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FELIX woke up to the most beautiful sight. Chan looked ethereal when he sleeping peacefully. Quiet snores escaped his mouth, his chest rising and falling steadily.

It took all inside Felix to not just kiss the hell out of his lover, but he didn't want to wake him up just yet.

Felix swept a few strands of Chan's blond hair out if his face and let his hand linger on Chan's cheek for some time.

"What did I do to have someone like you, hm?" Felix speaks to a sleeping Chan. "Was it perhaps luck?"

Felix caresses Chan's cheek, lovingly, gently placing a kiss on the elder's forehead.

"I love you so much, Channie," Felix smiles. "I hope you always remember that."

"I love you too, Lix."

Felix's eyes widen and he quickly retrieves his hand from Chan's face. The prince smiles and opens his eyes slowly, adjusting to the sudden brightness.

"You were awake all this time?"

"I woke up when you started speaking."

"Oh," Felix giggles and scratches the back of his neck. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up."

"It's no problem, love," Chan pulls Felix towards himself and kisses him softly. Felix melts into the kiss as he lets his hands roam his lover's hair.

"It wasn't luck, darling, it was destiny," Chan mumbles when they take a breath making Felix smile against his lips. Chan reconnects their lips, taking it much slower this time.

"Besides, I'm the lucky one," Chan answers when they finally tear apart. "You're the most beautiful human being, I'm so lucky to have you."

Felix just smiles and nuzzles his face in Chan's neck, giddy from all the love and affection.

"I guess it's time for me to go now, Channie," Felix says as he gets off the bed. "Can I use your bathroom?"

"Of course. Take your time," Chan gets up from his bed as well and walks over to Felix.

"I'll just take a bath, dress up and head straight to the kitchen."

"Sure, love," Chan holds Felix by his waist.

"Will you visit me today?" Felix asks softly, leaning into Chan's embrace.

"I'll try, if I'm not too busy," Chan pecks Felix's forehead. "Now go, freshen up."

"Okay, Channie."


CHAN sat at the breakfast table in silence, thinking that it was better not to start any type of conversation after yesterday's events about the marriage.

Unfortunately, his father had something on his mind already.

"Chan," the king spoke. "Seo Changmi will be here today with her brother."

"What? Why? You said you'd give me two weeks," Chan exclaimed. "This is unfair!"

"Don't be so stubborn!" The king scoffs. "They're only here to get acquainted with you. It'll help you decide quicker."


"Don't argue with me," the king lowered his voice. "They'll be here any minute. You'll give them a tour of the castle when they arrive."

"I don't have any say in this?" Chan asks, shrugging his shoulders.


"Alright," Chan gets up from his seat, leaving his food unfinished. "Don't expect me to be in my best behaviour then."

Taking it as his cue to leave, Chan storms off the room, leaving his parents in utter shock.

"I'll talk to him," Minho says softly receiving small nods from the king and the queen.

Minho finishes his food in a hurry and rushes to his brother's bedroom, knocking on his door softly.

"I don't want to speak to anyone at the moment!" Chan screams, startling Minho slightly.

"It's me, hyung. Don't want to speak to your loving brother too?" Minho chuckles.

After a moment of silence, Chan spoke, "Come in, the door is unlocked."

Minho enters Chan's room and finds it to be untidy. His room was never like this. It was as if someone else lived here.

"Hyung, why is your room like this?"

Chan thinks of an answer, "I didn't find time to clean up before breakfast."

"And why is that?"

Chan sighs softly, deciding to just tell his brother the truth. "Felix slept over last night."

"What!" Minho scurries over and sits beside his brother on his bed. "You both didn't... you know?"

"No, no, of course not! Nothing of that sort. We just fell asleep."

Minho let's out a breath of relief. "Thank God."

"Why are you here anyway?" Chan asks as he gets up to begin tidying his room. He never lets the servants touch his things so he just cleans the room himself.

"To comfort you after what happened at the breakfast table," Minho simply states.

"I don't need comfort, Minho," Chan says. "I just don't want the royalty of the Seo Kingdom to visit."

"I understand," Minho answers. "It's just a formality. The more you comply, the faster it'll get over."

"I have a lover, Minho, whom I love so dearly," Chan replies. "I absolutely cannot act the same towards the princess."

"No one's telling you to do that," Minho explains. "Just treat her like royalty, you don't have to pretend to like her."

"Still... it doesn't feel right. Changbin will be there too, he's bound to create chaos."

"Felix will understand. I'll talk to him if you'd like," Minho suggests.

Chan smiles at his brother, "Really? Thank you."

"You're most welcome," Minho returns the smile, getting up to leave. "We'll talk later, they might arrive any minute now."

"Tell Felix I love him."

"Of course," Minho says and leaves Chan's room, closing the door softly behind him.

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