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CHAN sat on the counter-top with a smile on his face as he watched Felix prepare steamed vegetables. The older could stare at the other all day and he would never get tired of it.

Ever since that day where Felix kissed Chan on his cheek, the prince's head was always filled with thoughts of the younger male.

"You've been here for hours. Don't you have other things to do? Watching me cook isn't exactly entertaining, I presume?"

Chan laughs heartily, "Are you tired of me already?"

Felix frowns and faces the prince, "Of course not. I was just wondering if you were even interested in spending time with me."

"You're the most interesting person I've met. So don't worry about making me feel bored," Chan smiles as he watches Felix's cheeks heat up at his words.

"I'm glad you feel that way," Felix says. He finishes with the vegetables and keeps them in a container.

Felix dries the sweat off his forehead and he takes off his apron, keeping it back in a cupboard. The younger male then takes a seat on the counter-top, right beside Chan.

"You know," Felix starts dangling his legs, "I never once thought that I would ever be acquaintances with the prince. I've only ever admired you from afar."

"Well, I'm glad we met," Chan tells the younger, "Because you're probably my favourite person."

A bright red blush creeps onto the younger's cheeks, which goes unnoticed by Chan.

The prince hops off the counter and stations himself in front of the commoner.

"I just noticed your freckles," Chan scoots closer and places himself in between the other's legs, making Felix gulp in nervousness at their current position.

"I-I usually cover them up," Felix tells the prince, "I'm not exactly proud of them."

Chan's hands were now on either side of Felix's thighs, as he leaned in closer to have a better look at the younger's freckles.

"Don't cover them up," the prince says, "They look beautiful."

Chan lets his thumb graze the other's cheek softly, admiring all his features. Felix stays still, too shocked to move. The prince's simple touch sent sparks down his spine.



"Can I kiss you?"

Felix's eyes widen in surprise. Was the prince really asking to kiss him? So what Jeongin said was true after all.

"You don't really have to agree if you're not comfortable. I'm not forcing you in any way, I just felt like-"

"Yes," Felix cuts Chan off.

"Yes, what?"

"Yes, you can kiss me."

Chan's worried expression turns into a happy one. He leans forward and captures the younger's lips in a soft kiss. Felix's eyes flutter close on instinct and all he feels is butterflies swarming his stomach.

Chan smiles into the kiss when he feels Felix kiss him back with the same enthusiasm. In a sense of experimentation and a sudden act of boldness, Chan tilts his head to the side, his mouth slotting perfectly against Felix's and it's so much better, so much wonderful than he expected it to be.

Felix sighs in content and tilts his head a little as well, and he opens his mouth, catching the older's bottom lip between his and suddenly their lips are moving, and it's making them dizzy and lightheaded but it feels like they're in cloud nine.

They kiss for what seemed like an eternity, until they finally break apart to catch their breaths, leaning their foreheads against each other's.

"I guess it's time to tell you how I feel."

Felix and Chan back away from each other but the prince gently holds the younger's hands in his.

The older scans Felix's face, who has a deep blush decorating his cheeks, which made him look as beautiful as ever.

"I like you, Felix," Chan begins. "Ever since I laid my eyes on you. You were so different and that's what attracted me to you. Your selfless, giving nature was what made me fall for you even more."

Felix smiles at Chan's words and gives the prince's hands a gentle squeeze, somehow assuring him that the younger felt the same.

"I like you too, my prince," Felix says, "Who wouldn't? You're everything I've ever wanted in a partner. You're so sweet and so kind to me, how could I not fall for you?"

Chan feels satisfied listening to the other's words. His heart swelled knowing that Felix returns his feelings. The prince's love wasn't one-sided anymore.

"I was honestly so scared you'd reject me," Chan laughs.

"I would never. My liking for you is too much."

Chan smiles and holds Felix's face in his hands, leaning in and placing a swift kiss onto the younger's lips. They were just too hard to resist.

"You're so beautiful," Chan says in a low tone. "I'm scared people might steal you away from me."

"Don't worry my prince, I only have my eyes set for you."

Chan chuckles and wraps his arms around the younger's waist. He buries his face into Felix's chest as he tightens the grip on his waist.

Felix hugs the older back, resting his arms around the prince's shoulders.

Chan's hair tickles Felix's neck which erupts little giggles from the younger as he places a firm kiss on the older's head.

Both of them were happy, their hearts content, and they were safe in each other's arms.

What they didn't know was that someone was watching their every expression and action.

┈─────── ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

I'm updating from a hotel room because I'm practically dying of boredom lol.

Chanlix kissed!

Anyway, hope you guys liked this chapter. I love you!

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