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CHAN had never baked before. Hell, he had never entered a kitchen before. He was not familiar with anything regarding cooking and Felix watched him with a pitiful expression.

"I'll help you," the younger gently takes the bowl from the prince. Felix then cracks two eggs, puts them into the bowl and pulls out a whisk. He hands the bowl back to Chan with the whisk. "All you have to do is stir it until it becomes the right consistency. You can do that, can't you?"

"O-Of course. Leave it to me," Chan assured the younger. He was not really sure on how this was done. Whisking eggs should be easy Chan, he tells himself. Don't embarrass yourself.

After a few minutes of whisking, Chan's arm turns sore. Felix notices this and gently holds the other's arm. He presses onto it, giving Chan a slight massage to ease the pain. The prince was too shocked to move or say anything and just let the younger do what he wanted to.

"Why didn't you take a little break while I finish up the frosting?" Felix asks the prince, who nods softly with a smile. Chan watches Felix intently. He observes how much effort the younger puts into cooking. Chan watched how cute the latter looked when he was concentrating.

When Felix was done, he scoops some of the frosting with a spoon and brings it to Chan's mouth. "Taste and tell me if it's sweet enough."

With one gulp, Chan devours the frosting and enjoys the sensation of it melting in his mouth.

"It's perfect."

"I'm glad," Felix rests the mixture and continues to prepare the batter Chan had left off. The prince was ready to help again so he stood by Felix's side. The younger hands him all the ingredients and Chan puts all of them in the bowl in the right amount. He whisks them with immense speed, erupting little giggles from the younger.

And while doing so, Chan knocks over a bag of flour. Making the white powder spread across the room and onto their faces. They look at each other with shocked faces but seconds later, laughter erupts from both their lips. In a sense of childishness, Felix grabs some more flour from the bag and throws it on Chan's face.

"So we're doing this, huh? Let's go!"

The both of them take turns throwing small amounts of flour on each other. Felix tries escaping Chan's aim but it's to no avail. After minutes of chasing the younger around, the prince finally gets a hold of the commoner in his arms. Both of them laughing their hearts out.

"You caught me," Felix giggles looking at Chan's face with a smile. "I did."

Their laughter dies down as they stared at each other's faces. Chan's grasp on Felix's waist becomes tighter. The commoner holds onto Chan's arms as he gazes into his eyes. The prince might just kiss him. Felix's stunning eyes never failed to leave him in awe. He felt like he could stare into those gorgeous little orbs forever.

If it were anyone else, Chan would've felt uncomfortable in this position but with Felix, it felt just right. Their hearts were pounding fast, their eyes were fixed on one another. And this is when Felix leans in, making Chan as nervous as possible. So the prince does the same as they both lean in, leaving a finger's gap between their faces.

Felix could feel the other's breath on his lips and that's when he comes back to reality. Felix shouldn't be kissing the prince. The commoner slowly backs away leaving Chan in a confused look. The prince then immediately gets the idea of the situation and releases Felix from his arms.

"We should get back to the cake," Felix says and Chan simply nods. So while the commoner gets back to his work, Chan is left to think about what just happened. He brushes his thoughts away and focuses on helping Felix with the cake.

"All we have to do is put it the oven and we're done!"

Chan smiles at the younger's enthusiasm and nods. While they wait for the cake to bake, they clean up the mess in the kitchen. Starting from the counters all the way to the floor. Chan didn't mind one bit. Although he was a prince, cleaning never seemed to tire him out. Especially when he was doing it with the beautiful male beside him.

Finally, the cake was done. Felix carefully applied the frosting to cover the cake inside and out. He added a few strawberries and other fruit as toppings and he finally served it on a plate. Chan was in awe. The cake looked wonderful. Maybe not as professional-looking but it surely looked pleasing to the eye. Felix hands over a spoon to Chan, gesturing him to dig in.

And so he did. The cake's texture was marvellous, the frosting and fruits going perfectly in balance with each other. Felix had done a splendid job. "It's amazing. You really are a wonderful cook."

"Oh, stop it. I'm just average," Felix tells the other. Chan shakes his head in disapproval. "Stop degrading yourself, the cake is phenomenal."

"Well, thank you then. I'm glad you liked it," the younger can't help but smile, "I couldn't have done it without your help."

Felix then takes a spoon himself and tastes the cake. He smiles at how well the cake had come out. Felix was proud of himself and Chan's compliments just seemed to keep his hopes higher.

"Can I take some for my brother? I'm sure he would love it," Chan asks and receives enthusiastic nods from Felix.

"Of course. The more the merrier," Felix chuckles. "I'll give some to Seungmin as well."

Felix packs the remaining cake into various containers. Chan wanted to give some to his brother while Felix saves some for Seungmin and Jeongin.

"Thank you for today. I really enjoyed my time with you," says Chan. A smile permanent on both their faces.

"I'd have to thank you for taking your time to spend it with just a commoner like me."

"You're not just a commoner to me. You're my special person. Although this is just the third time we met, you have a special place in my heart. I hope you know that," Chan watches Felix's eyes turn glossy.

"No o-one's ever s-said that to me before," Felix stutters. Tears fall from his eyes but he forces a smile onto his face. "Thank you, it means a lot."

Chan rushes up to the younger and wipes of all the tears. "Don't cry, love. You deserve the world and everything good in it," he says pulling the younger into a hug.

Felix's heart was beating so fast. He had never received this kind of affection before. For the first time, Felix felt safe. Safe in the arms of the prince. The pair of arms he wanted to stay in forever. Where he could be protected.

"I-It's quite late. I've g-got to get home now. I'll see you around, my prince. Good night," Felix says as breaks away from the prince's embrace.

"Good night, Felix."

But before Felix could leave the prince's side, he plants a peck on Chan's cheek. And immediately, Felix grabs his containers of cake and rushes out of the kitchen. Leaving a flustered Chan holding onto his cheek with a bright red blush.

┈─────── ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-


Welp, they almost kissed.

Anyway, happy new year everyone!

Hope 2021 treats us better than last year and I hope all of your wishes come true!

Thank you for supporting this story till here, it is very appreciated.

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