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SEUNGMIN was already tired. He had been extremely busy setting up things for Chan and his friends, who were coming over today. Prince Hyunjin and Prince Jisung had been to the palace often so the sudden meeting was no surprise to Seungmin, but what he couldn't stand was Hyunjin's shameless flirting, every time he came over. 

The butler was fed up with the Hwang prince but he knows he can't do anything about it. "The tables are all set, your highness," the butler says and Chan smiles in return, "Thank you so much, Min. Do you want to join us today? Minho will be here and he might feel a little out-of-place, I'd like it if you kept him some company."

Seungmin ponders over it for a moment before simply nodding in agreement, "Great! Thanks, Min. I owe you one, " Chan says before happily walking over to the banquet table, taking a seat, because all he could do right now was wait for the prince to arrive.

In just a few minutes, two royally, large chariots arrive. Both the princes, with grand clothes, expensive jewellery, and tons of gifts made their way into the castle along with their respective escorts. Along with being Chan's personal butler, Seungmin was also responsible for welcoming guests and visitors at the entrance.

So there he was, at the front door, watching Hyunjin and Jisung strut their way into the castle. Seungmin scoffs in disgust, he despised it when royalty was so full of themselves. The butler focused his gaze on the Hwang Prince, who sends him a playful wink in return. Seungmin then turns his head to watch Jisung, who smiled at him warmly. Maybe, the butler thought, maybe Prince Han wasn't so bad after all.

"Welcome, gentlemen, Prince Bang is waiting for you at the banquet table," Seungmin greets them and gestures them enter inside. "Prince Lee will be joining you for the meal as well."

"Minho hyung is coming? That's a surprise," exclaimed Hyunjin, and Jisung has a bright smile on his face. "I think it's great that he's finally willing to talk and eat with us."

The princes, along with Seungmin by their side, make their way to the banquet table as they watch Minho and Chan conversing quietly between themselves. Upon seeing their arrival, Chan's smile widens as he welcomes the guests warmly. Minho, on the other hand, clearly looked uncomfortable. Seungmin noticed it, of course, and slowly made his way to the prince.

"Just talk to them, your highness. Don't be so shy, this is not how a prince is supposed to be," Seungmin tells the quiet male who scoffs at him. "I was never supposed to be a prince, Seungmin, the king simply took pity on me and made me live in the castle after mother passed away, but you know all this, don't you?"

The butler isn't affected by the prince's harsh words and quietly walks away as he stands at the far end of the banquet table, waiting for the guests to take their seats so that the food is served to them. Jisung sneakily, but not so shyly, makes himself comfortable on the chair next to the adopted prince. 

Seungmin watches Jisung try to start a conversation with the other and is surprised to see Minho eagerly engaging in the conversation and he notices a small smile forming on his lips. On the other side of the table, Chan and Hyunjin looked like they were spilling some gossip to each other. The dramatic look on Hyunjin's face said it all.


JISUNG couldn't be happier. He had never seen the silent prince talk more than a few words, but now, they were having a full, engaged conversation. Minho didn't look bored either, rather, he looked as if he was interested in their discussion when all they were discussing were chariots. They were talking about the different kinds of chariots, their personal favourites, the horses they preferred.

Prince Han watched the shine in the other's eyes as he was speaking, he loved how they sparkled like there were stars in them. Jisung watched how his brows furrowed when he was thinking about something. Admiration was all Jisung felt for Minho, and he knew it was wrong. He wasn't supposed to see the prince in such a way. At least, that's what he was told, by his parents. Feeling this way towards the same gender is wrong, was what his parents emphasized.

"Are you alright? You look distracted," Minho asks in a soft, concerning voice. Jisung comes into his sense and shakes his head as a 'no'. Minho accepts the answer and excuses himself, telling the other that it was time for him to feed his cats. Jisung debates within himself whether he should follow the other male or not and he decides on the latter, not wanting to invade the prince's privacy.

"You look lovestruck Sungie, have a thing for the Lee prince?" Hyunjin mocks. Jisung widens his eyes and Chan gasps loudly. "W-What do you mean? Minho is a man, I'm a man. Why would I have a thing for him?"

"Hyunjin, think twice before speaking," Chan speaks with a stern voice.

"Listen, both of you. There's nothing wrong with feeling this way towards the same gender. I'll let you in on a little secret... " Hyunjin leans in closer to whisper, ".... I'm in love with Seungmin and I don't think there's anything wrong about it."

Chan's jaw drops open and Jisung is struck by surprise.

"My b-butler? Seungmin?"

"Shush! Don't let him hear."

"Hyunjin... since when?" Chan questions out of curiosity. Hyunjin thinks for a while, "I think it was last year when I heard him sing in his quarters, I'd fallen head over heels."

"What about your parents? Are they aware?" asks Jisung for which Hyunjin shakes his head, "You both are the first to know," he says with a smile.

"I have a confession too," Chan speaks up, and both their heads turn towards him. "I like men. The same way Hyunjin likes Seungmin."

There was a brief moment of silence.

"What... made you realize?" Jisung asks. Chan snickers, "I wasn't sure about it until yesterday."

"The ball? What happened there?" questions Hyunjin. A smile forms on Chan's lips as he recalls yesterday's events.

"Well, this is how it went.... "

┈─────── ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-


Changbin will make his cameo in the next chapter and I'm sure you guys won't be fond of his character.

Sorry not Sorry, hehe!

Anyway, hope you guys like this chapter. The next update will be on the weekend.

Vote and comment! Thanks for reading.

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