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CHANGBIN took a sip of his coffee, letting the warm liquid travel down his throat. He lets out a sigh. What was taking Hyunjin so long? As if on cue, he hears faint knocks on his door.

Hyunjin's head peaks through the door and he's wearing his stupidly gorgeous smile. Changbin gestures him to come in and take a seat beside him.

"Would you like a cup of coffee?"

Hyunjin nods, "Without milk, please. I like it plain."

Changbin scoffs but nevertheless, he pours the drink of the devil and hands it over to Hyunjin.

"How are you, Hyunjin-ah?"

"I'm all good. How about you, hyung?"

"I'm doing great. But that's not what we're here to discuss."

"Now tell me," the younger takes a sip of his coffee, "Why did you invite me? Any special occasion or did you just want something from me?"

The older laughs, "You know just what I want, Hyunjin-ah." Changbin makes his way to Hyunjin's seat and stands right in front of the younger.

"Do you perhaps know, a gentleman named Felix? What is his relationship with Chan?"

Hyunjin visibly gulps. How did Changbin come to know about him? Chan had told Hyunjin about Felix not so long ago, but then again, why was Changbin interested in the commoner?

"I-I don't know who you're talking about," the younger decides to answer.

"Don't lie to me."

"I'm not!"

"I can tell you're lying by looking at your ears. They go red every time you lie," Changbin laughs. "I've been your friend for ten years, how would I not notice that?"

"B-But," Hyunjin couldn't put his words into sentences.

"No buts. You tell me about Felix or I'll let out your secret to your parents."

"W-What secret?"

"About Seungmin of course. I know what goes on in the Bang Castle. I have an insider there," Changbin smirks. "So don't you dare hide anything from me."

Hyunjin was now on the verge of breaking down. He didn't want to betray his friend but he neither wanted his secret about Seungmin to be exposed.

"Fine, okay. I-I'll tell about Felix."

"Good boy."

"F-Felix. He is just a commoner who is close to Seungmin. Felix was invited to the masquerade ball last week and happened to meet Chan hyung by chance," Hyunjin takes a deep breath and continues, "And Chan hyung may or may not have fallen in love with Felix."

Changbin's eyes widen in shock. So that's what it was all about? This was a perfect way to spite Chan. To take what he treasures the most.

Changbin was going to steal Felix for himself. There was no way he was going to lose to Chan again.

"You've been a great help, Hyunjin-ah. You may leave now, your secret is safe with me," Changbin smiles at the younger. "For now."


FELIX was freaking out. Jeongin had been trying to calm him down for the past two hours. They both were currently in the younger's home, in Jeongin's bedroom as Felix was having his breakdown.

"We almost kissed!" Felix exclaims, "I almost kissed the prince, Jeongin!"

"You've been saying the same thing for the past hour, hyung," Jeongin takes a bite of the cake Felix had brought him from the castle. "I think the prince likes you."

"What? No!" Felix waves his hands in the air as to oppose Jeongin's comment. The younger just rolls his eyes at his hyung's behaviour.

"You should be happy. The fact that THE PRINCE likes you is a big deal. You're just blind to the situation."

"He can't like me like that," Felix's voice goes deep, "He's a prince while I'm just a commoner. Besides, we're both men, it's not right."

Jeongin takes Felix's hands in his and gives a soft squeeze, "Love is love, hyung. Gender doesn't matter. If you love the prince and if he loves you back, you both deserve to be happy together."

"You really think so?"

"Yes. I would be your number one supporter," Jeongin smiles.

"But the society, Innie," Felix continues, "They would never accept me."

"Don't bother about other people," the younger implements. "Do you have genuine feelings for the prince?"

There was a moment of silence.

"Yes. I think I do."

"Well?" Jeongin says, "Let the prince know of your feelings. I'm one hundred per cent sure he likes you back based on all the incidents you've told me."

Felix nods and engulfs Jeongin in a hug, burying his face into the younger's neck. "Thank you for your advice, Innie."

"Anything for you, hyung," says Jeongin. "Just don't forget to tell prince Chan about me!"

Felix laughs, "Of course, darling. I'll tell him all the good things about you."

┈─────── ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

I'll probably give you guys an update tomorrow as well, so look forward to it!

Hope you guys liked this chapter, thanks for all the support!

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