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FELIX tapped his feet nervously. Seungmin had said he'd come home to deliver news about the job at the castle and Felix couldn't be more curious. It was already nine in the night, Seungmin should've been here by now.

And as if on cue, Felix hears faint knocks come from his door. He sprints his way to the front door and jarred it open. There stands Seungmin with the biggest smile on his face.

"You're hired, Lix!"

That was all it took for Felix to tackle Seungmin in the tightest hug, whispering a series of 'thank you's' into the younger's ear.

When they pull apart, Seungmin speaks up, "You start tomorrow. You've got to be in the castle at seven in the morning. You don't have to cook anything extravagant, you'll be a sous chef which means your superior will only ask you chop up some vegetables and so on."

"That's fine by me. Thanks a lot, Min. What would I do without you?" Felix says dramatically making Seungmin roll his eyes and the other.

"Yes, yes. Just don't forget me when you're spending all your time with the prince."

Felix chuckles, smiling wide at Seungmin, "I would never. You're my best friend, of course."

"That I am," Seungmin laughs, "I've got to get back to the castle now. See you tomorrow, Lix. Don't forget, seven in the morn."

"Of course. Thanks for everything. Good night!" Felix exclaims, waving his friend goodbye. Once he leaves, he makes his way to his bed, laying there as he prays for the next morning to arrive sooner.


CHAN was having the lousiest day. Nothing was going well for him. First, he dropped his breakfast onto himself in the morning, resulting in scowl looks from his father.

Second, Seungmin was barely around to help him with stuff, so all his work took twice the time to complete.

Third, he just misses Felix, the pretty boy with pretty eyes. The probable love of his life if Chan was planning to be dramatic.

He walked around the hallways not knowing what to do. Perhaps he could spend some time with Minho? Well, he's probably playing with his cats, Chan thought. Maybe he could go and practice some archery? No, it was raining outside.

"Prince Chan!"

Chan turns his head towards the shout and his eyes widen at the sight. It was Felix, dressed in white, with a floral apron tied around his waist. He had flour stains on his face and soup stains on his apron. His hair was dishevelled but he looked adorable nevertheless.

"Felix? What are you doing here?"

The commoner runs up to the prince, flashing the older the biggest smile, "I have a job here as a chef! I can see your highness every day now."

It was Chan's turn to smile, "That's wonderful," he says, "But please drop the formalities, just call me Chan."

"Okay, alright Chan"

Felix reaches into his pocket and pulls out something covered in a cloth. He opens it to reveal a biscuit, freshly baked. The aroma filling Chan's nose immediately.

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