to keep his composure and not get swept under his feet by the prince.

"I- uh I'm glad I was of some help," Felix decides to reply. "Is there anything else? Can I leave now?"

"I'm supposed to marrying Changmi in a week," Chan begins to say and Felix knew this was coming.

"Well, congratulations," Felix says with a straight face, not bothering to even fake a smile.

Chan sighs and takes both of Felix's hands in his. "I'm still in love with you. I know you are too."

Felix looks uncertain. The prince didn't know how he could possibly assure the younger since he was the one who decided to break them up in the first place.

"I indeed am," Felix begins to say. "I'm not so sure about you."

"I'd kiss you right now if this talk wasn't so serious," Chan's voice starts to sound very desperate. "You should ask my brother why I cry myself to sleep every night. It's all because of you. I love you so much, Lix."

"We both know that there is nothing we can do about it," Felix answers. He holds Chan's hands tightly, afraid that it may be the last time they'd ever touch each other. "You told me so yourself."

"I know. That's why I wanted to propose an idea to you."

Felix raises a brow in confusion. "What idea?"

"Would you like to run away with me, Lix?"

┈─────── ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

I have two endings in mind and I have a hard time deciding which one to use so I think I'll just ask you guys.

So. A or B?

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