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FELIX took a deep breath. He was about to tell his best friend about his biggest secret. He was scared of how the younger would react about it. Would he support Felix?

"It's been ten minutes. You're not saying anything. What's the matter?" Seungmin breaks Felix from his thoughts.

"I-I..." words were caught in Felix's throat. "Promise y-you won't judge me?"

"I promise. I would never judge you for anything."

Felix takes another deep breath, "Prince Chan and I," he begins, "We have feelings for each other."

The elder closes his eyes shut after his confession, scared to see his best friend's reaction. Felix hears small chuckles come from his friend as he slowly opens his eyes. Seungmin sat there with a wide smile on his face.

"It was about time," the younger laughs.


"Well, ever since the two of you met, you've been all over each other. It was about time you both confess."

Felix raises a brow, "So you're not mad? Or disgusted?"

"Why would I be?" Seungmin frowns. "I'm proud of you. You've been so brave, Lix."

Felix smiles, "All thanks to you, matchmaker. For inviting me to the castle on the day of the ball and getting me a job in the castle. Chan and I wouldn't have made it if it weren't for you."

"Well, I'm flattered," Seungmin chuckles. "But I've got something to confess as well."

Felix nods, encouraging the younger to go on. "Tell me whatever's bothering you."

"You know Prince Hwang right?"

"Of course, he visits the castle often. I've seen him a couple of times myself," Felix says. "He's tall, handsome. His blonde hair suits him too perfectly, it just proves that God has his favourites."

"Stop gawking about him, you have Prince Chan for that," Seungmin pouts.

Felix laughs, "Sorry, you can continue."

"So, Prince Hyunjin...." Seungmin takes a deep breath, "....has feelings for me."

Felix's eyes widen but a huge smile forms on his lips right afterwards. "That's amazing Seungie! You're so lucky to have such a handsome man like you, not that Chan isn't handsome. In fact, Prince Chan is quite good-looking that sometimes I can't take my eyes off of him-"

"Stop ranting!" Seungmin scolds the other. "You didn't let me finish."

"Sorry, sorry!"

Seungmin clears his throat, "I might have feelings for Prince Hwang as well. I don't know if that's the right thing to do."

Felix sighs, "I'm going to tell you what Jeongin advised me," he says. "Love is love, Seungie. Follow your heart, do what it tells you. Don't think about others."

Seungmin giggles, "Can't believe you took advice from Jeongin."

"Hey! Innie gives great advice!" Felix pouts making Seungmin laugh at the sight.

"Thank you," Seungmin tells him. "For supporting me."

"That's what best friends are for."

Seungmin smiles as he glances at the clock. "It's getting late, we should head to the castle."

"Sure, let's go together."


CHAN ran around the castle in search of Felix. He had missed the younger too much. (Although it had just been a night). Chan made his way to the kitchen for the third time that morning, hoping that Felix would be there by now.

And there he was, alone, struggling to tie his apron. Chan smiles and walks in, as he confirms that there was no one in the room besides them.

"Good morning, love," Chan gives Felix a back hug. The younger tenses at the sudden contact but relaxes once he realizes who it is.

"Good morning."

"I was searching for you," Chan tells Felix once he lets go of the younger male.

"Seungmin and I ran a little late," Felix says. "I'm sorry."

Chan brings his hand to Felix's cheek and gently caresses it, "Don't apologize, I'm just glad you're here now."

Felix's face heats up at his words and a bright red blush decorates his cheeks.

"Do you need help with the apron?" Chan asks all of sudden, breaking Felix from his thoughts.

"I do, yes."

Chan turns Felix around and grabs the ribbons to tie his apron. The prince's fingers graze over Felix's lower back which sends shivers down his spine. Once Chan was done tying the apron, he smiles at his accomplishment.

"All done."

"Thank you," Felix smiles.

Chan moves closer to Felix and holds him by his waist, pulling him closer so that their chests were touching.

"Will you be busy after this?" Chan asks, his voice deep and low making Felix gulp, "Yes, it's my turn to cook for the staff today."

Chan frowns, "That's unfortunate. I was hoping to spend the day with you."

Felix sighs, "I'm sorry to disappoint you," he says, "But I'm done with all my work before sunset."

"Is that so? Then before sunset, I'll be waiting for you at the porch where we first met. Will you come?"

"Of course," Felix gives Chan a small smile. The prince leans in and captures the younger's lips in a kiss, catching the younger by surprise.

Minutes later, they're both kissing their hearts out. The feeling of their lips pressed together made them feel euphoric.

They would have continued kissing if it wasn't for a series of coughs interrupting them.

┈─────── ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

A cliffhanger, whoops?

Anyway, my exams start in a week, y'all :(

Don't worry though, I'll still be updating because I have quite a few chapters already pre-written.

So, yay!

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