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FELIX tried to enjoy the scenery as he and Seungmin rode the horse across the valleys but he just couldn't. Not when he was going to see the love of his life in a few minutes.

"We're here," Hyunjin called out from the front and Felix could nearly see a small, cosy little house in sight.

Resisting the urge to just jump off of the horse and run towards the house, Felix did his best to wait patiently until they actually got there.

When the house came into full view, Felix was beyond happy. Hyunjin stood at the entrance, waiting for them with his horse by his side.

Once their horse had stationed, Felix was quick to get himself down with Hyunjin's help and spent almost no time barging into the house.

"Channie," Felix let out breathlessly as he spotted his lover sitting on the kitchen counter with a smile on his face.

The prince hopped down and opened his arms for the younger to embrace him. Wasting no time, Felix ran to his lover and threw himself in his arms.

"Hey there, Lix," Chan calls out softly, embracing the other warmly. Felix lets out a gentle sigh, "I missed you."

"I missed you too, sweetheart," Chan replies as Felix snuggles closer to him, inhaling his comforting scent.

"You smell so good," Felix says and Chan lets out a chuckle. "Oh really? Thank you. How was your journey?"

"It was amazing!" Felix backed away from Chan's hug to look at his face. "I've never been out of our kingdom before so the trip was so fascinating."

"I'm glad you liked it," Chan kissed Felix's forehead softly. "And I'm glad you're finally here with me now."

Felix smiled brightly, returning Chan's kiss on the cheek as the two of them just couldn't stop staring at each other with adoration.

"Okay, enough of all the skinship," Seungmin cut in, walking towards the couple, leaving Hyunjin's side. "I'm starving."

"Not to side with Seungmin but I'm pretty hungry too," Felix gave Chan a pout. "I didn't bring any food with me on the journey."

"I knew this would happen so I've already arranged a table of food for all of us," Hyunjin says, pointing to the dining table, and the two friends gasp at the same time.

"You're eating with us too, right?" Seungmin asks Hyunjin, who sweetly nods at his lover. "Yes, of course."

"Well," Chan rubs the back of his neck, nervously. "I baked a cake for us too."

"You did?" Felix was surprised.

"Yes, I did it exactly the way you taught me that day," Chan looked at Felix with a shy smile. "It's not as perfect as yours but I tried my best."

"Well, I'm dying to taste some," Felix giggled, whispering a small 'I love you' into Chan's ear.


CHAN was happier than ever when he received endless praise from his lover because of the cake he made, choosing to ignore Seungmin's little criticisms.

"I'm so proud of you, Channie," Felix cooed, leaving Chan's face with a beautiful shade of pink. "The cake was delicious."

"I feel like we should be giving you both some alone time," Hyunjin stood up, putting on his coat. "Seungmin and I will get going now."

"Thank you, Hyunjin," Chan hugged the prince. "For everything."

"I'd do it all over again for you in a heartbeat, hyung," Hyunjin grins. "So please don't thank me. I know you'd do the same for me too."

"Get home safely," Felix assured his best friend, who simply nods. "Don't get too carried away with the prince."

"I'd say the same to you," Seungmin teased, lips curving into a smirk. "Try to keep your hands to yourself."

Felix frowned at Seungmin not before gently embracing him and saying his goodbyes, as the two departed, leaving Chan and Felix all to themselves in their cosy little home.

Their home.

"So," Chan walks towards Felix and holds him by the waist. "Now that I have you all to myself, what do you suggest we do?"

Felix gently placed his hands on Chan's chest firmly, "I'd love to sit and spend time with you but I'm really tired, Channie."

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry, love," Chan took Felix's hand and guided him to their bedroom. "I should have realized how exhausted you must be."

Felix sits on the bed with Chan beside him as Felix gently caresses Chan's knuckles with his thumb. "I love you, always remember that."

"I love you more."

It's the way Chan looks at him, with gentle and reverent eyes, that Felix makes a move. He leans forward and presses their lips together.

He has a hand on Chan's shoulder and the prince is kissing him back. Suddenly there's an arm supporting Felix's waist and a hand caressing his cheek.

It's Chan who pulls away for air, leaving Felix wanting for more so he chases the prince's lips once again. He misses the warmth of them when they are off of him.

After moments of gentle kisses and soft caresses, Chan decided that it was finally time for them to rest after such a tiring day.

"Go to sleep now," Chan muttered as he tucked Felix into the drapes. "We still have the rest of our lives to spend with each other."

"You're right. Good night, Channie," Felix says, kissing Chan's cheek briefly before snuggling into the prince's chest, not long before sleep takes over him.

"Sweet dreams, my love."

┈─────── ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-


Giving you an early update cause you guys deserve it! This book might come to an end soon :'(

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