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CHAN woke up to the fresh smell of pancakes, the aroma filling his nostrils and that's what gets him out of bed as he trudged to the kitchen drowsily.

He squints his eyes at the sudden brightness and when he finally opens his eyes completely, he spots Felix at the kitchen counter.

He was wearing an apron-- with cute little strawberries on it-- over his pyjamas. Felix still had a bedhead but his face was bright as ever.

"What a sight to wake up to," Chan slurred, still a little sleepy. "Morning, gorgeous."

Felix smiles at Chan's cute morning antics, "Good morning, Channie," he flips a pancake, skillfully. "Breakfast is almost ready."

Chan simply hums, walking towards Felix and gently wrapping his arms around the younger's waist, resting his chin over his shoulder as he peers over to watch Felix cook.

"You're too good at this. Just like a professional."

"Am I really?" Felix loved compliments. Especially if they were from Chan.

"Yes," Chan replies. "If it were me, I would have burned down this house in no time."

"But the cake you baked yesterday was really good," Felix answers.

"That was because you taught me to bake," Chan smiles. "I still remember that day so vividly."

"Me too," Felix says, chuckling. "We almost kissed after our flour fight, how could I ever forget that."

"You know," Chan continues. "I would have kissed you if you didn't back away."

"And I would have kissed you back if I wasn't such a coward," Felix giggles. "The past is the past. Let me focus on the pancakes now."

"Too much butter, love," Chan complains. "Are you trying to fatten me up?"

Felix giggles brightly, "A big breakfast won't do you any harm."

"Alright," Chan smiles. "I'll eat your buttered pancakes only if you feed them to me."

"You're a big baby," Felix chuckled. "But if that's what you want, that's what we'll do."

"God, I love you so much," Chan placed soft kisses onto Felix's neck. "I swear you're an angel sent from heaven."

Felix paused all that he was doing and turned around. "Keep sweet-talking like that and I just might kiss you forever."

"What's stopping you?" Chan moves closer by an inch, lips hovering over the younger's. They could feel each other's warm breaths.

"You didn't brush your teeth yet, silly," Felix smiled, ruffling Chan's hair as he turns back around and continues making pancakes as though nothing had happened.

Chan just stood there astonished. This didn't go the way he expected it would. He never knew Felix was capable of this.

"You're going to be the death of me someday," Chan muttered under his breath as he backs away and makes his way to the bathroom.

"I'll shower you with hugs and kisses later, don't frown!" Felix called out as he watched Chan walk away from him.

"I'll hold you onto that," Chan says in a threatening tone but Felix just finds him adorable. "Don't go back on your word."

"I won't," Felix laughed. "Now go or I'll start eating without you."

"You wouldn't," Chan gasped dramatically.

"Oh, I would."


FELIX combed through Chan's hair as the prince laid between his legs, reading a book. It was at these times where Felix truly wondered who was the older one among them because Chan seemed to love being babied.

"Having fun, my prince?"

Chan looks up at his lover with a sluggish smile and hums, "I've never been so happy like this before."

"Oh, honey," Felix placed a kiss on his forehead gently. "I'll be sure to make you happy like this every single day."

Chan tilts his head sideways and grabs the back of Felix's neck, pulling him into a deep kiss. Felix obliges, kissing him back immediately.

"How do you know when you're in love?" Chan asks once they pull apart, looking deep into Felix's eyes.

Felix thought for a moment. He wanted to give Chan a perfect answer. When he does, Felix smiles brightly, "When it hurts, but you still want to stay."

"When you broke it off with me," Felix continues when Chan doesn't answer. He lowers his voice into a hushed tone. "I almost went crazy. I was so hurt but I still loved you with my whole heart."

A tear falls from Felix's eye, landing on Chan's cheek. "You were so loving and kind that the thought of not being by your side drove me insane."

Chan sat up straight and turned around to face his lover. "What I did was unforgivable, love. I'd apologize to you a million times but it still wouldn't make up for it."

"Channie. As I said before," Felix's lips curve into a small smile as he reached forward to cup Chan's face in his hands. "The past is in the past and I wasn't the only one hurting. You were too."

"I must have saved a whole nation in my last life to have you in this one," Chan says softly. "How are you so selfless? This world doesn't deserve you."

"If we continue this talk we'll be both end up sobbing for hours," Felix smiles. "Let's not dwell on this any longer, okay?"

"Alright, love," Chan says as Felix leans in to place a chaste kiss on his lover's lips.

"Seungmin said he was leaving today," Felix says, standing up from the ground. "I want to make him some brownies to send him off, would you like to help me bake them?"

Chan grins, "Of course."

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Don't we all love some domestic chanlix?

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